function DebugMessage($message) { [System.Diagnostics.Debug]::WriteLine("PoshHump:$message") } function GetCommandWithVerbAndHumpSuffix($commandName) { $separatorIndex = $commandName.IndexOf('-') if ($separatorIndex -ge 0){ $verb = $commandName.SubString(0, $separatorIndex) $suffix = $commandName.SubString($separatorIndex+1) return [PSCustomObject] @{ "Verb" = $verb "SuffixHumpForm" = $suffix -creplace "[a-z]","" # case sensitive replace "Command" = $commandName } } } function GetCommandsWithVerbAndHumpSuffix() { # TODO - add caching $commandsGroupedByVerb = Get-Command ` | ForEach-Object { GetCommandWithVerbAndHumpSuffix $_.Name} ` | Group-Object Verb $commands = @{} $commandsGroupedByVerb | ForEach-Object { $commands[$_.Name] = $_.Group | group-object SuffixHumpForm } return $commands } function GetWildcardSuffixForm($suffix){ # create a wildcard form of a suffix. E.g. for "AzRGr" return "Az*R*Gr*" if ($suffix -eq $null -or $suffix.Length -eq 0){ return "*" } $result = $suffix[0] for($i=1 ; $i -lt $suffix.Length ; $i++){ if ([char]::IsUpper($suffix[$i])) { $result += "*" } $result += $suffix[$i] } $result += "*" return $result } function PoshHumpTabExpansion($line) { if ($global:HumpCompletionCommandCache -eq $null) { DebugMessage -message "PoshHumpTabExpansion:loading command cache" $global:HumpCompletionCommandCache = GetCommandsWithVerbAndHumpSuffix } if($line -match "^(?<verb>\S+)-(?<suffix>[A-Z]*)") { $command = $matches[0] $commandInfo = GetCommandWithVerbAndHumpSuffix $command $verb = $matches['verb'] $suffix= $matches['suffix'] $suffixWildcardForm = GetWildcardSuffixForm $suffix $wildcardForm = "$verb-$suffixWildcardForm" $commands = $global:HumpCompletionCommandCache if ($commands[$verb] -ne $null) { return $commands[$verb] ` | Where-Object { # $_.Name is suffix hump form # Match on hump form of completion word $_.Name.StartsWith($commandInfo.SuffixHumpForm) } ` | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Group ` | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Command ` | Where-Object { $_ -like $wildcardForm } ` | Sort-Object } } } function Clear-HumpCompletionCommandCache() { [Cmdletbinding()] param() DebugMessage -message "PoshHumpTabExpansion:clearing command cache" $global:HumpCompletionCommandCache = $null } function Stop-HumpCompletion(){ [Cmdletbinding()] param() $global:HumpCompletionEnabled = $false } function Start-HumpCompletion(){ [Cmdletbinding()] param() $global:HumpCompletionEnabled = $true } # install the handler! DebugMessage -message "Installing: Test PoshHumpTabExpansionBackup function" if (-not (Test-Path Function:\PoshHumpTabExpansionBackup)) { if (Test-Path Function:\TabExpansion) { DebugMessage -message "Installing: Backup TabExpansion function" Rename-Item Function:\TabExpansion PoshHumpTabExpansionBackup } function TabExpansion($line="", $lastWord="") { $lastBlock = [regex]::Split($line, '[|;]')[-1].TrimStart() if ($global:HumpCompletionEnabled) { DebugMessage -message "PoshHump:input: $lastBlock" $result = PoshHumpTabExpansion $lastBlock } if ($result -ne $null) { $result } else { # Fall back on existing tab expansion if (Test-Path Function:\PoshHumpTabExpansionBackup) { PoshHumpTabExpansionBackup $line $lastWord } } } } $global:HumpCompletionEnabled = $true |