
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".tests.", ".")
. "$here\$sut"

$global:HumpCompletionCommandCache=$null #clear cache in case left over from installation etc!

Describe "GetCommandWithVerbAndHumpSuffix" {
    It "handles single hump" {
        $result = GetCommandWithVerbAndHumpSuffix "Get-Command"
        ($result.Verb) | Should Be 'Get'
        ($result.SuffixHumpForm) | Should Be 'C'
    It "handles multiple humps" {
        $result = GetCommandWithVerbAndHumpSuffix "Get-ChildItem"
        ($result.Verb) | Should Be 'Get'
        ($result.SuffixHumpForm) | Should Be 'CI'

Describe "GetWildcardSuffixForm" {
    It "returns wildcard for null" {
        GetWildcardSuffixForm $null | Should Be "*"
    It "returns wildcard for empty string" {
        GetWildcardSuffixForm "" | Should Be "*"
    It "returns multiple wildcard for multihump string" {
        GetWildcardSuffixForm "AzRV" | Should Be "Az*R*V*"
Describe "PoshHumpTabExpansion" {
    Mock Get-Command { @( 
                [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Get-Command'},
                [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Get-ChildItem'},
                [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Get-Content'},
                [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Set-Content'},
                [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Get-CimInstance'},
                [PSCustomObject] @{'Name' = 'Switch-AzureMode'}        
    It "ignores commands when no matching prefix" {
        ,(PoshHumpTabExpansion "Foo-C") | Should Be $null
    It "provides matches filtered to prefix" {
        ,(PoshHumpTabExpansion "Set-C") | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Set-Content') # i.e. doesn't match "Command"
    It "matches multiple items (including partial matches)" {
        # TODO - want to have this ordered by exact hump match first!
        #,(PoshHumpTabExpansion "Get-C") | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-Content', 'Get-Command', 'Get-ChildItem', 'Get-CimInstance')
        ,(PoshHumpTabExpansion "Get-C") | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-ChildItem', 'Get-CimInstance', 'Get-Command', 'Get-Content')
    It "matches with lower-case filter" {
        # TODO - want to have this ordered by exact hump match first!
        #,(PoshHumpTabExpansion "Get-C") | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-Content', 'Get-Command', 'Get-ChildItem', 'Get-CimInstance')
        ,(PoshHumpTabExpansion "Get-ChI") | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-ChildItem')
    It "matches multiple items - multihump (including partial matches)" {
        ,(PoshHumpTabExpansion "Get-CI") | Should MatchArrayOrdered @('Get-ChildItem', 'Get-CimInstance')