
# Need this variable as long as we support PS v2
$ModuleBasePath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent

# Store error records generated by stderr output when invoking an executable
# This can be accessed from the user's session by executing:
# PS> $m = Get-Module posh-git
# PS> & $m Get-Variable invokeErrors -ValueOnly
$invokeErrors = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList 256

# General Utility Functions

function Invoke-NullCoalescing {
    $result = $null
    foreach ($arg in $args) {
        if ($arg -is [ScriptBlock]) {
            $result = & $arg
        else {
            $result = $arg
        if ($result) { break }

Set-Alias ?? Invoke-NullCoalescing -Force

function Invoke-Utf8ConsoleCommand([ScriptBlock]$cmd) {
    $currentEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding
    $errorCount = $global:Error.Count
    try {
        # A native executable that writes to stderr AND has its stderr redirected will generate non-terminating
        # error records if the user has set $ErrorActionPreference to Stop. Override that value in this scope.
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
        if ($currentEncoding.IsSingleByte) {
            [Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8
        & $cmd
    finally {
        if ($currentEncoding.IsSingleByte) {
            [Console]::OutputEncoding = $currentEncoding

        # Clear out stderr output that was added to the $Error collection, putting those errors in a module variable
        if ($global:Error.Count -gt $errorCount) {
            $numNewErrors = $global:Error.Count - $errorCount
            $invokeErrors.InsertRange(0, $global:Error.GetRange(0, $numNewErrors))
            if ($invokeErrors.Count -gt 256) {
                $invokeErrors.RemoveRange(256, ($invokeErrors.Count - 256))
            $global:Error.RemoveRange(0, $numNewErrors)

function Test-Administrator {
    # PowerShell 5.x only runs on Windows so use .NET types to determine isAdminProcess
    # Or if we are on v6 or higher, check the $IsWindows pre-defined variable.
    if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) -or $IsWindows) {
        $currentUser = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
        return $currentUser.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)

    # Must be Linux or OSX, so use the id util. Root has userid of 0.
    return 0 -eq (id -u)

    Configures your PowerShell profile (startup) script to import the posh-git
    module when PowerShell starts.
    Checks if your PowerShell profile script is not already importing posh-git
    and if not, adds a command to import the posh-git module. This will cause
    PowerShell to load posh-git whenever PowerShell starts.
    By default, this command modifies the CurrentUserCurrentHost profile
    script. By specifying the AllHosts switch, the command updates the
    CurrentUserAllHosts profile (or AllUsersAllHosts, given -AllUsers).
    By default, this command modifies the CurrentUserCurrentHost profile
    script. By specifying the AllUsers switch, the command updates the
    AllUsersCurrentHost profile (or AllUsersAllHosts, given -AllHosts).
    Requires elevated permissions.
    Do not check if the specified profile script is already importing
    posh-git. Just add Import-Module posh-git command.
    PS C:\> Add-PoshGitToProfile
    Updates your profile script for the current PowerShell host to import the
    posh-git module when the current PowerShell host starts.
    PS C:\> Add-PoshGitToProfile -AllHosts
    Updates your profile script for all PowerShell hosts to import the posh-git
    module whenever any PowerShell host starts.

function Add-PoshGitToProfile {




    if ($AllUsers -and !(Test-Administrator)) {
        throw 'Adding posh-git to an AllUsers profile requires an elevated host.'

    $underTest = $false

    $profileName = $(if ($AllUsers) { 'AllUsers' } else { 'CurrentUser' }) `
                 + $(if ($AllHosts) { 'AllHosts' } else { 'CurrentHost' })
    Write-Verbose "`$profileName = '$profileName'"

    $profilePath = $PROFILE.$profileName
    Write-Verbose "`$profilePath = '$profilePath'"

    # Under test, we override some variables using $args as a backdoor.
    if (($TestParams.Count -gt 0) -and ($TestParams[0] -is [string])) {
        $profilePath = [string]$TestParams[0]
        $underTest = $true
        if ($TestParams.Count -gt 1) {
            $ModuleBasePath = [string]$TestParams[1]

    if (!$profilePath) { $profilePath = $PROFILE }

    if (!$Force) {
        # Search the user's profiles to see if any are using posh-git already, there is an extra search
        # ($profilePath) taking place to accomodate the Pester tests.
        $importedInProfile = Test-PoshGitImportedInScript $profilePath
        if (!$importedInProfile -and !$underTest) {
            $importedInProfile = Test-PoshGitImportedInScript $PROFILE
        if (!$importedInProfile -and !$underTest) {
            $importedInProfile = Test-PoshGitImportedInScript $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost
        if (!$importedInProfile -and !$underTest) {
            $importedInProfile = Test-PoshGitImportedInScript $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts
        if (!$importedInProfile -and !$underTest) {
            $importedInProfile = Test-PoshGitImportedInScript $PROFILE.AllUsersCurrentHost
        if (!$importedInProfile -and !$underTest) {
            $importedInProfile = Test-PoshGitImportedInScript $PROFILE.AllUsersAllHosts

        if ($importedInProfile) {
            Write-Warning "Skipping add of posh-git import to file '$profilePath'."
            Write-Warning "posh-git appears to already be imported in one of your profile scripts."
            Write-Warning "If you want to force the add, use the -Force parameter."

    if (!$profilePath) {
        Write-Warning "Skipping add of posh-git import to profile; no profile found."
        Write-Verbose "`$PROFILE = '$PROFILE'"
        Write-Verbose "CurrentUserCurrentHost = '$($PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost)'"
        Write-Verbose "CurrentUserAllHosts = '$($PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts)'"
        Write-Verbose "AllUsersCurrentHost = '$($PROFILE.AllUsersCurrentHost)'"
        Write-Verbose "AllUsersAllHosts = '$($PROFILE.AllUsersAllHosts)'"

    # If the profile script exists and is signed, then we should not modify it
    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $profilePath) {
        if (!(Get-Command Get-AuthenticodeSignature -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
            Write-Verbose "Platform doesn't support script signing, skipping test for signed profile."
        else {
            $sig = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $profilePath
            if ($null -ne $sig.SignerCertificate) {
                Write-Warning "Skipping add of posh-git import to profile; '$profilePath' appears to be signed."
                Write-Warning "Add the command 'Import-Module posh-git' to your profile and resign it."

    # Check if the location of this module file is in the PSModulePath
    if (Test-InPSModulePath $ModuleBasePath) {
        $profileContent = "`nImport-Module posh-git"
    else {
        $modulePath = Join-Path $ModuleBasePath posh-git.psd1
        $profileContent = "`nImport-Module '$modulePath'"

    # Make sure the PowerShell profile directory exists
    $profileDir = Split-Path $profilePath -Parent
    if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $profileDir)) {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($profileDir, "Create current user PowerShell profile directory")) {
            New-Item $profileDir -ItemType Directory -Force -Verbose:$VerbosePreference > $null

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($profilePath, "Add 'Import-Module posh-git' to profile")) {
        Add-Content -LiteralPath $profilePath -Value $profileContent -Encoding UTF8

    Gets the file encoding of the specified file.
    Gets the file encoding of the specified file.
    Path to the file to check. The file must exist.
    PS C:\> Get-FileEncoding $profile
    Get's the file encoding of the profile file.
    Adapted from http://www.west-wind.com/Weblog/posts/197245.aspx

function Get-FileEncoding($Path) {
    if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) {
        $bytes = [byte[]](Get-Content $Path -AsByteStream -ReadCount 4 -TotalCount 4)
    else {
        $bytes = [byte[]](Get-Content $Path -Encoding byte -ReadCount 4 -TotalCount 4)

    if (!$bytes) { return 'utf8' }

    switch -regex ('{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}' -f $bytes[0],$bytes[1],$bytes[2],$bytes[3]) {
        '^efbbbf'   { return 'utf8' }
        '^2b2f76'   { return 'utf7' }
        '^fffe'     { return 'unicode' }
        '^feff'     { return 'bigendianunicode' }
        '^0000feff' { return 'utf32' }
        default     { return 'ascii' }

    Gets a StringComparison enum value appropriate for comparing paths on the OS platform.
    Gets a StringComparison enum value appropriate for comparing paths on the OS platform.
    PS C:\> $pathStringComparison = Get-PathStringComparison

function Get-PathStringComparison {
    # File system paths are case-sensitive on Linux and case-insensitive on Windows and macOS
    if (($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) -and $IsLinux) {
    else {

function Get-PromptPath {
    $settings = $global:GitPromptSettings
    $abbrevHomeDir = $settings -and $settings.DefaultPromptAbbreviateHomeDirectory

    # A UNC path has no drive so it's better to use the ProviderPath e.g. "\\server\share".
    # However for any path with a drive defined, it's better to use the Path property.
    # In this case, ProviderPath is "\LocalMachine\My"" whereas Path is "Cert:\LocalMachine\My".
    # The latter is more desirable.
    $pathInfo = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation
    $currentPath = if ($pathInfo.Drive) { $pathInfo.Path } else { $pathInfo.ProviderPath }

    $stringComparison = Get-PathStringComparison

    # Abbreviate path by replacing beginning of path with ~ *iff* the path is under the user's home dir
    if ($abbrevHomeDir -and $currentPath -and !$currentPath.Equals($Home, $stringComparison) -and
        $currentPath.StartsWith($Home, $stringComparison)) {

        $currentPath = "~" + $currentPath.SubString($Home.Length)

    return $currentPath

    Gets a string with current machine name and user name when connected with SSH
    Format string to use for displaying machine name ({0}) and user name ({1}).
    Default: "[{1}@{0}]: ", i.e. "[user@machine]: "

function Get-PromptConnectionInfo($Format = '[{1}@{0}]: ') {
    if ($GitPromptSettings -and (Test-Path Env:SSH_CONNECTION)) {
        $MachineName = [System.Environment]::MachineName
        $UserName = [System.Environment]::UserName
        $Format -f $MachineName,$UserName

function Get-PSModulePath {
    $modulePaths = $Env:PSModulePath -split ';'

function Test-InPSModulePath {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]

    $modulePaths = Get-PSModulePath
    if (!$modulePaths) { return $false }

    $pathStringComparison = Get-PathStringComparison
    $Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)
    $inModulePath = @($modulePaths | Where-Object { $Path.StartsWith($_.TrimEnd([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar), $pathStringComparison) }).Count -gt 0

    if ($inModulePath -and ('src' -eq (Split-Path $Path -Leaf))) {
        Write-Warning 'posh-git repository structure is incompatible with %PSModulePath%.'
        Write-Warning 'Importing with absolute path instead.'
        return $false


function Test-PoshGitImportedInScript {
    param (

    if (!$Path -or !(Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path)) {
        return $false

    $match = (@(Get-Content $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -match 'posh-git').Count -gt 0
    if ($match) { Write-Verbose "posh-git found in '$Path'" }

function dbg($Message, [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]$Stopwatch) {
    if ($Stopwatch) {
        Write-Verbose ('{0:00000}:{1}' -f $Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds,$Message) -Verbose # -ForegroundColor Yellow