# Requirements if ($Host.Name -eq "Windows PowerShell ISE Host") { throw "poco is not compatible with Windows PowerShell ISE." ## TODO: Add a more specific test for the ability to modify the console output buffer which is the real compatibility issue } # Load Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot -Include *.ps1 -Recurse | ForEach-Object {. $_} # .ExternalHelp poco-help.xml function Select-Poco { param( [Object[]]$Property = $null , [string]$Query = '' , [ValidateSet('match', 'like', 'eq')] [string]$Filter = 'match' , [switch]$CaseSensitive = $false , [switch]$InvertFilter = $false , [string]$Prompt = 'Query' , [ValidateSet('TopDown', 'BottomUp')] [string]$Layout = 'TopDown' , [HashTable]$Keymaps = (New-PocoKeymaps) ) try { $Items = $input | ForEach-Object {,$_} $config = New-Config $Items $Property $Prompt $Layout $Keymaps # immutable $state = New-State $Query $Filter $CaseSensitive $InvertFilter $config # mutable Backup-ScrBuf Clear-Host $action = 'None' while ($action -ne 'Cancel' -and $action -ne 'Finish') { Write-Screen $state $config do { $OldQuery = $State.Query -replace '(:\w+\s*)$|(\s+)$' $key, $keystr = Get-PocoKey $action = Get-Action $config $keystr $state = Update-State $state $config $action $key } while ([console]::KeyAvailable) if ($OldQuery -ne ($State.Query -replace '(:\w+\s*)$|(\s+)$')) { $state.Entry = Get-Entry $state $config } } Restore-ScrBuf if ($action -eq 'Finish') {$state.Entry} } catch { Restore-ScrBuf } } Set-Alias poco Select-Poco Export-ModuleMember -Function "Select-Poco" -Alias "poco" |