enum BranchBehindAndAheadDisplayOptions { Full; Compact; Minimal } enum UntrackedFilesMode { Default; No; Normal; All } class PoshGitCellColor { [psobject]$BackgroundColor [psobject]$ForegroundColor PoshGitCellColor() { $this.ForegroundColor = $null $this.BackgroundColor = $null } PoshGitCellColor([psobject]$ForegroundColor) { $this.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor $this.BackgroundColor = $null } PoshGitCellColor([psobject]$ForegroundColor, [psobject]$BackgroundColor) { $this.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor $this.BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor } hidden [string] ToString($color) { $ansiTerm = "$([char]27)[0m" $colorSwatch = " " $str = "" if (!$color) { $str = "<default>" } elseif (Test-VirtualTerminalSequece $color -Force) { if ($global:GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole) { # Use '#' for FG color swatch since we are just applying the VT seqs as-is and # a " " swatch char won't show anything for a FG color. if ($color -eq $this.ForegroundColor) { $colorSwatch = "#" } $str = "${color}$colorSwatch${ansiTerm} " } $str = "`"$(EscapeAnsiString $color)`"" } else { if ($global:GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole) { $bg = Get-BackgroundVirtualTerminalSequence $color $str = "${bg}${colorSwatch}${ansiTerm} " } if ($color -is [int]) { $str += "0x{0:X6}" -f $color } else { $str += $color.ToString() } } return $str } [string] ToEscapedString() { if (!$global:GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole) { return "" } $str = "" if ($this.ForegroundColor) { if (Test-VirtualTerminalSequece $this.ForegroundColor) { $str += EscapeAnsiString $this.ForegroundColor } else { $seq = Get-ForegroundVirtualTerminalSequence $this.ForegroundColor $str += EscapeAnsiString $seq } } if ($this.BackgroundColor) { if (Test-VirtualTerminalSequece $this.BackgroundColor) { $str += EscapeAnsiString $this.BackgroundColor } else { $seq = Get-BackgroundVirtualTerminalSequence $this.BackgroundColor $str += EscapeAnsiString $seq } } return $str } [string] ToString() { $str = "ForegroundColor: " $str += $this.ToString($this.ForegroundColor) + ", " $str += "BackgroundColor: " $str += $this.ToString($this.BackgroundColor) return $str } } class PoshGitTextSpan { [string]$Text [psobject]$BackgroundColor [psobject]$ForegroundColor PoshGitTextSpan() { $this.Text = "" $this.ForegroundColor = $null $this.BackgroundColor = $null } PoshGitTextSpan([string]$Text) { $this.Text = $Text $this.ForegroundColor = $null $this.BackgroundColor = $null } PoshGitTextSpan([string]$Text, [psobject]$ForegroundColor) { $this.Text = $Text $this.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor $this.BackgroundColor = $null } PoshGitTextSpan([string]$Text, [psobject]$ForegroundColor, [psobject]$BackgroundColor) { $this.Text = $Text $this.ForegroundColor = $ForegroundColor $this.BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor } PoshGitTextSpan([PoshGitTextSpan]$PoshGitTextSpan) { $this.Text = $PoshGitTextSpan.Text $this.ForegroundColor = $PoshGitTextSpan.ForegroundColor $this.BackgroundColor = $PoshGitTextSpan.BackgroundColor } PoshGitTextSpan([PoshGitCellColor]$PoshGitCellColor) { $this.Text = '' $this.ForegroundColor = $PoshGitCellColor.ForegroundColor $this.BackgroundColor = $PoshGitCellColor.BackgroundColor } [PoshGitTextSpan] Expand() { if (!$this.Text) { return $this } $execContext = Get-Variable ExecutionContext -ValueOnly $expandedText = $execContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($this.Text) $newTextSpan = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new($expandedText, $this.ForegroundColor, $this.BackgroundColor) return $newTextSpan } # This method is used by Write-Prompt to render an instance of a PoshGitTextSpan when # $GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole is $true. It is also used by the default ToString() # implementation to display any ANSI seqs when AnsiConsole is $true. [string] ToAnsiString() { $e = [char]27 + "[" $bg = $this.BackgroundColor if (($null -ne $bg) -and !(Test-VirtualTerminalSequece $bg)) { $bg = Get-BackgroundVirtualTerminalSequence $bg } $fg = $this.ForegroundColor if (($null -ne $fg) -and !(Test-VirtualTerminalSequece $fg)) { $fg = Get-ForegroundVirtualTerminalSequence $fg } $txt = $this.Text $str = "${fg}${bg}${txt}" # ALWAYS terminate a VT sequence in case the host supports VT (regardless of AnsiConsole setting), # or the host display can get messed up. if (Test-VirtualTerminalSequece $str -Force) { $str += "${e}0m" } return $str } [string] ToEscapedString() { $str = EscapeAnsiString $this.ToAnsiString() return $str } # This method is used when displaying the "value" of PoshGitTextSpan e.g. when evaluating $GitPromptSettings [string] ToString() { $sep = " " if ($this.Text.Length -lt 2) { $sep = " " * (3 - $this.Text.Length) } if ($global:GitPromptSettings.AnsiConsole) { $txt = $this.ToAnsiString() if (Test-VirtualTerminalSequece $txt) { $escAnsi = "ANSI: `"$(EscapeAnsiString $txt)`"" $str = "Text: `"$txt`",${sep}${escAnsi}" } else { $str = "Text: `"$txt`"" } } else { $txt = $this.Text if (Test-VirtualTerminalSequece $txt -Force) { $txt = EscapeAnsiString $txt } $color = [PoshGitCellColor]::new($this.ForegroundColor, $this.BackgroundColor) $str = "Text: `"$txt`",${sep}$($color.ToString())" } return $str } } class PoshGitPromptSettings { [bool]$AnsiConsole = $Host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal -or ($Env:ConEmuANSI -eq "ON") [bool]$SetEnvColumns = $true [PoshGitCellColor]$DefaultColor = [PoshGitCellColor]::new() [PoshGitCellColor]$BranchColor = [PoshGitCellColor]::new([ConsoleColor]::Cyan) [PoshGitCellColor]$IndexColor = [PoshGitCellColor]::new([ConsoleColor]::DarkGreen) [PoshGitCellColor]$WorkingColor = [PoshGitCellColor]::new([ConsoleColor]::DarkRed) [PoshGitCellColor]$StashColor = [PoshGitCellColor]::new([ConsoleColor]::Red) [PoshGitCellColor]$ErrorColor = [PoshGitCellColor]::new([ConsoleColor]::Red) [PoshGitTextSpan]$PathStatusSeparator = ' ' [PoshGitTextSpan]$BeforeStatus = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new('[', [ConsoleColor]::Yellow) [PoshGitTextSpan]$DelimStatus = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new(' |', [ConsoleColor]::Yellow) [PoshGitTextSpan]$AfterStatus = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new(']', [ConsoleColor]::Yellow) [PoshGitTextSpan]$BeforeIndex = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new('', [ConsoleColor]::DarkGreen) [PoshGitTextSpan]$BeforeStash = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new(' (', [ConsoleColor]::Red) [PoshGitTextSpan]$AfterStash = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new(')', [ConsoleColor]::Red) [PoshGitTextSpan]$LocalDefaultStatusSymbol = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new('', [ConsoleColor]::DarkGreen) [PoshGitTextSpan]$LocalWorkingStatusSymbol = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new('!', [ConsoleColor]::DarkRed) [PoshGitTextSpan]$LocalStagedStatusSymbol = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new('~', [ConsoleColor]::Cyan) [PoshGitTextSpan]$BranchGoneStatusSymbol = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new([char]0x00D7, [ConsoleColor]::DarkCyan) # × Multiplication sign [PoshGitTextSpan]$BranchIdenticalStatusSymbol = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new([char]0x2261, [ConsoleColor]::Cyan) # ≡ Three horizontal lines [PoshGitTextSpan]$BranchAheadStatusSymbol = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new([char]0x2191, [ConsoleColor]::Green) # ↑ Up arrow [PoshGitTextSpan]$BranchBehindStatusSymbol = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new([char]0x2193, [ConsoleColor]::Red) # ↓ Down arrow [PoshGitTextSpan]$BranchBehindAndAheadStatusSymbol = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new([char]0x2195, [ConsoleColor]::Yellow) # ↕ Up & Down arrow [BranchBehindAndAheadDisplayOptions]$BranchBehindAndAheadDisplay = [BranchBehindAndAheadDisplayOptions]::Full [string]$FileAddedText = '+' [string]$FileModifiedText = '~' [string]$FileRemovedText = '-' [string]$FileConflictedText = '!' [string]$BranchUntrackedText = '' [bool]$EnableStashStatus = $false [bool]$ShowStatusWhenZero = $true [bool]$AutoRefreshIndex = $true [UntrackedFilesMode]$UntrackedFilesMode = [UntrackedFilesMode]::Default [bool]$EnablePromptStatus = !$global:GitMissing [bool]$EnableFileStatus = $true [Nullable[bool]]$EnableFileStatusFromCache = $null [string[]]$RepositoriesInWhichToDisableFileStatus = @() [string]$DescribeStyle = '' [psobject]$WindowTitle = {param($GitStatus, [bool]$IsAdmin) "$(if ($IsAdmin) {'Admin: '})$(if ($GitStatus) {"$($GitStatus.RepoName) [$($GitStatus.Branch)]"} else {Get-PromptPath}) ~ PowerShell $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion) $([IntPtr]::Size * 8)-bit ($PID)"} [PoshGitTextSpan]$DefaultPromptPrefix = '$(Get-PromptConnectionInfo -Format "[{1}@{0}]: ")' [PoshGitTextSpan]$DefaultPromptPath = '$(Get-PromptPath)' [PoshGitTextSpan]$DefaultPromptBeforeSuffix = '' [PoshGitTextSpan]$DefaultPromptDebug = [PoshGitTextSpan]::new(' [DBG]:', [ConsoleColor]::Magenta) [PoshGitTextSpan]$DefaultPromptSuffix = '$(">" * ($nestedPromptLevel + 1)) ' [bool]$DefaultPromptAbbreviateHomeDirectory = $true [bool]$DefaultPromptWriteStatusFirst = $false [bool]$DefaultPromptEnableTiming = $false [PoshGitTextSpan]$DefaultPromptTimingFormat = ' {0}ms' [int]$BranchNameLimit = 0 [string]$TruncatedBranchSuffix = '...' [bool]$Debug = $false } |