########################################### # # POKE Toolkit 1.1 # By Oisin Grehan (MVP) # # # 1.0 initial release # 1.1 add support for out/ref parameters # ########################################### Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # libraries to include . (join-path $PSScriptRoot delegate.ps1) # global cache for -ascustomobject instance/type proxies # this is needed for the format helper functions as metadata # and hints about proxied objects are hidden in ETS member # attributes $SCRIPT:proxyTable = @{} ############################################ # # PS1XML Format function helper definitions # ############################################ # used in this module (poke) for property/field filter filter Limit-SpecialMember { if (-not ($_.isspecialname -or $_.GetCustomAttributes([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute], $false).count)) { $_ } else { if ($_.isspecialname) { Write-Verbose "skipping special member $_" } else { Write-Verbose "skipping compiler generated $_" } } } function Get-Modifier { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [validatenotnull()] [System.Reflection.MemberInfo]$Member ) $modifiers = "" try { if ($Member.ispublic) { $modifiers = "public" } elseif ($Member.isFamily) { $modifiers = "protected" } elseif ($Member.isFamilyOrAssembly) { $modifiers = "protected internal" } elseif ($Member.isAssembly) { $modifiers = "internal" } elseif ($Member.isPrivate) { $modifiers = "private" } } catch { $modifiers = "ERROR" } # declared readonly? if ($member.MemberType -eq "Field") { $fieldInfo = [system.reflection.fieldinfo]$member if ($fieldInfo.IsInitOnly) { $modifiers += " readonly" } } $modifiers } $SCRIPT:formatHelperFunctions = { # These functions are defined within module scope for a single instance or type proxy. $SCRIPT:adapterType = [psobject].assembly.gettype("System.Management.Automation.DotNetAdapter") $SCRIPT:getMethodDefinition = $adapterType.getmethod("GetMethodInfoOverloadDefinition", [reflection.bindingflags]"static,nonpublic") # cache some often used members for performance reasons $SCRIPT:miType = [psobject].assembly.gettype("System.Management.Automation.MethodInformation") $SCRIPT:miCtor = $mitype.GetConstructor("nonpublic,instance", $null, [type[]]@([reflection.methodinfo], [int]), $null) $SCRIPT:miDefinition = $mitype.GetProperty("methodDefinition", [reflection.bindingflags]"instance,nonpublic") $SCRIPT:fieldCall = $false # workaround if (-not $miDefinition) { $SCRIPT:miCtor = $mitype.GetConstructor("nonpublic,instance", $null, [type[]]@([string],[reflection.methodinfo], [int]), $null) $SCRIPT:miDefinition = $mitype.GetField("methodDefinition", [reflection.bindingflags]"instance,nonpublic") $SCRIPT:fieldCall = $true } # used in dynamic modules (proxies) for method filter filter Limit-SpecialMember { if (-not ($_.isspecialname -or $_.GetCustomAttributes([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute], $false).count)) { $_ } else { if ($_.isspecialname) { Write-Verbose "skipping special member $_" } else { Write-Verbose "skipping compiler generated $_" } } } # enhanced .ctor definition with parameter names function Get-ConstructorDefinition { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [type]$Type ) $type.GetConstructors("public,nonpublic,instance") | % { ".ctor ({0})" -f (($_.getparameters() | % { "{0} {1}" -f [microsoft.powershell.tostringcodemethods]::type($_.parametertype), $_.name }) -join ", ") } } function Get-MethodDefinition { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [validatenotnull()] [reflection.methodinfo]$MethodInfo ) # let powershell do the work if ($SCRIPT:fieldCall) { $mi = $miCtor.Invoke(@($methodinfo.name, $MethodInfo, 0)) $miDefinition.getvalue($mi) # field call } else { $mi = $miCtor.Invoke(@($MethodInfo, 0)) $miDefinition.getvalue($mi, @()) # prop call } } function Get-MemberDefinition { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberDefinition]$Member, [parameter()] [pstypename("Pokeable.Object")] [psobject]$Proxy ) # NOTE: we don't want to recursively trigger ETS so use psbase $memberType = $member.psbase.MemberType switch ($memberType) { ScriptProperty { # Property* or Field* $baseMemberType = $member.MemberType.split(":")[0] # grab _our_ ETS value (not using psbase!) # TODO: show {get;} or {get;set;} depending on readonly or not # TODO: show modifiers for get/set if different; e.g. {get;private set;} $getset = $(if ($baseMemberType -eq "Property*") { " { get; set; }" }) "{0}{1} {2}{3}" -f "", $proxy.psobject.Members[$member.Name].TypeNameOfValue, $Member.Name, $getset } ScriptMethod { switch ($member.Name) { __CreateInstance { $baseObject = $Proxy.__GetBaseObject() if ($baseObject -is [type]) { (Get-ConstructorDefinition -Type $baseObject) -join ", " } else { (Get-ConstructorDefinition -Type $baseObject.gettype()) -join ", " } } __GetBaseObject { $baseObject = $Proxy.__GetBaseObject() if ($baseObject -is [type]) { "type __GetBaseObject()" } else { "{0} __GetBaseObject()" -f [Microsoft.PowerShell.ToStringCodeMethods]::Type($baseObject.gettype()) } } __GetModuleInfo { "psmoduleinfo __GetModuleInfo()" } ToString { "string ToString()" } default { # retrieve from scriptmethod scriptblock attributes $body = $proxy.psobject.members[$member.Name].script $description = $body.Attributes.Find( { $args[0] -is [System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute] }) if ($description) { # overloads cached in description attribute above param block $description.description } else { "..." } } } } Method { # pass through $Member.psbase.Definition } Property { # pass through $Member.psbase.definition } } } # computes modifiers for a memberdefinition instance (public, private, internal, static etc) function Get-MemberModifier { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberDefinition]$Member, [parameter()] [pstypename("Pokeable.Object")] [psobject]$Proxy ) # modifiers are cached in exported function description Write-Verbose "getting function description for $($Member.psbase.name)" switch ($member.psbase.MemberType) { ScriptProperty { $getter = $proxy.psobject.members[$member.Name].getterscript $description = $getter.Attributes.Find( { $args[0] -is [System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute] }) $description.description.split(":")[1] } ScriptMethod { try { $description = (get-item function:"$($Member.psbase.name)").Description if ($description) { $description.split(":")[0] } else { # special cases if ($member.psbase.name -eq "ToString") { "public" } else { # special case proxy helpers, like __CreateInstance, __GetModuleInfo etc "-" } } } catch { "-" } # no description property on function } default { "public" } } } # computes member type for a memberdefinition (e.g. replaces ScriptProperty with Field or Property # and ScriptMethod with Method) function Get-MemberType { param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberDefinition]$Member, [parameter()] [pstypename("Pokeable.Object")] [psobject]$Proxy ) # don't want to recursive trigger ETS so use psbase $memberType = $member.psbase.MemberType switch ($memberType) { ScriptProperty { # the proxied member type is cached in a description attribute on the scriptproperty's getterscript (e.g. field/property) $getter = $proxy.psobject.members[$member.Name].getterscript $description = $getter.Attributes.Find( { $args[0] -is [System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute] }) $description.description.split(":")[0] } ScriptMethod { # add asterisk to differentiate between methods on the psobject (gettype etc) and proxied members "Method*" } default { # catch all $memberType } } } ### # # ByRef helper # ### filter ConvertFrom-PSReference { if ([ref].IsAssignableFrom($_)) { $_.generictypearguments[0].makebyreftype() } else { $_ } } } ############################################ # # Proxy Method generator definition (lambda) # ############################################ $SCRIPT:initializer = { param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)] [validatenotnull()] $baseObject, [Parameter(mandatory=$true, position=1)] [reflection.bindingflags]$flags, [switch]$IncludeCompilerGenerated, [switch]$IncludeSpecialName ) Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Peek" -Status "Initializing methods..." write-verbose "Method initializer." if ($baseObject.gettype().Name -eq "RuntimeType") { # type Write-Verbose "`$baseObject is a Type" $methodInfos = $baseobject.getmethods($flags)| Limit-SpecialMember $baseType = $baseObject } else { # instance Write-Verbose "`$baseObject is an instance" $methodInfos = $baseObject.GetType().getmethods($flags) | Limit-SpecialMember $baseType = $baseObject.GetType() } foreach ($method in @($methodInfos|Sort-Object name -unique)) { $methodName = $method.name write-verbose "Creating method $methodname`(...`); building method definitions..." $overloads = ($methodInfos|? name -eq $methodName|% { Get-MethodDefinition $_ }) -join ", " # psscriptmethod ignores outputtype - maybe this will get fixed in later releases of ps? # ultimately it's of dubious use for methods as overloads may differ in return type. # of course, they must have differing parameters too as a method cannot differ _only_ by return type. $definition = new-item function:script:$methodName -value ([scriptblock]::create(" # cache overloads in description attribute which is easily retrieved from this # scriptblock's attributes property when emitting memberdefinition definition [componentmodel.description('$overloads')] param(); write-verbose 'called $methodName' [reflection.bindingflags]`$binding = '$flags' try { if ((`$overloads = @(`$baseType.getmethods(`$binding)|? name -eq '$methodname')).count -gt 1) { write-verbose 'self $self ; flags: $flags ; finding best fit overload' `$types = [type]::gettypearray(`$args).foreach({ if (`$_.basetype -eq [ref]) { `$_.generictypearguments[0].makebyreftype() # fix up [ref][int] to [int&] } else { `$_ } }) `$method = `$baseType.getmethod('$methodname', `$binding, `$null, `$types, `$null) if (-not `$method) { write-warning ""Could not find best fit overload for `$(`$types -join ',')."" throw } } else { write-verbose 'single method; no overloads' } `$inargs = new-object 'object[]' `$args.length [array]::copy(`$args, `$inargs, `$args.length) # deref [ref] to value for (`$i = 0; `$i -lt `$inargs.length; `$i++) { `$elem = `$inargs[`$i] if (`$elem -is [ref]) { `$inargs[`$i] = `$elem.value } } # invoke write-verbose ""invoking '`$method' with: `$(`$inargs -join ',')"" `$method.invoke(`$self, `$binding, `$null, `$inargs, `$null) # update any [ref] values in original `$args for (`$i = 0; `$i -lt `$args.length; `$i++) { `$elem = `$args[`$i] if (`$elem -is [ref]) { `$elem.value = `$inargs[`$i] } } } catch { # TODO: remove this redundant check if (`$_.exception.innerexception -is [Reflection.TargetParameterCountException]) { write-warning ""Could not find matching overload with `$(`$args.count) parameter(s)."" # dump overloads (public methods only?) #`$self.'$methodname' } else { # error is from invocation target, rethrow write-verbose 'rethrow on invoke' throw } }")).GetNewClosure() # isfamily: protected # isfamilyORassembly: protected internal # isassembly: internal # isprivate: private $modifiers = "" if ($method.ispublic) { $modifiers = "public" } elseif ($method.isFamily) { $modifiers = "protected" } elseif ($method.isFamilyOrAssembly) { $modifiers = "protected internal" } elseif ($method.isAssembly) { $modifiers = "internal" } elseif ($method.isPrivate) { $modifiers = "private" } $definition.description = $modifiers + ":" + $(if ($method.isstatic) { "static" } else { "" }) export-modulemember $methodname } # /foreach method } ############################################ # # Type Proxy # ############################################ function New-TypeProxy { <# #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter()] [validatenotnullorempty()] [string]$TypeName, [switch]$CaseSensitive ) $type = Find-Type $typeName ` -CaseSensitive:$CaseSensitive if (-not $type) { write-warning "Could not find ${typeName}. Are you sure the containing assembly has been loaded?" return } # Create TypeProxy $proxy = new-module -ascustomobject -name "Pokeable.System.RuntimeType#$($type.fullname)" { param( [type]$type, [scriptblock]$initializer, [scriptblock]$formatHelperFunctions ) Set-StrictMode -Version latest function apply { param([scriptblock]$block) . $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.NewBoundScriptBlock($block) @args } function __CreateInstance { write-verbose "Type is $type ; `$args count is $($args.count)" if ($type.IsAbstract) { write-warning "Type is abstract." return } $types = @() $args|%{if($_ -eq $null){$types+=$null}else{$types+=$_.gettype()}} write-verbose ".ctor args: length $($types.length)" $ctor = $type.GetConstructor("Public,NonPublic,Instance", $null, $types, $null) if (-not $ctor) { write-warning "No matching constructor found. Available constructors:" Get-ConstructorDefinition $type | % { write-host -ForegroundColor green " $_" } return } # return wrapped object try { New-InstanceProxy $ctor.invoke($args) -verbose } catch { write-warning "Could not create instance: $_" } } $self = $type # bind format helper functions to this module's scope . apply $formatHelperFunctions # define methods . apply $initializer $type "Public,NonPublic,Static,DeclaredOnly" function __GetBaseObject { $type } function __GetModuleInfo { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module } function ToString { "Pokeable.System.RuntimeType#$($type.fullname)" } export-modulemember __CreateInstance, __GetBaseObject, __GetModuleInfo, ToString } -args $type, $initializer, $formatHelperFunctions if ($proxy) { $proxy.psobject.typenames.insert(0, "Pokeable.Object") $proxy.psobject.typenames.insert(0, "Pokeable.System.RuntimeType#$($type.fullname)") Add-fields $proxy "Public,NonPublic,DeclaredOnly,Static" > $null Add-properties $proxy "Public,NonPublic,DeclaredOnly,Static" > $null write-verbose "Registering in proxyTable" $proxyTable[$proxy.tostring()] = $proxy $proxy } } ############################################ # # Instance Proxy # ############################################ function New-InstanceProxy { <# #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [validatenotnull()] [object]$Instance, [switch]$IncludeInheritedMembers, # not implemented [switch]$ExcludePublic, # not implemented [switch]$ExcludeFields # not implemented ) $instanceId = [guid]::NewGuid() $type = $instance.GetType() $proxy = new-module -ascustomobject -name "Pokeable.$($type.fullname)#$instanceId" -verbose { param( $self, $instanceId, [scriptblock]$initializer, [scriptblock]$formatHelperFunctions ) Set-StrictMode -Version latest function apply { param([scriptblock]$block) . $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.NewBoundScriptBlock($block) @args } $type = $self.gettype() write-verbose "Created an instance of $type" # bind format helper functions to this module's scope . apply $formatHelperFunctions # define methods . apply $initializer $self "Public,NonPublic,DeclaredOnly,Instance" function __GetModuleInfo { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module } function __GetBaseObject { $self } function ToString() { "Pokeable.$($type.fullname)#$instanceId" } export-modulemember __GetBaseObject, __GetModuleInfo, ToString # register dispose handler on module remove $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove = { # TODO: handle Close if ($self.Dispose) { # -as IDisposable? # will fail on explicit idisposable.dispose $self.Dispose() } } } -args $instance, $instanceId, $initializer, $formatHelperFunctions if ($proxy) { $psobject = $proxy.psobject $psobject.typenames.insert(0, "Pokeable.Object") $psobject.typenames.insert(0, "Pokeable.$($type.fullname)#$instanceId") Add-fields $proxy "Public,NonPublic,DeclaredOnly,Instance" > $null Add-properties $proxy "Public,NonPublic,DeclaredOnly,Instance" > $null write-verbose "Registering in proxyTable" $proxyTable[$proxy.tostring()] = $proxy $proxy } } ############################################ # # Add Fields # ############################################ function Add-Fields { param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)] [validatenotnull()] [pstypename("Pokeable.Object")] $baseObject, [Parameter(mandatory=$true, position=1)] [reflection.bindingflags]$flags ) Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Peek" -Status "Initializing fields..." if ($baseObject.__GetBaseObject() -is [type]) { $type = $baseObject.__GetBaseObject() $self = $type } else { $type = $baseObject.__GetBaseObject().gettype() $self = $baseObject.__GetBaseObject() } $fields = $type.getfields($flags) $psobject = $baseObject.psobject # add fields foreach ($field in ($fields|limit-specialmember|Sort-Object name)) { # clean up type string for generics and accelerated types $outputType = [Microsoft.PowerShell.ToStringCodeMethods]::type($field.FieldType) $modifiers = Get-Modifier $field # close over field and instance vars but insert literal for fieldtype $getter = [scriptblock]::create( "[componentmodel.description('Field*:$modifiers')][outputtype('$outputtype')]param(); `$field.GetValue(`$self)").GetNewClosure() # if readonly then IsInitOnly would be flagged, but reflection can still invoke the setter so we ignore # TODO: strongly type $value parameter in setter $setter = { param($value); $field.SetValue($self, $value) }.GetNewClosure() $fieldDef = New-Object management.automation.psscriptproperty $field.Name, $getter, $setter write-verbose "Adding $flags field $($field.name) InitOnly: $($field.isinitonly)" $psobject.properties.add($fieldDef) } } ############################################ # # Add Properties # ############################################ function Add-Properties { param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true, position=0)] [validatenotnull()] [pstypename("Pokeable.Object")] $baseObject, [Parameter(mandatory=$true, position=1)] [reflection.bindingflags]$flags ) Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Peek" -Status "Initializing properties..." if ($baseObject.__GetBaseObject() -is [type]) { $type = $baseObject.__GetBaseObject() $self = $type } else { $type = $baseObject.__GetBaseObject().gettype() $self = $baseObject.__GetBaseObject() } $properties = $type.getproperties($flags) $psobject = $baseObject.psobject # add properties foreach ($property in ($properties|limit-specialmember|Sort-Object name)) { # clean up type string for generics and accelerated types $outputType = [Microsoft.PowerShell.ToStringCodeMethods]::type($property.PropertyType) write-verbose ("property: {0} {1} {{ ... }}" -f $outputtype, $property.name) $getmethod = $property.GetGetMethod(<# nonpublic: #>$true) # 4.0 -- 4.5 can use GetMethod property $setmethod = $(if ($property.CanWrite) { $property.GetSetMethod(<# nonpublic: #>$true) } else { $getmethod }) # 4.0 -- 4.5 can use SetMethod property if ((Get-Modifier $getmethod) -eq (Get-Modifier $setmethod)) { # readonly prop, or getter/setter have same visibility $modifiers = Get-Modifier $getmethod } else { # getter/setter have different visibility # TODO: highlight this in definition with { private get; internal set; } $modifiers = "-" } # property getter $getter = [scriptblock]::create( "[componentmodel.description('Property*:$modifiers')][outputtype('$outputType')]param(); `$property.GetValue(`$self, @())").GetNewClosure() #"[componentmodel.description('Property*:$modifiers')][outputtype('$outputType')]param(); if (`$value = `$property.GetValue(`$self, @())) { peek `$value }").GetNewClosure() # I don't account for setter-only properties if (-not $property.CanWrite) { $propertyDef = New-Object management.automation.psscriptproperty $property.Name, $getter } else { # TODO: strongly type $value parameter in setter # property setter $setter = { param($value); $property.SetValue($self, $value, @()) }.GetNewClosure() $propertyDef = New-Object management.automation.psscriptproperty $property.Name, $getter, $setter } write-verbose "Adding $flags property $($property.name)" $psObject.properties.add($propertyDef) } } ############################################ # # Find Type # ############################################ function Find-Type { param( [string]$TypeName, [reflection.bindingflags]$BindingFlags = "Public,NonPublic", [switch]$CaseSensitive ) write-verbose "Searching for $typeName" $assemblies = [appdomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() $matches = @() $assemblies | % { #write-verbose "Searching $($_.getname().name)..." $match = $_.gettype($typename, $false, !$CaseSensitive) if ($match) { $matches += $match } } write-verbose "Found $($matches.length) match(es)." $matches } ############################################ # # New Object Proxy (peek) # ############################################ function New-ObjectProxy { <# .SYNOPSIS Return a type or instance proxy of a managed type .DESCRIPTION Return a type or instance proxy of a managed type, exposing all non-public fields, properties and methods. Methods can be invoked, fields written to and private properties set. To see modifiers and method definitions use the standard command of Get-Member. Use the following meta-methods to work with proxies: * __CreateInstance() Create an instance of a proxied System.Type. * __GetBaseObject() Get the proxied System.Type or instance. .PARAMETER InputObject Accepts a Type or instance from the pipeline. Can also accept input as the first positional parameter. .PARAMETER Name Accepts the name of a Type to proxy, e.g. system.text.stringbuilder. .PARAMETER CaseSensitive Used in conjunction with -Name to specific a case-sensitive type name. .EXAMPLE $ise = peek $psise $ise | get-member Get a live instance of the ISE's $psise global, and examine and manipulate its internal structures. .EXAMPLE $job = start-job { 42 } | peek $job | gm Get an instance of psremotingjob and view all private, internal, protected and public members. .EXAMPLE $throttlemanager = peek (start-job { 42 } | peek).throttlemanager $throttlemanager.ThrottleLimit = 64 Get an instance of a job's internal throttle manager and increse the throttle limit from 32 to 64. #> [cmdletbinding(defaultparametersetname="inputobject")] param( [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true, parametersetname="typeName")] [validatenotnullorempty()] [string]$Name, [parameter(parametersetname="typeName")] [switch]$CaseSensitive, [parameter(valuefrompipeline=$true, parametersetname="inputobject", position="0")] [validatenotnull()] $InputObject ) if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "inputobject") { if ($InputObject -is [type]) { New-TypeProxy -TypeName $InputObject.fullname -CaseSensitive } else { New-InstanceProxy -Instance $InputObject } } else { New-TypeProxy -TypeName $Name -CaseSensitive:$CaseSensitive } Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "Poke" -Completed } <# Update-TypeData -Force -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSMethod -MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName CreateDelegate -Value { param( [parameter(position=0, mandatory=$true)] [validatenotnull()] [validatescript({ ([delegate].isassignablefrom($_)) })] [type]$DelegateType ) $this | Get-Delegate -Delegate $DelegateType } #> function Invoke-FormatHelper { param( [parameter()] [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberDefinition]$Member, [parameter()] [string]$CommandName, [parameter()] [string]$DefaultValue ) $proxy = $proxyTable[$Member.TypeName] if ($proxy) { try { # invoke the command in the scope of the module that proxies this type or instance & $proxyTable[$Member.TypeName].__GetModuleInfo() $CommandName $Member $proxy @args } catch { write-warning $_ $DefaultValue } } else { # not a proxied type or instance $DefaultValue } } #update-formatdata -PrependPath (join-path $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.ModuleBase 'Poke.Format.ps1xml') # scriptblock is not bound to this module's scope? weird bug? we have to use invoke-format helper to lookup module in a shared global Update-TypeData -typename Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberDefinition -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName MemberType -Value { try { invoke-formathelper $this get-membertype -default $this.psbase.membertype } catch { write-warning "get-membertype: $_" } } -Force Update-TypeData -typename Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberDefinition -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName Modifier -Value { try { invoke-formathelper $this get-membermodifier -default "public" } catch { write-warning "get-membermodifier: $_" } } -Force # overloads Update-TypeData -typename Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MemberDefinition -MemberType ScriptProperty -MemberName Definition -Value { try { invoke-formathelper $this get-memberdefinition -default $this.psbase.definition } catch { write-warning "get-memberdefinition: $_" } } -Force # shortcut for $o | peek | gm function Get-PokeMember { $args | peek | Get-Member } $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Module.OnRemove = { remove-module poke_init -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } # # Exports # new-alias -Name peek -Value New-ObjectProxy -Force Export-ModuleMember -Alias peek -Function New-ObjectProxy, New-TypeProxy, New-InstanceProxy, Get-Delegate, Invoke-FormatHelper, Get-PokeMember |