# Color codes from $ConsoleColorToAnsi = @( 30 # Black 34 # DarkBlue 32 # DarkGreen 36 # DarkCyan 31 # DarkRed 35 # DarkMagenta 33 # DarkYellow 37 # Gray 90 # DarkGray 94 # Blue 92 # Green 96 # Cyan 91 # Red 95 # Magenta 93 # Yellow 97 # White ) $AnsiDefaultColor = 39 $AnsiEscape = [char]27 + "[" [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Drawing') > $null $ColorTranslatorType = 'System.Drawing.ColorTranslator' -as [Type] $ColorType = 'System.Drawing.Color' -as [Type] function EscapeAnsiString([string]$AnsiString) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) { $res = $AnsiString -replace "$([char]27)", '`e' } else { $res = $AnsiString -replace "$([char]27)", '$([char]27)' } $res } function Test-VirtualTerminalSequece([psobject[]]$Object, [switch]$Force) { foreach ($obj in $Object) { if (($Force -or $global:GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole) -and ($obj -is [string])) { $obj.Contains($AnsiEscape) } else { $false } } } function Get-VirtualTerminalSequence ($color, [int]$offset = 0) { # Don't output ANSI escape sequences if the `$color` parameter is `$null`, # they would be broken anyway if ($null -eq $color) { return $null; } if ($color -is [byte]) { return "${AnsiEscape}$(38 + $offset);5;${color}m" } if ($color -is [int]) { $r = ($color -shr 16) -band 0xff $g = ($color -shr 8) -band 0xff $b = $color -band 0xff return "${AnsiEscape}$(38 + $offset);2;${r};${g};${b}m" } if ($color -is [String]) { try { if ($ColorTranslatorType) { $color = $ColorTranslatorType::FromHtml($color) } } catch { Write-Debug $_ } # Hard to get here but DarkYellow is not an HTML color but it is a ConsoleColor if (($color -isnot $ColorType) -and ($null -ne ($consoleColor = $color -as [System.ConsoleColor]))) { $color = $consoleColor } } if ($ColorType -and ($color -is $ColorType)) { return "${AnsiEscape}$(38 + $offset);2;$($color.R);$($color.G);$($color.B)m" } if (($color -is [System.ConsoleColor]) -and ($color -ge 0) -and ($color -le 15)) { return "${AnsiEscape}$($ConsoleColorToAnsi[$color] + $offset)m" } return "${AnsiEscape}$($AnsiDefaultColor + $offset)m" } function Get-ForegroundVirtualTerminalSequence($Color) { return Get-VirtualTerminalSequence $Color } function Get-BackgroundVirtualTerminalSequence($Color) { return Get-VirtualTerminalSequence $Color 10 } |