param([bool]$ForcePoshGitPrompt, [bool]$UseLegacyTabExpansion) . $PSScriptRoot\CheckRequirements.ps1 > $null . $PSScriptRoot\ConsoleMode.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\Utils.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\AnsiUtils.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\WindowTitle.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\PoshGitTypes.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\GitUtils.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\GitPrompt.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\GitParamTabExpansion.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\GitTabExpansion.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\TortoiseGit.ps1 $IsAdmin = Test-Administrator # Get the default prompt definition. $initialSessionState = [Runspace]::DefaultRunspace.InitialSessionState if (!$initialSessionState.Commands -or !$initialSessionState.Commands['prompt']) { $defaultPromptDef = "`$(if (test-path variable:/PSDebugContext) { '[DBG]: ' } else { '' }) + 'PS ' + `$(Get-Location) + `$(if (`$nestedpromptlevel -ge 1) { '>>' }) + '> '" } else { $defaultPromptDef = $initialSessionState.Commands['prompt'].Definition } # The built-in posh-git prompt function in ScriptBlock form. $GitPromptScriptBlock = { $origDollarQuestion = $global:? $origLastExitCode = $global:LASTEXITCODE if (!$global:GitPromptValues) { $global:GitPromptValues = [PoshGitPromptValues]::new() } $global:GitPromptValues.DollarQuestion = $origDollarQuestion $global:GitPromptValues.LastExitCode = $origLastExitCode $global:GitPromptValues.IsAdmin = $IsAdmin $settings = $global:GitPromptSettings if (!$settings) { return "<`$GitPromptSettings not found> " } if ($settings.DefaultPromptEnableTiming) { $sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } if ($settings.SetEnvColumns) { # Set COLUMNS so git knows how wide the terminal is $Env:COLUMNS = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width } # Construct/write the prompt text $prompt = '' # Write default prompt prefix $prompt += Write-Prompt $settings.DefaultPromptPrefix.Expand() # Get the current path - formatted correctly $promptPath = $settings.DefaultPromptPath.Expand() # Write the path and Git status summary information if ($settings.DefaultPromptWriteStatusFirst) { $prompt += Write-VcsStatus $prompt += Write-Prompt $promptPath } else { $prompt += Write-Prompt $promptPath $prompt += Write-VcsStatus } # Write default prompt before suffix text $prompt += Write-Prompt $settings.DefaultPromptBeforeSuffix.Expand() # If stopped in the debugger, the prompt needs to indicate that by writing default propmt debug if ((Test-Path Variable:/PSDebugContext) -or [runspace]::DefaultRunspace.Debugger.InBreakpoint) { $prompt += Write-Prompt $settings.DefaultPromptDebug.Expand() } # Get the prompt suffix text $promptSuffix = $settings.DefaultPromptSuffix.Expand() # When using Write-Host, we return a single space from this function to prevent PowerShell from displaying "PS>" # So to avoid two spaces at the end of the suffix, remove one here if it exists if (!$settings.AnsiConsole -and $promptSuffix.Text.EndsWith(' ')) { $promptSuffix.Text = $promptSuffix.Text.Substring(0, $promptSuffix.Text.Length - 1) } # This has to be *after* the call to Write-VcsStatus, which populates $global:GitStatus Set-WindowTitle $global:GitStatus $IsAdmin # If prompt timing enabled, write elapsed milliseconds if ($settings.DefaultPromptEnableTiming) { $timingInfo = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new($settings.DefaultPromptTimingFormat) $sw.Stop() $timingInfo.Text = $timingInfo.Text -f $sw.ElapsedMilliseconds $prompt += Write-Prompt $timingInfo } $prompt += Write-Prompt $promptSuffix # When using Write-Host, return at least a space to avoid "PS>" being unexpectedly displayed if (!$settings.AnsiConsole) { $prompt += " " } else { # If using ANSI, set this global to help debug ANSI issues $global:GitPromptValues.LastPrompt = EscapeAnsiString $prompt } $global:LASTEXITCODE = $origLastExitCode $prompt } $currentPromptDef = if ($funcInfo = Get-Command prompt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $funcInfo.Definition } # If prompt matches pre-0.7 posh-git prompt, ignore it $collapsedLegacyPrompt = '$realLASTEXITCODE = $LASTEXITCODE;Write-Host($pwd.ProviderPath) -nonewline;Write-VcsStatus;$global:LASTEXITCODE = $realLASTEXITCODE;return "> "' if ($currentPromptDef -and (($currentPromptDef.Trim() -replace '[\r\n\t]+\s*',';') -eq $collapsedLegacyPrompt)) { Write-Warning 'Replacing old posh-git prompt. Did you copy profile.example.ps1 into $PROFILE?' $currentPromptDef = $null } if (!$currentPromptDef) { # HACK: If prompt is missing, create a global one we can overwrite with Set-Item function global:prompt { ' ' } } # If there is no prompt function or the prompt function is the default, replace the current prompt function definition if ($ForcePoshGitPrompt -or !$currentPromptDef -or ($currentPromptDef -eq $defaultPromptDef)) { # Set the posh-git prompt as the default prompt Set-Item Function:\prompt -Value $GitPromptScriptBlock } # Install handler for removal/unload of the module $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove = { $global:VcsPromptStatuses = $global:VcsPromptStatuses | Where-Object { $_ -ne $PoshGitVcsPrompt } Reset-WindowTitle # Check if the posh-git prompt function itself has been replaced. If so, do not restore the prompt function $promptDef = if ($funcInfo = Get-Command prompt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { $funcInfo.Definition } if ($promptDef -eq $GitPromptScriptBlock) { Set-Item Function:\prompt -Value ([scriptblock]::Create($defaultPromptDef)) return } Write-Warning 'If your prompt function uses any posh-git commands, it will cause posh-git to be re-imported every time your prompt function is invoked.' } $exportModuleMemberParams = @{ Function = @( 'Add-PoshGitToProfile', 'Expand-GitCommand', 'Format-GitBranchName', 'Get-GitBranchStatusColor', 'Get-GitDirectory', 'Get-GitStatus', 'Get-PromptConnectionInfo', 'Get-PromptPath', 'New-GitPromptSettings', 'Remove-GitBranch', 'Update-AllBranches', 'Write-GitStatus', 'Write-GitBranchName', 'Write-GitBranchStatus', 'Write-GitIndexStatus', 'Write-GitStashCount', 'Write-GitWorkingDirStatus', 'Write-GitWorkingDirStatusSummary', 'Write-Prompt', 'Write-VcsStatus', 'TabExpansion', 'tgit' ) Variable = @( 'GitPromptScriptBlock' ) } Export-ModuleMember @exportModuleMemberParams |