function PascalName($name){ $parts = $name.Split(" ") for($i = 0 ; $i -lt $parts.Length ; $i++){ $parts[$i] = [char]::ToUpper($parts[$i][0]) + $parts[$i].SubString(1).ToLower(); } $parts -join "" } function GetHeaderBreak($headerRow, $startPoint=0){ $i = $startPoint while( $i + 1 -lt $headerRow.Length) { if ([char]::IsWhiteSpace($headerRow[$i]) -and [char]::IsWhiteSpace($headerRow[$i+1])){ return $i break } $i += 1 } return -1 } function GetHeaderNonBreak($headerRow, $startPoint=0){ $i = $startPoint while( $i + 1 -lt $headerRow.Length) { if (-not [char]::IsWhiteSpace($headerRow[$i])){ return $i break } $i += 1 } return -1 } function GetColumnInfo($headerRow){ $lastIndex = 0 $i = 0 while ($i -lt $headerRow.Length -and $lastIndex -ge 0){ $i = GetHeaderBreak $headerRow $lastIndex if ($i -lt 0){ $name = $headerRow.Substring($lastIndex) New-Object PSObject -Property @{ HeaderName = $name; Name = PascalName $name; Start=$lastIndex; End=-1} break } else { $name = $headerRow.Substring($lastIndex, $i-$lastIndex) $temp = $lastIndex $lastIndex = GetHeaderNonBreak $headerRow $i New-Object PSObject -Property @{ HeaderName = $name; Name = PascalName $name; Start=$temp; End=$lastIndex} } } } function ParseRow($row, $columnInfo) { $values = @{} $columnInfo | ForEach-Object { if ($_.End -lt 0) { $len = $row.Length - $_.Start } else { $len = $_.End - $_.Start } $values[$_.Name] = $row.SubString($_.Start, $len).Trim() } New-Object PSObject -Property $values } function ConvertFrom-Cli(){ begin{ $positions = $null; } process { if($positions -eq $null) { # header row => determine column positions $positions = GetColumnInfo -headerRow $_ #-propertyNames $propertyNames } else { # data row => output! ParseRow -row $_ -columnInfo $positions } } end { } } # # .SYNOPSIS # # Complete parameters and arguments to dcos cli # function DcosExeCompletion { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) $commandTree = Get-CompletionPrivateData -Key DcosExeCompletionCommandTree if ($null -eq $commandTree) { Set-Alias -Name nct -Value New-CommandTree $commandTree = & { nct auth "Authenticate to DC/OS cluster" { nct -Argument 'login' "log in" nct -Argument 'logout' "log out" nct -Argument '--help' "help" nct -Argument '--info' "info" } nct config "Manage the DC/OS configuration file" { nct set "set <name> <value>" nct show "show [<name>]" # TODO - add completion of names nct unset "unset <name>" # TODO - add completion of names nct validate "validate" nct -Argument '--help' "help" nct -Argument '--info' "info" } nct help "Display help information about DC/OS" nct job "Deploy and manage jobs in DC/OS" { nct add "add <job-file>" nct remove "remove <job-id> [--stop-current-job-runs]" { nct -Argument "--stop-current-job-runs" "stop-current-job-runs" # TODO - complete ids, add switch } nct show "show <job-id>" nct update "update <job-file>" nct kill "kill <job-id> [run-id][--all]" { nct -Argument "--all" "all" } nct run "run <job-id>" nct list "list [--json]" { nct -Argument "--json" "json" } nct schedule "schedule" { nct add "add <job-id> <schedule-file>" nct show "show <job-id> [--json]" { nct -Argument "--json" "json" } nct remove "remove <job-id> <schedule-id>" nct update "update <job-id> <schedule-file>" } nct show "show" { nct runs "runs <job-id> [--run-id <run-id>][--json][--q]" { nct -Argument "--run-id" "run-id" nct -Argument "--json" "json" nct -Argument "--q" "q" } } nct history "history <job-id> [--json][--show-failures]" { nct -Argument "--json" "json" nct -Argument "--show-failures" "show-failures" } nct -Argument '--help' "help" nct -Argument '--version' "version" nct -Argument '--config-schema' "config schema" nct -Argument '--info' "info" } nct marathon "Deploy and manage applications to DC/OS" { nct -Argument '--help' "help" nct -Argument '--config-schema' "config schema" nct -Argument '--info' "info" nct about "about" nct app "application" { nct add "add [<app-resource>]" nct list "list" { nct -Argument '--json' "json" } nct remove "remove" { nct -Argument '--force' "force" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon app list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "AppId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct restart "restart" { nct -Argument '--force' "force" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon app list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "AppId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct show "show" { nct -Argument '--app-version=' "appversion" # TODO complete version number nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon app list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "AppId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct start "start [--force] <app-id> [<instances>]" { nct -Argument '--force' "force" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon app list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "AppId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct stop "stop" { nct -Argument '--force' "force" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon app list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "AppId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct kill "kill" { nct -Argument '--scale' "scale" nct -Argument '--host=' "host" ## TODO complete host nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon app list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "AppId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct update "update [--force] <app-id> [<properties>...]" { nct -Argument '--force' "force" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon app list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "AppId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct version "version" { nct list "list [--max-count=<maxcount>] <app-id>" { nct -Argument '--max-count=' "max-count" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon app list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "AppId: $($_.Id)"} } } } } nct deployment "deployment" { nct list "list" { nct -Argument "--json" "json" } nct rollback "rollback" { nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon deployment list | ConvertFrom-cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "DeploymentId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct stop "stop" { nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon deployment list | ConvertFrom-cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "DeploymentId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct watch "watch" { nct -Argument '--max-count=' "max-count" nct -Argument '--interval=' "interval" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon deployment list | ConvertFrom-cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "DeploymentId: $($_.Id)"} } } } nct group "group"{ nct add "add [<group-resource>]" nct list "list" { nct -Argument '--json' "json" } nct scale "scale" { nct -Argument '--force' "force" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon group list | ConvertFrom-cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "GroupId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct show "show" { nct -Argument '--group-version=' "group-version" ## TODO complete version number nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon group list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "GroupId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct remove "remove" { nct -Argument '--force' "force" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon group list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "AppId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct update "update [--force] <group-id> [<properties>...]" { nct -Argument '--force' "force" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon group list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "GroupId: $($_.Id)"} } } } # TODO add pod-id completion nct pod "pod"{ nct add "add [<pod-resource>]" nct kill "kill <pod-id> [<instance-ids>...]" nct list "list [--json]" { nct -Argument "--json" "json" } nct remove "remove [--force] <pod-id>" { nct -Argument "--force" "force" } nct show "show <pod-id>" nct update "update [--force] <pod-id>" { nct -Argument "--force" "force" } } nct task "task" { nct list "list [--json]" { nct -Argument "--json" "json" } nct stop "stop [--wipe] <task-id>" { nct -Argument '--wipe' "wipe" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon task list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "TaskId: $($_.Id)"} } } nct show "show <task-id>" { nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) dcos marathon task list | ConvertFrom-Cli | Where-Object { $_.Id -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_.Id -ToolTip "TaskId: $($_.Id)"} } } } } nct node "Administer and manage DC/OS cluster nodes" { nct -Argument '--help' "help" nct -Argument '--info' "info" nct -Argument '--json' "json" nct log "log [--follow --lines=N --leader --master --mesos-id=<mesos-id> --slave=<slave-id>]"{ nct -Argument '--follow' "follow" nct -Argument '--lines=' "lines=N" nct -Argument '--master' "master" nct -Argument '--mesos-id' "mesos-id=<mesos-id>" nct -Argument '--slave' "slave-id=<slave-id>" } nct ssh " ssh [--option SSHOPT=VAL ...] [--config-file=<path>] [--user=<user>] [--master-proxy] (--leader | --master | --mesos-id=<mesos-id> | --slave=<slave-id>) [<command>]" { nct -Argument '--option' "options SSHOPT=VAL..." nct -Argument '--config-file=' "config-file=<path>" nct -Argument '--user=' "user=<user>" nct -Argument '--master-proxy' "master-proxy" nct -Argument '--leader' "leader" nct -Argument '--master' "master" nct -Argument '--mesos-id' "mesos-id=<mesos-id>" nct -Argument '--slave' "slave-id=<slave-id>" } nct diagnostics "diagnostics" { nct create "create (<nodes>)..." #TODO complete nodes nct delete "delete <bundle>" #TODO complete bundle nct download "download <bundle> [--location=<location>]" { nct -Argument "--location=" "location=<location>" } nct -Argument "--list" "list" nct -Argument "--status" "status" nct -Argument "--cancel" "cancel" nct -Argument '--json' "json" } } nct package "Install and manage DC/OS software packages" { nct -Argument '--help' "help" nct -Argument '--config-schema' "config schema" nct -Argument '--info' "info" nct decribe "describe [--app --cli --config] [--render] [--package-versions] [--options=<file>] [--package-version=<package-version>] <package-name>" { nct -Argument "--app" "app" nct -Argument "--cli" "cli" nct -Argument "--config" "config" nct -Argument "--render" "render" nct -Argument "--package-versions" "package-versions" nct -Argument "--options=" "options=<file>" nct -Argument "--package-version=" "package-version=<package-version>" #TODO complete package-name } nct install "install [--cli | [--app --app-id=<app-id>]] [--package-version=<package-version>] [--options=<file>] [--yes] <package-name>" { nct -Argument '--cli' "cli" nct -Argument '--app' "app" nct -Argument '--app-id=' "app-id=<app-id>" nct -Argument '--package-version=' "package-version=<package-version>" nct -Argument '--options=' "options=<file>" nct -Argument '--yes' "yes" #TODO complete package-name } nct list "list [--json --app-id=<app-id> --cli <package-name>]" { nct -Argument '--json' "json" nct -Argument '--cli' "cli" nct -Argument '--app-id=' "app-id=<app-id>" #TODO complete package-name } nct search "search [--json <query>]" { nct -Argument '--json' "json" } nct repo { nct add "add [--index=<index>] <repo-name> <repo-url>" { nct -Argument "--index=" "index=<index>" } nct remove "remove <repo-name>" # TODO complete repo-name nct list "list [--json]" { nct -Argument '--json' "json" } } nct uninstall "uninstall [--cli | [--app --app-id=<app-id> --all]] <package-name>" { nct -Argument '--cli' "cli" nct -Argument '--app' "app" nct -Argument '--app-id=' "app-id=<app-id>" nct -Argument '--all' "all" #TODO complete package-name } nct update "update" } nct service "Manage DC/OS services"{ nct -Argument '--help' "help" nct -Argument '--info' "info" nct -Argument '--completed' "completed" nct -Argument '--inactive' "inactive" nct -Argument '--json' "json" nct log "log [--follow --lines=N --ssh-config-file=<path>] <service> [<file>]"{ nct -Argument '--follow' "follow" nct -Argument '--lines=' "lines=N" nct -Argument '--ssh-config-file' "ssh-config-file=<path>" # TODO complete service # TODO complete file } nct shutdown "shutdown <service-id>" # TODO complete service-id } nct task "Manage DC/OS tasks" { nct -Argument '--help' "help" nct -Argument '--info' "info" nct -Argument '--completed' "completed" nct -Argument '--json' "json" nct log "log" { nct -Argument '--completed' "--completed" nct -Argument '--follow' "--follow" nct -Argument '--lines=' "--lines=N" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) # handle output with task ids in "===>.... <===" form (with other lines interspersed) dcos task ls | ` Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("===>")} | ` ForEach-Object {$_.SubString(5, $_.IndexOf("<===", 7) - 6)} | ` Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ` ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_ -ToolTip "TaskId: $_"} } # TODO handle file completion } nct ls "ls [--long --completed] [<task>] [<path>]" { nct -Argument "--long" "--long" nct -Argument "--completed" "--completed" nct { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst) # handle output with task ids in "===>.... <===" form (with other lines interspersed) dcos task ls | ` Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("===>")} | ` ForEach-Object {$_.SubString(5, $_.IndexOf("<===", 7) - 6)} | ` Where-Object { $_ -like "$wordToComplete*" } | ` ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult $_ -ToolTip "TaskId: $_"} } # TODO handle path completion } } } Set-CompletionPrivateData -Key DcosExeCompletionCommandTree -Value $commandTree } Get-CommandTreeCompletion $wordToComplete $commandAst $commandTree } Register-ArgumentCompleter ` -Command 'dcos' ` -Native ` -Description 'Complete arguments to dcos.exe' ` -ScriptBlock $function:DcosExeCompletion |