# Inspired by Mark Embling # <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the path to the current repository's .git dir. .DESCRIPTION Gets the path to the current repository's .git dir. Or if the repository is a bare repository, the root directory of the bare repository. .EXAMPLE PS C:\GitHub\posh-git\tests> Get-GitDirectory Returns C:\GitHub\posh-git\.git .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS System.String #> function Get-GitDirectory { $pathInfo = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-Location if (!$pathInfo -or ($pathInfo.Provider.Name -ne 'FileSystem')) { $null } elseif ($Env:GIT_DIR) { $Env:GIT_DIR -replace '\\|/', [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar } else { $currentDir = Get-Item $pathInfo -Force while ($currentDir) { $gitDirPath = Join-Path $currentDir.FullName .git if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $gitDirPath -PathType Container) { return $gitDirPath } # Handle the worktree case where .git is a file if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $gitDirPath -PathType Leaf) { $gitDirPath = Invoke-Utf8ConsoleCommand { git rev-parse --git-dir 2>$null } if ($gitDirPath) { return $gitDirPath } } $headPath = Join-Path $currentDir.FullName HEAD if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $headPath -PathType Leaf) { $refsPath = Join-Path $currentDir.FullName refs $objsPath = Join-Path $currentDir.FullName objects if ((Test-Path -LiteralPath $refsPath -PathType Container) -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $objsPath -PathType Container)) { $bareDir = Invoke-Utf8ConsoleCommand { git rev-parse --git-dir 2>$null } if ($bareDir -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $bareDir -PathType Container)) { $resolvedBareDir = (Resolve-Path $bareDir).Path return $resolvedBareDir } } } $currentDir = $currentDir.Parent } } } function Get-GitBranch($gitDir = $(Get-GitDirectory), [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]$sw) { if (!$gitDir) { return } Invoke-Utf8ConsoleCommand { dbg 'Finding branch' $sw $r = ''; $b = ''; $c = '' if (Test-Path $gitDir\rebase-merge\interactive) { dbg 'Found rebase-merge\interactive' $sw $r = '|REBASE-i' $b = "$(Get-Content $gitDir\rebase-merge\head-name)" } elseif (Test-Path $gitDir\rebase-merge) { dbg 'Found rebase-merge' $sw $r = '|REBASE-m' $b = "$(Get-Content $gitDir\rebase-merge\head-name)" } else { if (Test-Path $gitDir\rebase-apply) { dbg 'Found rebase-apply' $sw if (Test-Path $gitDir\rebase-apply\rebasing) { dbg 'Found rebase-apply\rebasing' $sw $r = '|REBASE' } elseif (Test-Path $gitDir\rebase-apply\applying) { dbg 'Found rebase-apply\applying' $sw $r = '|AM' } else { dbg 'Found rebase-apply' $sw $r = '|AM/REBASE' } } elseif (Test-Path $gitDir\MERGE_HEAD) { dbg 'Found MERGE_HEAD' $sw $r = '|MERGING' } elseif (Test-Path $gitDir\CHERRY_PICK_HEAD) { dbg 'Found CHERRY_PICK_HEAD' $sw $r = '|CHERRY-PICKING' } elseif (Test-Path $gitDir\BISECT_LOG) { dbg 'Found BISECT_LOG' $sw $r = '|BISECTING' } $b = Invoke-NullCoalescing ` { dbg 'Trying symbolic-ref' $sw; git symbolic-ref HEAD -q 2>$null } ` { '({0})' -f (Invoke-NullCoalescing ` { dbg 'Trying describe' $sw switch ($Global:GitPromptSettings.DescribeStyle) { 'contains' { git describe --contains HEAD 2>$null } 'branch' { git describe --contains --all HEAD 2>$null } 'describe' { git describe HEAD 2>$null } default { git tag --points-at HEAD 2>$null } } } ` { dbg 'Falling back on parsing HEAD' $sw $ref = $null if (Test-Path $gitDir\HEAD) { dbg 'Reading from .git\HEAD' $sw $ref = Get-Content $gitDir\HEAD 2>$null } else { dbg 'Trying rev-parse' $sw $ref = git rev-parse HEAD 2>$null } if ($ref -match 'ref: (?<ref>.+)') { return $Matches['ref'] } elseif ($ref -and $ref.Length -ge 7) { return $ref.Substring(0,7)+'...' } else { return 'unknown' } } ) } } dbg 'Inside git directory?' $sw if ('true' -eq $(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2>$null)) { dbg 'Inside git directory' $sw if ('true' -eq $(git rev-parse --is-bare-repository 2>$null)) { $c = 'BARE:' } else { $b = 'GIT_DIR!' } } "$c$($b -replace 'refs/heads/','')$r" } } function GetUniquePaths($pathCollections) { $hash = New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary foreach ($pathCollection in $pathCollections) { foreach ($path in $pathCollection) { $hash[$path] = 1 } } $hash.Keys } $castStringSeq = [Linq.Enumerable].GetMethod("Cast").MakeGenericMethod([string]) function Get-GitStatus($gitDir = (Get-GitDirectory)) { $settings = $Global:GitPromptSettings $enabled = (-not $settings) -or $settings.EnablePromptStatus if ($enabled -and $gitDir) { if($settings.Debug) { $sw = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew(); Write-Host '' } else { $sw = $null } $branch = $null $aheadBy = 0 $behindBy = 0 $gone = $false $indexAdded = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] $indexModified = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] $indexDeleted = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] $indexUnmerged = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] $filesAdded = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] $filesModified = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] $filesDeleted = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] $filesUnmerged = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] $stashCount = 0 if($settings.EnableFileStatus -and !$(InDotGitOrBareRepoDir $gitDir) -and !$(InDisabledRepository)) { if ($settings.EnableFileStatusFromCache -eq $null) { $settings.EnableFileStatusFromCache = (Get-Module GitStatusCachePoshClient) -ne $null } if ($settings.EnableFileStatusFromCache) { dbg 'Getting status from cache' $sw $cacheResponse = Get-GitStatusFromCache dbg 'Parsing status' $sw $indexAdded.AddRange($castStringSeq.Invoke($null, (,@($cacheResponse.IndexAdded)))) $indexModified.AddRange($castStringSeq.Invoke($null, (,@($cacheResponse.IndexModified)))) foreach ($indexRenamed in $cacheResponse.IndexRenamed) { $indexModified.Add($indexRenamed.Old) } $indexDeleted.AddRange($castStringSeq.Invoke($null, (,@($cacheResponse.IndexDeleted)))) $indexUnmerged.AddRange($castStringSeq.Invoke($null, (,@($cacheResponse.Conflicted)))) $filesAdded.AddRange($castStringSeq.Invoke($null, (,@($cacheResponse.WorkingAdded)))) $filesModified.AddRange($castStringSeq.Invoke($null, (,@($cacheResponse.WorkingModified)))) foreach ($workingRenamed in $cacheResponse.WorkingRenamed) { $filesModified.Add($workingRenamed.Old) } $filesDeleted.AddRange($castStringSeq.Invoke($null, (,@($cacheResponse.WorkingDeleted)))) $filesUnmerged.AddRange($castStringSeq.Invoke($null, (,@($cacheResponse.Conflicted)))) $branch = $cacheResponse.Branch $upstream = $cacheResponse.Upstream $gone = $cacheResponse.UpstreamGone $aheadBy = $cacheResponse.AheadBy $behindBy = $cacheResponse.BehindBy if ($cacheResponse.Stashes) { $stashCount = $cacheResponse.Stashes.Length } if ($cacheResponse.State) { $branch += "|" + $cacheResponse.State } } else { dbg 'Getting status' $sw $status = Invoke-Utf8ConsoleCommand { git -c core.quotepath=false -c color.status=false status --short --branch 2>$null } if($settings.EnableStashStatus) { dbg 'Getting stash count' $sw $stashCount = $null | git stash list 2>$null | measure-object | Select-Object -expand Count } dbg 'Parsing status' $sw switch -regex ($status) { '^(?<index>[^#])(?<working>.) (?<path1>.*?)(?: -> (?<path2>.*))?$' { if ($sw) { dbg "Status: $_" $sw } switch ($matches['index']) { 'A' { $null = $indexAdded.Add($matches['path1']); break } 'M' { $null = $indexModified.Add($matches['path1']); break } 'R' { $null = $indexModified.Add($matches['path1']); break } 'C' { $null = $indexModified.Add($matches['path1']); break } 'D' { $null = $indexDeleted.Add($matches['path1']); break } 'U' { $null = $indexUnmerged.Add($matches['path1']); break } } switch ($matches['working']) { '?' { $null = $filesAdded.Add($matches['path1']); break } 'A' { $null = $filesAdded.Add($matches['path1']); break } 'M' { $null = $filesModified.Add($matches['path1']); break } 'D' { $null = $filesDeleted.Add($matches['path1']); break } 'U' { $null = $filesUnmerged.Add($matches['path1']); break } } continue } '^## (?<branch>\S+?)(?:\.\.\.(?<upstream>\S+))?(?: \[(?:ahead (?<ahead>\d+))?(?:, )?(?:behind (?<behind>\d+))?(?<gone>gone)?\])?$' { if ($sw) { dbg "Status: $_" $sw } $branch = $matches['branch'] $upstream = $matches['upstream'] $aheadBy = [int]$matches['ahead'] $behindBy = [int]$matches['behind'] $gone = [string]$matches['gone'] -eq 'gone' continue } '^## Initial commit on (?<branch>\S+)$' { if ($sw) { dbg "Status: $_" $sw } $branch = $matches['branch'] continue } default { if ($sw) { dbg "Status: $_" $sw } } } } } if(!$branch) { $branch = Get-GitBranch $gitDir $sw } dbg 'Building status object' $sw # # This collection is used twice, so create the array just once $filesAdded = $filesAdded.ToArray() $indexPaths = @(GetUniquePaths $indexAdded,$indexModified,$indexDeleted,$indexUnmerged) $workingPaths = @(GetUniquePaths $filesAdded,$filesModified,$filesDeleted,$filesUnmerged) $index = (,$indexPaths) | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Added $indexAdded.ToArray() | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Modified $indexModified.ToArray() | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Deleted $indexDeleted.ToArray() | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Unmerged $indexUnmerged.ToArray() $working = (,$workingPaths) | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Added $filesAdded | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Modified $filesModified.ToArray() | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Deleted $filesDeleted.ToArray() | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Unmerged $filesUnmerged.ToArray() $result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ GitDir = $gitDir Branch = $branch AheadBy = $aheadBy BehindBy = $behindBy UpstreamGone = $gone Upstream = $upstream HasIndex = [bool]$index Index = $index HasWorking = [bool]$working Working = $working HasUntracked = [bool]$filesAdded StashCount = $stashCount } dbg 'Finished' $sw if($sw) { $sw.Stop() } return $result } } function InDisabledRepository { $currentLocation = Get-Location foreach ($repo in $Global:GitPromptSettings.RepositoriesInWhichToDisableFileStatus) { if ($currentLocation -like "$repo*") { return $true } } return $false } function InDotGitOrBareRepoDir([string][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$GitDir) { # A UNC path has no drive so it's better to use the ProviderPath e.g. "\\server\share". # However for any path with a drive defined, it's better to use the Path property. # In this case, ProviderPath is "\LocalMachine\My"" whereas Path is "Cert:\LocalMachine\My". # The latter is more desirable. $pathInfo = Microsoft.PowerShell.Management\Get-Location $currentPath = if ($pathInfo.Drive) { $pathInfo.Path } else { $pathInfo.ProviderPath } $res = $currentPath.StartsWith($GitDir, (Get-PathStringComparison)) $res } function Enable-GitColors { Write-Warning 'Enable-GitColors is Obsolete and will be removed in a future version of posh-git.' } function Get-AliasPattern($exe) { $aliases = @($exe) + @(Get-Alias | Where-Object { $_.Definition -eq $exe } | Select-Object -Exp Name) "($($aliases -join '|'))" } function setenv($key, $value) { [void][Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($key, $value) Set-TempEnv $key $value } function Get-TempEnv($key) { $path = Get-TempEnvPath($key) if (Test-Path $path) { $value = Get-Content $path [void][Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($key, $value) } } function Set-TempEnv($key, $value) { $path = Get-TempEnvPath($key) if ($value -eq $null) { if (Test-Path $path) { Remove-Item $path } } else { New-Item $path -Force -ItemType File > $null $value | Out-File -FilePath $path -Encoding ascii -Force } } function Get-TempEnvPath($key){ $path = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ".ssh\$key.env" return $path } # Retrieve the current SSH agent PID (or zero). Can be used to determine if there # is a running agent. function Get-SshAgent() { if ($env:GIT_SSH -imatch 'plink') { $pageantPid = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'pageant' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id -First 1 if ($null -ne $pageantPid) { return $pageantPid } } else { $agentPid = $Env:SSH_AGENT_PID if ($agentPid) { $sshAgentProcess = Get-Process | Where-Object { ($_.Id -eq $agentPid) -and ($_.Name -eq 'ssh-agent') } if ($null -ne $sshAgentProcess) { return $agentPid } else { setenv 'SSH_AGENT_PID' $null setenv 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' $null } } } return 0 } # Attempt to guess Pageant's location function Find-Pageant() { Write-Verbose "Pageant not in path. Trying to guess location." $gitSsh = $env:GIT_SSH if ($gitSsh -and (test-path $gitSsh)) { $pageant = join-path (split-path $gitSsh) pageant } if (!(get-command $pageant -Erroraction SilentlyContinue)) { return # Guessing failed. } else { return $pageant } } # Attempt to guess $program's location. For ssh-agent/ssh-add. function Find-Ssh($program = 'ssh-agent') { Write-Verbose "$program not in path. Trying to guess location." $gitItem = Get-Command git -Erroraction SilentlyContinue | Get-Item if ($null -eq $gitItem) { Write-Warning 'git not in path' return } $sshLocation = join-path $ bin/$program if (get-command $sshLocation -Erroraction SilentlyContinue) { return $sshLocation } $sshLocation = join-path $ usr/bin/$program if (get-command $sshLocation -Erroraction SilentlyContinue) { return $sshLocation } } # Loosely based on bash script from function Start-SshAgent([switch]$Quiet) { [int]$agentPid = Get-SshAgent if ($agentPid -gt 0) { if (!$Quiet) { $agentName = Get-Process -Id $agentPid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name if (!$agentName) { $agentName = "SSH Agent" } Write-Host "$agentName is already running (pid $($agentPid))" } return } if ($env:GIT_SSH -imatch 'plink') { Write-Host "GIT_SSH set to $($env:GIT_SSH), using Pageant as SSH agent." $pageant = Get-Command pageant -TotalCount 1 -Erroraction SilentlyContinue $pageant = if ($pageant) { $pageant } else { Find-Pageant } if (!$pageant) { Write-Warning "Could not find Pageant." return } Start-Process -NoNewWindow $pageant } else { $sshAgent = Get-Command ssh-agent -TotalCount 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $sshAgent = if ($sshAgent) { $sshAgent } else { Find-Ssh('ssh-agent') } if (!$sshAgent) { Write-Warning 'Could not find ssh-agent' return } & $sshAgent | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match '(?<key>[^=]+)=(?<value>[^;]+);') { setenv $Matches['key'] $Matches['value'] } } } Add-SshKey } function Get-SshPath($File = 'id_rsa') { # Avoid paths with path separator char since it is different on Linux/macOS. # Also avoid ~ as it is invalid if the user is cd'd into say cert:\ or hklm:\. # Also, apparently using the PowerShell built-in $HOME variable may not cut it for msysGit with has different # ideas about the path to the user's home dir e.g. /c/Users/Keith $homePath = Invoke-NullCoalescing $Env:HOME $Home Join-Path $homePath (Join-Path .ssh $File) } <# .SYNOPSIS Add a key to the SSH agent .DESCRIPTION Adds one or more SSH keys to the SSH agent. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Add-SshKey Adds ~\.ssh\id_rsa to the SSH agent. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Add-SshKey ~\.ssh\mykey, ~\.ssh\myotherkey Adds ~\.ssh\mykey and ~\.ssh\myotherkey to the SSH agent. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet. #> function Add-SshKey() { if ($env:GIT_SSH -imatch 'plink') { $pageant = Get-Command pageant -Erroraction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Name $pageant = if ($pageant) { $pageant } else { Find-Pageant } if (!$pageant) { Write-Warning 'Could not find Pageant' return } if ($args.Count -eq 0) { $keyPath = Join-Path $Env:HOME .ssh $keys = Get-ChildItem $keyPath/*.ppk -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName & $pageant $keys } else { foreach ($value in $args) { & $pageant $value } } } else { $sshAdd = Get-Command ssh-add -TotalCount 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $sshAdd = if ($sshAdd) { $sshAdd } else { Find-Ssh('ssh-add') } if (!$sshAdd) { Write-Warning 'Could not find ssh-add' return } if ($args.Count -eq 0) { & $sshAdd } else { foreach ($value in $args) { & $sshAdd $value } } } } # Stop a running SSH agent function Stop-SshAgent() { [int]$agentPid = Get-SshAgent if ($agentPid -gt 0) { # Stop agent process $proc = Get-Process -Id $agentPid -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -ne $proc) { Stop-Process $agentPid } setenv 'SSH_AGENT_PID' $null setenv 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' $null } } function Update-AllBranches($Upstream = 'master', [switch]$Quiet) { $head = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD git checkout -q $Upstream $branches = Invoke-Utf8ConsoleCommand { (git branch --no-color --no-merged) } | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch '^\* ' } foreach ($line in $branches) { $branch = $line.SubString(2) if (!$Quiet) { Write-Host "Rebasing $branch onto $Upstream..." } git rebase -q $Upstream $branch > $null 2> $null if ($LASTEXITCODE) { git rebase --abort Write-Warning "Rebase failed for $branch" } } git checkout -q $head } |