
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\posh-drupal.psm1
Describe 'drupal CLI powershell integration' {

  $drupal = New-Drupal

  It 'Finds the drupal 8 root when already in the root' {
    $root = $drupal.findRoot("$PSScriptRoot\d8-root")
    $root | should -Not -Be $null

  It 'Finds the drupal 8 root when in a subdirectory' {
    $root = $drupal.findRoot("$PSScriptRoot\d8-root\web\vendor")
    $root | should -Not -Be $null

  It "Doesn't find the drupal 8 root when inside a non-drupal directory" {
    $root = $drupal.findRoot("$PSScriptRoot\empty")
    $root | should -BeNullOrEmpty

  It "Invokes drush" {
    Set-Location "$PSScriptRoot\d8-root\web"
    $output = drush | out-string
    $output.Trim() | Should -Be "drush"

  It "Invokes drupal console" {
    Set-Location "$PSScriptRoot\d8-root\web"
    $output = drupal | out-string
    $output.Trim() | Should -Be "drupal"

  It "Doesn't launch drush if not found" {
    Set-Location "$PSScriptRoot\empty"
    $output = drush | out-string
    $output.Trim() | Should -Be "Could not find drush."

  It "Doesn't launch drupal if not found" {
    Set-Location "$PSScriptRoot\empty"
    $output = drupal | out-string
    $output.Trim() | Should -Be "Could not find drupal console."
