# This function is used to collect the app name, name with .exe and any alias defined for the # app to build a regular expression. If the expression finds a match the tab expansion will # be applied function Get-AliasPattern { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param( [string] $exe ) process { $aliases = @($exe) + @("$exe.exe") + @(Get-Alias | Where-Object { $_.Definition -eq $exe } | Select-Object -Exp Name) "($($aliases -join '|'))" } } # Wrapped calls to dapr so they can be mocked in unit tests function _callDapr { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $cmd, [string] $subCmd, [switch] $getHelp ) process { # Sometimes flags are passed in as sub command. To protect # just test if the sub command starts with a -. If so just # null it out because it is a flag an not sub command. if ($subCmd -like "-*") { $subCmd = $null } if ($getHelp.IsPresent) { return dapr help $cmd $subCmd } else { return dapr $cmd } } } $script:daprCommands = @() # By default the dapr command list is populated the first time daprCommands is invoked. # Invoke PopulateDaprCommands in your profile if you don't want the initial hit. function PopulateDaprCommands { [CmdletBinding()] param() process { $output = _callDapr -cmd help $cmds = foreach ($cmd in $output) { if ($cmd -match '^ (?<cmd>[a-z]+) +[^[]') { $matches['cmd'] } } $script:daprCommands = $cmds } } function DaprTabExpansion { param( [string] $lastBlock ) process { switch -regex ($lastBlock) { # handles dapr <cmd> -<option> value -<option> ... 'dapr(\.exe)* (?<cmd>\S+) ((?<subCmd>\S+) |((-{1,2})(\S+) \S+ ))*(-{1,2})(?<filter>\S*)$' { findDaprFlags -currentLine $matches[0] -cmd $matches['cmd'] -subCmd $matches['subCmd'] -filter $matches['filter'] break } # handles dapr stop <dapr instance> # handles dapr stop -a <dapr instance> # handles dapr stop -app-id <dapr instance> 'dapr(\.exe)* stop (-a |--app-id )*(?<filter>\S*)$' { findDaprInstances -filter $matches['filter'] break } # handles dapr init --runtime-version <dapr release> 'dapr(\.exe)* (init|upgrade) .+ (--runtime-version )*(?<filter>\S*)$' { findDaprReleases -filter $matches['filter'] break; } # handles dapr <cmd> # handles dapr cmd <subCommnad> # handles dapr help <cmd> # handles dapr help cmd <subCommnad> 'dapr(\.exe)* (help )?((?<cmd>\S+) )*(?<filter>\S*)$' { if ($matches['cmd']) { findDaprSubCommands -cmd $matches['cmd'] -filter $matches['filter'] } else { findDaprCommands -filter $matches['filter'] } break } # handles dapr cmd <subCommnad> 'dapr(\.exe)* (?<cmd>\S+) (?<filter>\S*)$' { findDaprSubCommands -cmd $matches['cmd'] -filter $matches['filter'] break } } } } function findDaprReleases { param( [string] $filter ) process { $filter = $filter.Trim() $output = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://api.github.com/repos/dapr/dapr/releases' $daprReleases = foreach ($i in $output.tag_name) { # The release starts with a v but we don't want that. if ($i -match 'v(?<release>.+)') { $release = $matches['release'] if ($filter -and $release.StartsWith($filter, 'CurrentCultureIgnoreCase')) { $release } elseif (-not $filter) { $release } } } $daprReleases } } function findDaprInstances { param( [string] $filter ) process { $filter = $filter.Trim() $output = _callDapr -cmd list $daprInstances = foreach ($i in $output) { # The id is followed by the http, gRPC and App port # with the latest version RC2 there are results that # don't have a appid but 0 for all the ports. We don't # want to return them. So check if the value is 0 if ($i -match '(?<instance>[^ ]+) +[0-9]') { $instance = $matches['instance'] if ($instance -eq "0") { continue } if ($filter -and $instance.StartsWith($filter, 'CurrentCultureIgnoreCase')) { $instance } elseif (-not $filter) { $instance } } } $daprInstances } } function findDaprSubCommands { param( [string] $cmd, [string] $filter ) $subCmds = @() $startMatching = $false $output = _callDapr -cmd $cmd -getHelp foreach ($line in $output) { if ($line -match 'Available Commands:') { $startMatching = $true } elseif ($line -match 'Flags:') { $startMatching = $false } if (-not $startMatching) { continue } if ($line -match '^ (?<subCmd>\S+)') { $subCmd = $matches['subCmd'] # Skip if it is already on the current line if ($null -ne $(Select-String -InputObject $currentLine -Pattern $subCmd)) { continue } if ($filter -and $subCmd.StartsWith($filter)) { $subCmds += $subCmd.Trim() } elseif (-not $filter) { $subCmds += $subCmd.Trim() } } } $subCmds | Sort-Object } # By default the dapr command list is populated the first time daprCommands is invoked. # Invoke PopulateDaprCommands in your profile if you don't want the initial hit. function findDaprCommands { param( [string] $filter ) process { if ($script:daprCommands.Length -eq 0) { PopulateDaprCommands } if ($filter) { $script:daprCommands | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith($filter) } | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } | Sort-Object } else { $script:daprCommands | ForEach-Object { $_.Trim() } | Sort-Object } } } function findDaprFlags { param( # Contains all the text on the current line. This is used to remove # and flags that have already been used in ths command [string] $currentLine, [string] $cmd, [string] $subCmd, [string] $filter ) process { $flags = @() $output = _callDapr -cmd $cmd -subCmd $subCmd -getHelp foreach ($line in $output) { if ($line -match '^ +(-[a-zA-Z], )*--(?<flag>\S+)') { $flag = $matches['flag'] # Skip if it is already on the current line # Except if is --set which can be used more than once if ($flag -ne 'set' -and # When testing the flag start it with an - or flags like all will # be skipped on commands where all appears in the command i.e. # uninstall contains all. $null -ne $(Select-String -InputObject $currentLine -Pattern "-$flag")) { continue } if ($filter -and $flag.StartsWith($filter)) { $flags += '--' + $flag.Trim() } elseif (-not $filter) { $flags += '--' + $flag.Trim() } } } $flags | Sort-Object } } $PowerTab_RegisterTabExpansion = if (Get-Module -Name powertab) { Get-Command Register-TabExpansion -Module powertab -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($PowerTab_RegisterTabExpansion) { & $PowerTab_RegisterTabExpansion "dapr.exe" -Type Command { param($Context, [ref]$TabExpansionHasOutput) $line = $Context.Line $lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart() $TabExpansionHasOutput.Value = $true DaprTabExpansion $lastBlock } return } if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion) { Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion TabExpansionBackup } # Set up tab expansion and include dapr expansion # This needs to be last in this file function TabExpansion { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $line, [string] $lastWord ) process { $lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1] switch -regex ($lastBlock) { "^$(Get-AliasPattern dapr) (.*)" { DaprTabExpansion $lastBlock } # Fall back on existing tab expansion default { if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansionBackup) { TabExpansionBackup $line $lastWord } } } } } |