Register-Completer dapr @( COMPGEN 'completion' ManagementCommand 'Generates shell completion scripts' COMPGEN 'components' ManagementCommand 'List all Dapr components. Supported platforms: Kubernetes' COMPGEN 'configurations' ManagementCommand 'List all Dapr configurations. Supported platforms: Kubernetes' COMPGEN 'dashboard' ManagementCommand 'Start Dapr dashboard. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted' COMPGEN 'help' ManagementCommand 'Help about any command' COMPGEN 'init' ManagementCommand 'Install Dapr on supported hosting platforms. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted' COMPGEN 'invoke' ManagementCommand 'Invoke a method on a given Dapr application. Supported platforms: Self-hosted' COMPGEN 'list' ManagementCommand 'List all Dapr instances. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted' COMPGEN 'logs' ManagementCommand 'Get Dapr sidecar logs for an application. Supported platforms: Kubernetes' COMPGEN 'mtls' ManagementCommand 'Check if mTLS is enabled. Supported platforms: Kubernetes' COMPGEN 'publish' ManagementCommand 'Publish a pub-sub event. Supported platforms: Self-hosted' COMPGEN 'run' ManagementCommand 'Run Dapr and (optionally) your application side by side. Supported platforms: Self-hosted' COMPGEN 'status' ManagementCommand 'Show the health status of Dapr services. Supported platforms: Kubernetes' COMPGEN 'stop' ManagementCommand 'Stop Dapr instances and their associated apps. . Supported platforms: Self-hosted' COMPGEN 'uninstall' ManagementCommand 'Uninstall Dapr runtime. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted' COMPGEN 'upgrade' ManagementCommand 'Upgrades a Dapr control plane installation in a cluster. Supported platforms: Kubernetes' ) Register-Completer dapr -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'help for dapr' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'help for dapr' COMPGEN '-v' Switch 'version for dapr' COMPGEN '--version' Switch 'version for dapr' ) Register-Completer dapr_completion @( COMPGEN 'bash' SubCommand 'Generates bash completion scripts' COMPGEN 'powershell' SubCommand 'Generates powershell completion scripts' COMPGEN 'zsh' SubCommand 'Generates zsh completion scripts' ) Register-Completer dapr_completion -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' ) Register-Completer dapr_completion_bash -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' ) Register-Completer dapr_completion_powershell -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' ) Register-Completer dapr_completion_zsh -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' ) Register-Completer dapr_components -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'List all Dapr components in a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'List all Dapr components in a Kubernetes cluster' ) Register-Completer dapr_configurations -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'List all Dapr configurations in a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'List all Dapr configurations in a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '-n' string 'The configuration name to be printed (optional)' COMPGEN '--name' string 'The configuration name to be printed (optional)' COMPGEN '-o' string 'Output format (options: json or yaml or list) (default "list")' COMPGEN '--output' string 'Output format (options: json or yaml or list) (default "list")' ) Register-Completer dapr_dashboard -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'Opens Dapr dashboard in local browser via local proxy to Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'Opens Dapr dashboard in local browser via local proxy to Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '-n' string 'The namespace where Dapr dashboard is running (default "dapr-system")' COMPGEN '--namespace' string 'The namespace where Dapr dashboard is running (default "dapr-system")' COMPGEN '-p' int 'The local port on which to serve Dapr dashboard (default 8080)' COMPGEN '--port' int 'The local port on which to serve Dapr dashboard (default 8080)' COMPGEN '-v' Switch 'Print the version for Dapr dashboard' COMPGEN '--version' Switch 'Print the version for Dapr dashboard' ) Register-Completer dapr_help -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'help for help' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'help for help' ) Register-Completer dapr_init -Option @( COMPGEN '--dashboard-version' string 'The version of the Dapr dashboard to install, for example: 1.0.0 (default "latest")' COMPGEN '--enable-ha' Switch 'Enable high availability (HA) mode' COMPGEN '--enable-mtls' Switch 'Enable mTLS in your cluster (default true)' COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'Deploy Dapr to a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'Deploy Dapr to a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '-n' string 'The Kubernetes namespace to install Dapr in (default "dapr-system")' COMPGEN '--namespace' string 'The Kubernetes namespace to install Dapr in (default "dapr-system")' COMPGEN '--network' string 'The Docker network on which to deploy the Dapr runtime' COMPGEN '--runtime-version' string 'The version of the Dapr runtime to install, for example: 1.0.0 (default "latest")' COMPGEN '--set' stringArray 'set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)' COMPGEN '-s' Switch 'Exclude placement service, Redis and Zipkin containers from self-hosted installation' COMPGEN '--slim' Switch 'Exclude placement service, Redis and Zipkin containers from self-hosted installation' ) Register-Completer dapr_invoke -Option @( COMPGEN '-a' string 'The application id to invoke' COMPGEN '--app-id' string 'The application id to invoke' COMPGEN '-d' string 'The JSON serialized data string (optional)' COMPGEN '--data' string 'The JSON serialized data string (optional)' COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-m' string 'The method to invoke' COMPGEN '--method' string 'The method to invoke' COMPGEN '-v' string 'The HTTP verb to use (default "POST")' COMPGEN '--verb' string 'The HTTP verb to use (default "POST")' ) Register-Completer dapr_list -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'List all Dapr pods in a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'List all Dapr pods in a Kubernetes cluster' ) Register-Completer dapr_logs -Option @( COMPGEN '-a' string 'The application id for which logs are needed' COMPGEN '--app-id' string 'The application id for which logs are needed' COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'Get logs from a Kubernetes cluster (default true)' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'Get logs from a Kubernetes cluster (default true)' COMPGEN '-n' string 'The Kubernetes namespace in which your application is deployed (default "default")' COMPGEN '--namespace' string 'The Kubernetes namespace in which your application is deployed (default "default")' COMPGEN '-p' string 'The name of the pod in Kubernetes, in case your application has multiple pods (optional)' COMPGEN '--pod-name' string 'The name of the pod in Kubernetes, in case your application has multiple pods (optional)' ) Register-Completer dapr_mtls @( COMPGEN 'expiry' SubCommand 'Checks the expiry of the root certificate' COMPGEN 'export' SubCommand 'Export the root CA, issuer cert and key from Kubernetes to local files' ) Register-Completer dapr_mtls -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'Check if mTLS is enabled in a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'Check if mTLS is enabled in a Kubernetes cluster' ) Register-Completer dapr_mtls_expiry -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'help for expiry' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'help for expiry' ) Register-Completer dapr_mtls_export -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-o' string 'The output directory path to save the certs (default ".")' COMPGEN '--out' string 'The output directory path to save the certs (default ".")' ) Register-Completer dapr_publish -Option @( COMPGEN '-d' string 'The JSON serialized data string (optional)' COMPGEN '--data' string 'The JSON serialized data string (optional)' COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-i' string 'The ID of the publishing app' COMPGEN '--publish-app-id' string 'The ID of the publishing app' COMPGEN '-p' string 'The name of the pub/sub component' COMPGEN '--pubsub' string 'The name of the pub/sub component' COMPGEN '-t' string 'The topic to be published to' COMPGEN '--topic' string 'The topic to be published to' ) Register-Completer dapr_run -Option @( COMPGEN '-a' string 'The id for your application, used for service discovery' COMPGEN '--app-id' string 'The id for your application, used for service discovery' COMPGEN '--app-max-concurrency' int 'The concurrency level of the application, otherwise is unlimited (default -1)' COMPGEN '-p' int 'The port your application is listening on (default -1)' COMPGEN '--app-port' int 'The port your application is listening on (default -1)' COMPGEN '-P' string 'The protocol (gRPC or HTTP) Dapr uses to talk to the application (default "http")' COMPGEN '--app-protocol' string 'The protocol (gRPC or HTTP) Dapr uses to talk to the application (default "http")' COMPGEN '--app-ssl' Switch 'Enable https when Dapr invokes the application' COMPGEN '-d' string 'The path for components directory (default "$HOMEPATH\\.dapr\\components")' COMPGEN '--components-path' string 'The path for components directory (default "$HOMEPATH\\.dapr\\components")' COMPGEN '-c' string 'Dapr configuration file (default "$HOMEPATH\\.dapr\\config.yaml")' COMPGEN '--config' string 'Dapr configuration file (default "$HOMEPATH\\.dapr\\config.yaml")' COMPGEN '-G' int 'The gRPC port for Dapr to listen on (default -1)' COMPGEN '--dapr-grpc-port' int 'The gRPC port for Dapr to listen on (default -1)' COMPGEN '-H' int 'The HTTP port for Dapr to listen on (default -1)' COMPGEN '--dapr-http-port' int 'The HTTP port for Dapr to listen on (default -1)' COMPGEN '--enable-profiling' Switch 'Enable pprof profiling via an HTTP endpoint' COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--log-level' string 'The log verbosity. Valid values are: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, or panic (default "info")' COMPGEN '-M' int 'The port of metrics on dapr (default -1)' COMPGEN '--metrics-port' int 'The port of metrics on dapr (default -1)' COMPGEN '--placement-host-address' string 'The host on which the placement service resides (default "localhost")' COMPGEN '--profile-port' int 'The port for the profile server to listen on (default -1)' ) Register-Completer dapr_status -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'Show the health status of Dapr services on Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'Show the health status of Dapr services on Kubernetes cluster' ) Register-Completer dapr_stop -Option @( COMPGEN '-a' string 'The application id to be stopped' COMPGEN '--app-id' string 'The application id to be stopped' COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' ) Register-Completer dapr_uninstall -Option @( COMPGEN '--all' Switch 'Remove .dapr directory, Redis, Placement and Zipkin containers' COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'Uninstall Dapr from a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'Uninstall Dapr from a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '-n' string 'The Kubernetes namespace to uninstall Dapr from (default "dapr-system")' COMPGEN '--namespace' string 'The Kubernetes namespace to uninstall Dapr from (default "dapr-system")' COMPGEN '--network' string 'The Docker network from which to remove the Dapr runtime' ) Register-Completer dapr_upgrade -Option @( COMPGEN '-h' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '--help' Switch 'Print this help message' COMPGEN '-k' Switch 'Upgrade Dapr in a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--kubernetes' Switch 'Upgrade Dapr in a Kubernetes cluster' COMPGEN '--runtime-version' string 'The version of the Dapr runtime to upgrade to, for example: 1.0.0' COMPGEN '--set' stringArray 'set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)' ) $releasesAll = { Get-Releases } $instancesAll = { Get-Instances } Register-Completer dapr_stop_-a $instancesAll Register-Completer dapr_stop_--app-id $instancesAll Register-Completer dapr_instance_stop $instancesAll Register-Completer dapr_init_--runtime-version $releasesAll # You can omit the -a or --app-id and just provide the instance Register-Completer dapr_stop (Get-Completer dapr_instance_stop) |