$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".tests.", ".") $global:poshhumpSkipTabCompletionInstall = $true $global:poshhumpLoadCommandsSync = $true . "$here\common.ps1" . "$here\$sut" $global:HumpCompletionCommandCache = $null #clear cache in case left over from installation etc! Describe "GetCommandWithVerbAndHumpSuffix" { It "handles single hump" { $result = GetCommandWithVerbAndHumpSuffix "Get-Command" ($result.Verb) | Should Be 'Get' ($result.SuffixHumpForm) | Should Be 'C' } It "handles multiple humps" { $result = GetCommandWithVerbAndHumpSuffix "Get-ChildItem" ($result.Verb) | Should Be 'Get' ($result.SuffixHumpForm) | Should Be 'CI' } } Describe "GetWildcardForm" { It "returns wildcard for null" { GetWildcardForm $null | Should Be "*" } It "returns wildcard for empty string" { GetWildcardForm "" | Should Be "*" } It "returns multiple wildcard for multihump string" { GetWildcardForm "AzRV" | Should Be "Az*R*V*" } It "ignores leading dash in parameter names" { GetWildcardForm "-ABC" | Should Be "-A*B*C*" } } function PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper ($line, $index = -1) { Clear-HumpCompletionCommandCache $tokens = $null; if ($index -eq -1) { $index = $line.Length } $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($line, [ref]$tokens, [ref]$null) PoshHumpTabExpansion2 $ast $index } Describe "PoshHumpTabExpansion2 - command completion" { Mock Get-Command { @( [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Get-Command'}, [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Get-ChildItem'}, [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Get-Content'}, [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Set-Content'}, [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Get-CimInstance'}, [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Switch-AzureMode'} )} It "ignores commands when no matching prefix" { , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Foo-C").CompletionMatches | Should Be $null } It "provides matches filtered to prefix" { , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Set-C").CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Set-Content') # i.e. doesn't match "Command" } It "matches multiple items (including partial matches)" { # TODO - want to have this ordered by exact hump match first! #,(PoshHumpTabExpansion "Get-C") | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-Content', 'Get-Command', 'Get-ChildItem', 'Get-CimInstance') , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-C").CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-ChildItem', 'Get-CimInstance', 'Get-Command', 'Get-Content') } It "matches with lower-case filter refinement" { # TODO - want to have this ordered by exact hump match first! #,(PoshHumpTabExpansion "Get-C") | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-Content', 'Get-Command', 'Get-ChildItem', 'Get-CimInstance') , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-ChI").CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-ChildItem') } It "matches multiple items - multihump (including partial matches)" { , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-CI").CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-ChildItem', 'Get-CimInstance') } It "does not complete when trailing spaces" { , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-CI ").CompletionMatches | Should Be $null } It "matches case-insensitively on Verb" { , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "set-C").CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Set-Content') } It "sets replacement index/length for completion of simple input" { $result = PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Set-C" $result.ReplacementIndex | Should Be 0 $result.ReplacementLength | Should Be 5 } It "sets replacement index/length for completion at the start of the input" { # 012345678901234567890 $result = PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-ChI | Get-Content" 7 $result.ReplacementIndex | Should Be 0 $result.ReplacementLength | Should Be 7 } It "sets replacement index/length for completion at the end of the input" { # 0123456789012345 $result = PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-ChI | Get-Co" 16 $result.ReplacementIndex | Should Be 10 $result.ReplacementLength | Should Be 6 } It "sets replacement index/length for completion at the end of the input with parameter input" { # 01234567890123456789 $result = PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-ChI | Get-Co foo" 16 $result.ReplacementIndex | Should Be 10 $result.ReplacementLength | Should Be 6 } } Describe "PoshHumpTabExpansion2 - parameter completion" { Mock GetParameters -ParameterFilter {$commandName -eq "Get-Foo1"} -MockWith { @("-TestOne", "-TestTwo", "-TestThree")} Mock GetParameters -ParameterFilter {$commandName -eq "Get-Help"} -MockWith { @("-Category", "-Component", "-Debug", "-Detailed", "-ErrorAction", "-ErrorVariable", "-Examples", "-Full", "-Functionality", "-InformationAction", "-InformationVariable", "-Name", "-Online", "-OutBuffer", "-OutVariable", "-Parameter", "-Path", "-PipelineVariable", "-Role", "-ShowWindow", "-Verbose", "-WarningAction", "-WarningVariable")} It "handles simple completion" { , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-Help -Fu").CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @("-Full", "-Functionality") } It "matches with hump completion on capitals" { , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-Foo1 -TT").CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @("-TestTwo", "-TestThree") } It "matches with hump completion on capitals and lowercase" { , (PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-Foo1 -TTw").CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @("-TestTwo") } It "matches in the middle of the command text" { # 01234567890123456 $result = PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-Help -Fu -Bar" 12 $result.ReplacementIndex | Should Be 9 $result.ReplacementLength | Should Be 3 , $result.CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @("-Full", "-Functionality") } It "matches with hump completion on capitals" { # 0123456789012345678901234 $result = PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-Foo1 -TT | Write-Host" 12 $result.ReplacementIndex | Should Be 9 $result.ReplacementLength | Should Be 3 , $result.CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @("-TestTwo", "-TestThree") } } Describe "PoshHumpTabExpansion2 - variable completion" { BeforeEach { Get-Variable poshHumpCompletionTest_* | Remove-Variable -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $poshHumpCompletionTest_TestFoo = "123" $poshHumpCompletionTest_TestBar = "123" $poshHumpCompletionTest_TestBaz = "123" } It "handles simple completion" { # 012345678901234567890123456789 $result = PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "`$poshHumpCompletionTest_TB" , ($result).CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @("`$poshHumpCompletionTest_TestBar", "`$poshHumpCompletionTest_TestBaz") $result.ReplacementIndex | Should Be 0 $result.ReplacementLength | Should Be 26 } It "handles completion in the middle of a statement" { # 0123456789012 34567890123456789012345678 $result = PoshTabExpansion2Wrapper "Get-Foo -Bar `$poshHumpCompletionTest_TB | Invoke-Wibble" 38 , ($result).CompletionMatches | Should MatchArrayOrdered @("`$poshHumpCompletionTest_TestBar", "`$poshHumpCompletionTest_TestBaz") $result.ReplacementIndex | Should Be 13 $result.ReplacementLength | Should Be 26 } } |