function Invoke-Reflector { <# .SYNOPSIS Quickly load Reflector, with the specified Type or Command selected. .DESCRIPTION Quickly load Reflector, with the specified Type or Command selected. The function will also ensure that Reflector has the Type or Command's containing Assembly loaded. .EXAMPLE # Opens System.String in Reflector. Will load its Assembly into Reflector if required. ps> [string] | invoke-reflector .EXAMPLE # Opens GetChildItemCommand in Reflector. Will load its Assembly into Reflector if required. ps> gcm ls | invoke-reflector .EXAMPLE # Opens GetChildItemCommand in Reflector. Will load its Assembly into Reflector if required. ps> invoke-reflector dir .PARAMETER CommandName Accepts name of command. Does not accept pipeline input. .PARAMETER CommandInfo Accepts output from Get-Command (gcm). Accepts pipeline input. .PARAMETER Type Accepts a System.Type (System.RuntimeType). Accepts pipeline input. .PARAMETER ReflectorPath Optional. Defaults to Reflector.exe's location if it is found in your $ENV:PATH. If not found, you must specify. .INPUTS [System.Type] [System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo] .OUTPUTS None #> [cmdletbinding(defaultparametersetname="name")] param( [parameter( parametersetname="name", position=0, mandatory=$true )] [validatenotnullorempty()] [string]$CommandName, [parameter( parametersetname="command", position=0, valuefrompipeline=$true, mandatory=$true )] [validatenotnull()] [management.automation.commandinfo]$CommandInfo, [parameter( parametersetname="type", position=0, valuefrompipeline=$true, mandatory=$true )] [validatenotnull()] [type]$Type, [parameter( position=1 )] [validatenotnullorempty()] [string]$ReflectorPath = $((gcm reflector.exe -ea 0).definition) ) end { # no process block; i only want # a single reflector instance if ($ReflectorPath -and (test-path $reflectorpath)) { $typeName = $null $assemblyLocation = $null switch ($pscmdlet.parametersetname) { { "name","command" -contains $_ } { if ($CommandName) { $CommandInfo = gcm $CommandName -ea 0 } else { $CommandName = $CommandInfo.Name } if ($CommandInfo -is [management.automation.aliasinfo]) { # expand aliases while ($CommandInfo.CommandType -eq "Alias") { $CommandInfo = gcm $CommandInfo.Definition } } # can only reflect cmdlets, obviously. if ($CommandInfo.CommandType -eq "Cmdlet") { $typeName = $commandinfo.implementingtype.fullname $assemblyLocation = $commandinfo.implementingtype.assembly.location } elseif ($CommandInfo) { write-warning "$CommandInfo is not a Cmdlet." } else { write-warning "Cmdlet $CommandName does not exist in current scope. Have you loaded its containing module or snap-in?" } } "type" { $typeName = $type.fullname $assemblyLocation = $type.assembly.location } } # end switch if ($typeName -and $assemblyLocation) { & $reflectorPath /select:$typeName $assemblyLocation } } else { write-warning "Unable to find Reflector.exe. Please specify full path via -ReflectorPath." } } # end end } # end function |