[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "")] # needed to override tab completion Param() $global:DotnetCompletion = @{} if ($global:DotnetCompletion.Count -eq 0) { $global:DotnetCompletion["commands"] = @{} $global:DotnetCompletion["options"] = @() dotnet --help | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "^\s{2,3}(\w+)\s+(.+)") { $global:DotnetCompletion["commands"][$Matches[1]] = @{} $currentCommand = $global:DotnetCompletion["commands"][$Matches[1]] $currentCommand["options"] = @() } elseif ($_ -match $flagRegex) { $global:DotnetCompletion["options"] += $Matches[1] if ($Matches[2] -ne $null) { $global:DotnetCompletion["options"] += $Matches[2] } } } } $script:flagRegex = "^ (-[^, =]+),? ?(--[^= ]+)?" function script:Get-AutoCompleteResult { param([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $value) Process { New-Object System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult $value } } filter script:MatchingCommand($commandName) { if ($_.StartsWith($commandName)) { $_ } } $completion_Dotnet = { param($commandName, $commandAst, $cursorPosition) $command = $null $commandParameters = @{} $state = "Unknown" $wordToComplete = $commandAst.CommandElements | Where-Object { $_.ToString() -eq $commandName } | Foreach-Object { $commandAst.CommandElements.IndexOf($_) } for ($i = 1; $i -lt $commandAst.CommandElements.Count; $i++) { $p = $commandAst.CommandElements[$i].ToString() if ($p.StartsWith("-")) { if ($state -eq "Unknown" -or $state -eq "Options") { $commandParameters[$i] = "Option" $state = "Options" } else { $commandParameters[$i] = "CommandOption" $state = "CommandOptions" } } else { $commandParameters[$i] = "Command" $command = $p $state = "CommandOptions" } } if ($wordToComplete -ne $null) { $commandToComplete = $commandParameters[$wordToComplete] } switch ($commandToComplete) { "Command" { $global:DotnetCompletion["commands"].Keys | MatchingCommand -Command $commandName | Sort-Object | Get-AutoCompleteResult } "Option" { $global:DotnetCompletion["options"] | MatchingCommand -Command $commandName | Sort-Object | Get-AutoCompleteResult } "CommandOption" { $options = $global:DotnetCompletion["commands"][$command]["options"] if ($options.Count -eq 0) { dotnet $command --help | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match $flagRegex) { $options += $Matches[1] if ($Matches[2] -ne $null) { $options += $Matches[2] } } } } $global:DotnetCompletion["commands"][$command]["options"] = $options $options | MatchingCommand -Command $commandName | Sort-Object | Get-AutoCompleteResult } default { $global:DotnetCompletion["commands"].Keys | MatchingCommand -Command $commandName } } } # Register the TabExpension2 function if (-not $global:options) { $global:options = @{CustomArgumentCompleters = @{}; NativeArgumentCompleters = @{}} } $global:options['NativeArgumentCompleters']['dotnet'] = $Completion_Dotnet $function:tabexpansion2 = $function:tabexpansion2 -replace 'End\r\n{', 'End { if ($null -ne $options) { $options += $global:options} else {$options = $global:options}' |