.SYNOPSIS perforce tab completion for windows powershell .DESCRIPTION posh-p4 Module: Bring tab auto completion (/tab expansion) for windows powershell. type p4, press tab, auto complete is there .NOTES Author: Frederic ROUSSEAU #> #list of p4 commands $script:p4Cmd = @( 'add' 'annotate' 'attribute' 'branch' 'branches' 'change' 'changes' 'changelist' 'changelists' 'clean' 'client' 'clients' 'copy' 'counter' 'counters' 'cstat' 'delete' 'depot' 'depots' 'describe' 'diff' 'diff2' 'dirs' 'edit' 'filelog' 'files' 'fix' 'fixes' 'flush' 'fstat' 'grep' 'group' 'groups' 'have' 'help' 'info' 'integrate' 'integrated' 'interchanges' 'istat' 'job' 'jobs' 'key' 'keys' 'label' 'labels' 'labelsync' 'list' 'lock' 'logger' 'login' 'logout' 'merge' 'move' 'opened' 'passwd' 'populate' 'print' 'protect' 'protects' 'prune' 'rec' 'reconcile' 'rename' 'reopen' 'resolve' 'resolved' 'revert' 'review' 'reviews' 'set' 'shelve' 'status' 'sizes' 'stream' 'streams' 'submit' 'sync' 'tag' 'tickets' 'unlock' 'unshelve' 'update' 'user' 'users' 'where' 'workspace' 'workspaces' ) #powershell function to act on tab key function TabExpansion($line, $lastWord) { $lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart() $words = $lastBlock.Split(' ') #we only care about commands that start with "p4 " if ($words[0] -eq "p4") { # give tab completion for p4 <tab> and p4 help <tab> if ($words.length -eq 2 -or (($words.length -eq 3) -and ($words[1] -eq "help")) ) { #match also p4 <letter><tab> return $script:p4Cmd | ? { $_ -like "$lastWord*" } } } } |