Function Join-Uri { <# .SYNOPSIS Joins two URI segments into a single absolute one .PARAMETER BaseUri The first URI segment .PARAMETER RelativeUri The second URI segment .EXAMPLE Join-Uri "" "path/to/page" .INPUTS The first URI segment can be piped in by type .OUTPUTS [string] The absolute Uri generated from the given segments #> param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1 )] [string] $BaseUri, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 2 )] [string] $RelativeUri ) (New-Object -TypeName 'System.Uri' -ArgumentList ([System.Uri]$BaseUri), $RelativeUri).AbsoluteUri } Function Invoke-ProGetApi { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes the given API endpoint using an existing session .DESCRIPTION This function is a small wrapper for sending REST requests to the ProGet Web API. It uses the connection and authentication information from an existing ProGetSession object (see New-ProgetSession) and sends a request to the given endpoint with the (optional) given payload. The return value comes directly from the Powershell Invoke-RestMethod function. .PARAMETER Session An existing ProGetSession object used to connect to the API .PARAMETER EndPoint The API endpoint to send the request to .PARAMETER Method The type of HTTP request to use (defaults to GET) .PARAMETER ContentType The content type of the given payload (defaults to Json) .PARAMETER Data The payload to send to the endpoint. If the content type is set to JSON, the passed value should be a Powershell object which will be converted into JSON before being sent. .PARAMETER InFile The file to send to the endpoint as a payload. Overrides anything set within the Data parameter. .PARAMETER Transform An optional script block that, if present, will be applied to every object that is returned from the API call. This is typically used to turn the JSON response object into something more useful. .EXAMPLE $json = Invoke-ProGetApi -Session $Session -Endpoint '/api/management/feeds/list' .INPUTS The session can be piped in by type .OUTPUTS [object[]] The response from the API #> param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1 )] [ProGetSession] $Session, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 2 )] [string] $EndPoint, [string] $Method = 'GET', [string] $ContentType = 'application/json', [object] $Data, [string] $InFile, [string] $OutFile, [scriptblock] $Transform ) if ($ContentType -eq 'application/json') { $Data = ConvertTo-Json $Data -Depth 3 } $headers = @{ 'X-ApiKey' = $Session.ApiToken } $params = @{ Method = $Method Uri = Join-Uri $Session.Address $EndPoint ContentType = $ContentType Headers = $headers } if ($InFile) { $params['InFile'] = $InFile } elseif ($Data) { $params['Body'] = $Data } if ($OutFile) { $params['OutFile'] = $OutFile } $result = Invoke-RestMethod @params if ($Transform) { $result | ForEach-Object { $Transform.Invoke($_) } } else { $result } } |