#region PlatyPS ## DEVELOPERS NOTES & CONVENTIONS ## ## 1. Non-exported functions (subroutines) should avoid using ## PowerShell standard Verb-Noun naming convention. ## They should use camalCase or PascalCase instead. ## 2. SMALL subroutines, used only from ONE function ## should be placed inside the parent function body. ## They should use camalCase for the name. ## 3. LARGE subroutines and subroutines used from MORE THEN ONE function ## should be placed after the IMPLEMENTATION text block in the middle ## of this module. ## They should use PascalCase for the name. ## 4. Add comment "# yeild" on subroutine calls that write values to pipeline. ## It would help keep code maintainable and simplify ramp up for others. ## ## Script constants $script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER = 'external help file' $script:ONLINE_VERSION_YAML_HEADER = 'online version' $script:SCHEMA_VERSION_YAML_HEADER = 'schema' $script:APPLICABLE_YAML_HEADER = 'applicable' $script:UTF8_NO_BOM = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding -ArgumentList $False $script:SET_NAME_PLACEHOLDER = 'UNNAMED_PARAMETER_SET' # TODO: this is just a place-holder, we can do better $script:DEFAULT_MAML_XML_OUTPUT_NAME = 'rename-me-help.xml' $script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME = "Module Name" $script:MODULE_PAGE_GUID = "Module Guid" $script:MODULE_PAGE_LOCALE = "Locale" $script:MODULE_PAGE_FW_LINK = "Download Help Link" $script:MODULE_PAGE_HELP_VERSION = "Help Version" $script:MODULE_PAGE_ADDITIONAL_LOCALE = "Additional Locale" $script:MAML_ONLINE_LINK_DEFAULT_MONIKER = 'Online Version:' function New-MarkdownHelp { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="FromModule")] [string[]]$Module, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="FromCommand")] [string[]]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="FromMaml")] [string[]]$MamlFile, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromMaml")] [switch]$ConvertNotesToList, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromMaml")] [switch]$ConvertDoubleDashLists, [switch]$Force, [switch]$AlphabeticParamsOrder, [hashtable]$Metadata, [Parameter( ParameterSetName="FromCommand")] [string]$OnlineVersionUrl = '', [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$OutputFolder, [switch]$NoMetadata, [switch]$UseFullTypeName, [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromModule")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromMaml")] [switch]$WithModulePage, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromModule")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromMaml")] [string] $Locale = "en-US", [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromModule")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromMaml")] [string] $HelpVersion = "{{Please enter version of help manually (X.X.X.X) format}}", [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromModule")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromMaml")] [string] $FwLink = "{{Please enter FwLink manually}}", [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromMaml")] [string] $ModuleName = "MamlModule", [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromMaml")] [string] $ModuleGuid = "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" ) begin { validateWorkingProvider mkdir $OutputFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null } process { function updateMamlObject { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]$MamlCommandObject ) # # Here we define our misc template for new markdown to bootstrape easier # # Example if ($MamlCommandObject.Examples.Count -eq 0) { $MamlExampleObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlExample $MamlExampleObject.Title = 'Example 1' $MamlExampleObject.Code = @( New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCodeBlock ('PS C:\> {{ Add example code here }}', 'powershell') ) $MamlExampleObject.Remarks = '{{ Add example description here }}' $MamlCommandObject.Examples.Add($MamlExampleObject) } if ($AlphabeticParamsOrder) { SortParamsAlphabetically $MamlCommandObject } } function processMamlObjectToFile { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]$mamlObject ) process { # populate template updateMamlObject $mamlObject if (-not $OnlineVersionUrl) { # if it's not passed, we should get it from the existing help $onlineLink = $mamlObject.Links | Select -First 1 if ($onlineLink) { $online = $onlineLink.LinkUri if ($onlineLink.LinkName -eq $script:MAML_ONLINE_LINK_DEFAULT_MONIKER -or $onlineLink.LinkName -eq $onlineLink.LinkUri) { # if links follow standart MS convention or doesn't have name, # remove it to avoid duplications $mamlObject.Links.Remove($onlineLink) > $null } } } else { $online = $OnlineVersionUrl } $commandName = $mamlObject.Name # create markdown if ($NoMetadata) { $newMetadata = $null } else { # get help file name if ($MamlFile) { $helpFileName = Split-Path -Leaf $MamlFile } else { $a = @{ Name = $commandName } if ($module) { # for module case, scope it just to this module $a['Module'] = $module } $helpFileName = GetHelpFileName (Get-Command @a) } Write-Verbose "Maml things module is: $($mamlObject.ModuleName)" $newMetadata = ($Metadata + @{ $script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER = $helpFileName $script:ONLINE_VERSION_YAML_HEADER = $online $script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME = $mamlObject.ModuleName }) } $md = ConvertMamlModelToMarkdown -mamlCommand $mamlObject -metadata $newMetadata -NoMetadata:$NoMetadata MySetContent -path (Join-Path $OutputFolder "$") -value $md -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force } } if ($NoMetadata -and $Metadata) { throw '-NoMetadata and -Metadata cannot be specified at the same time' } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromCommand') { $command | ForEach-Object { if (-not (Get-Command $_ -EA SilentlyContinue)) { throw "Command $_ not found in the session." } GetMamlObject -Cmdlet $_ -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName | processMamlObjectToFile } } else { if ($module) { $iterator = $module } else { $iterator = $MamlFile } $iterator | ForEach-Object { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromModule') { if (-not (GetCommands -AsNames -module $_)) { throw "Module $_ is not imported in the session. Run 'Import-Module $_'." } GetMamlObject -Module $_ -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName | processMamlObjectToFile $ModuleName = $_ $ModuleGuid = (Get-Module $ModuleName).Guid $CmdletNames = GetCommands -AsNames -Module $ModuleName } else # 'FromMaml' { if (-not (Test-Path $_)) { throw "No file found in $_." } GetMamlObject -MamlFile $_ -ConvertNotesToList:$ConvertNotesToList -ConvertDoubleDashLists:$ConvertDoubleDashLists | processMamlObjectToFile $CmdletNames += GetMamlObject -MamlFile $_ | ForEach-Object {$_.Name} } if($WithModulePage) { if(-not $ModuleGuid) { $ModuleGuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" } if($ModuleGuid.Count -gt 1) { Write-Warning -Message "This module has more than 1 guid. This could impact external help creation." } # yeild NewModuleLandingPage -Path $OutputFolder ` -ModuleName $ModuleName ` -ModuleGuid $ModuleGuid ` -CmdletNames $CmdletNames ` -Locale $Locale ` -Version $HelpVersion ` -FwLink $FwLink ` -Encoding $Encoding ` -Force:$Force } } } } } function Get-MarkdownMetadata { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="FromPath")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1, ParameterSetName="FromPath")] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="FromMarkdownString")] [string]$Markdown ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromMarkdownString') { return [Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser]::GetYamlMetadata($Markdown) } else # FromFile) { GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path -IncludeModulePage | ForEach-Object { $md = Get-Content -Raw $_.FullName [Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser]::GetYamlMetadata($md) # yeild } } } } function Update-MarkdownHelp { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]]$Path, [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM, [string]$LogPath, [switch]$LogAppend, [switch]$AlphabeticParamsOrder, [switch]$UseFullTypeName ) begin { validateWorkingProvider $infoCallback = GetInfoCallback $LogPath -Append:$LogAppend $MarkdownFiles = @() } process { $MarkdownFiles += GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path } end { function log { param( [string]$message, [switch]$warning ) $message = "[Update-MarkdownHelp] $([datetime]::now) $message" if ($warning) { Write-Warning $message } $infoCallback.Invoke($message) } if (-not $MarkdownFiles) { log -warning "No markdown found in $Path" return } $MarkdownFiles | ForEach-Object { $file = $_ $filePath = $file.FullName $oldModels = GetMamlModelImpl $filePath -ForAnotherMarkdown -Encoding $Encoding if ($oldModels.Count -gt 1) { log -warning "$filePath contains more then 1 command, skipping upgrade." log -warning "Use 'Update-Markdown -OutputFolder' to convert help to one command per file format first." return } $oldModel = $oldModels[0] $name = $oldModel.Name $command = Get-Command $name if (-not $command) { log -warning "command $name not found in the session, skipping upgrade for $filePath" return } # update the help file entry in the metadata $metadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata $filePath $metadata["external help file"] = GetHelpFileName $command $reflectionModel = GetMamlObject -Cmdlet $name -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName $metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME] = $reflectionModel.ModuleName $merger = New-Object Markdown.MAML.Transformer.MamlModelMerger -ArgumentList $infoCallback $newModel = $merger.Merge($reflectionModel, $oldModel) if ($AlphabeticParamsOrder) { SortParamsAlphabetically $newModel } $md = ConvertMamlModelToMarkdown -mamlCommand $newModel -metadata $metadata -PreserveFormatting MySetContent -path $file.FullName -value $md -Encoding $Encoding -Force # yield } } } function Merge-MarkdownHelp { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$OutputPath, [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM, [Switch]$ExplicitApplicableIfAll, [Switch]$Force, [string]$MergeMarker = "!!! " ) begin { validateWorkingProvider $MarkdownFiles = @() } process { $MarkdownFiles += GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path } end { function log { param( [string]$message, [switch]$warning ) $message = "[Update-MarkdownHelp] $([datetime]::now) $message" if ($warning) { Merge-Warning $message } else { Write-Verbose $message } } if (-not $MarkdownFiles) { log -warning "No markdown found in $Path" return } function getTags { param($files) ($files | Split-Path | Split-Path -Leaf | Group-Object).Name } # use parent folder names as tags $allTags = getTags $MarkdownFiles log "Using following tags for the merge: $tags" $fileGroups = $MarkdownFiles | Group-Object -Property Name log "Found $($fileGroups.Count) file groups" $fileGroups | ForEach-Object { $files = $_.Group $groupName = $_.Name $dict = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]' $files | ForEach-Object { $model = GetMamlModelImpl $_.FullName -ForAnotherMarkdown -Encoding $Encoding # unwrap List of 1 element $model = $model[0] $tag = getTags $_ log "Adding tag $tag and $model" $dict[$tag] = $model } $tags = $dict.Keys if (($allTags | measure-object).Count -gt ($tags | measure-object).Count -or $ExplicitApplicableIfAll) { $newMetadata = @{ $script:APPLICABLE_YAML_HEADER = $tags -join ', ' } } else { $newMetadata = @{} } $merger = New-Object Markdown.MAML.Transformer.MamlMultiModelMerger -ArgumentList $null, (-not $ExplicitApplicableIfAll), $MergeMarker $newModel = $merger.Merge($dict) $md = ConvertMamlModelToMarkdown -mamlCommand $newModel -metadata $newMetadata -PreserveFormatting $outputFilePath = Join-Path $OutputPath $groupName MySetContent -path $outputFilePath -value $md -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force # yeild } } } function Update-MarkdownHelpModule { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]]$Path, [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM, [switch]$RefreshModulePage, [string]$LogPath, [switch]$LogAppend, [switch]$AlphabeticParamsOrder ) begin { validateWorkingProvider $infoCallback = GetInfoCallback $LogPath -Append:$LogAppend $MarkdownFiles = @() } process { } end { function log { param( [string]$message, [switch]$warning ) $message = "[Update-MarkdownHelpModule] $([datetime]::now) $message" if ($warning) { Write-Warning $message } $infoCallback.Invoke($message) } foreach ($modulePath in $Path) { $module = $null $h = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $modulePath # this is pretty hacky and would lead to errors # the idea is to find module name from landing page when it's available if ($h.$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME) { $module = $h.$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME | Select-Object -First 1 log "Determined module name for $modulePath as $module" } if (-not $module) { Write-Error "Cannot determine module name for $modulePath. You should use New-MarkdownHelp -WithModulePage to create HelpModule" continue } # always append on this call log ("[Update-MarkdownHelpModule]" + (Get-Date).ToString()) log ("Updating docs for Module " + $module + " in " + $modulePath) $affectedFiles = Update-MarkdownHelp -Path $modulePath -LogPath $LogPath -LogAppend -Encoding $Encoding -AlphabeticParamsOrder:$AlphabeticParamsOrder $affectedFiles # yeild $allCommands = GetCommands -AsNames -Module $Module if (-not $allCommands) { throw "Module $Module is not imported in the session or doesn't have any exported commands" } $updatedCommands = $affectedFiles.BaseName $allCommands | ForEach-Object { if ( -not ($updatedCommands -contains $_) ) { log "Creating new markdown for command $_" $newFiles = New-MarkdownHelp -Command $_ -OutputFolder $modulePath -AlphabeticParamsOrder:$AlphabeticParamsOrder $newFiles # yeild } } if($RefreshModulePage) { $MamlModel = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand] $files = @() $MamlModel = GetMamlModelImpl $affectedFiles -ForAnotherMarkdown -Encoding $Encoding NewModuleLandingPage -RefreshModulePage -Path $modulePath -ModuleName $module -Module $MamlModel -Encoding $Encoding -Force } } } } function New-MarkdownAboutHelp { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $OutputFolder, [string] $AboutName ) begin { validateWorkingProvider $templatePath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "templates\" } process { if(Test-Path $OutputFolder) { $AboutContent = Get-Content $templatePath $AboutContent = $AboutContent.Replace("{{FileNameForHelpSystem}}",("about_" + $AboutName)) $AboutContent = $AboutContent.Replace("{{TOPIC NAME}}",$AboutName) $NewAboutTopic = New-Item -Path $OutputFolder -Name "about_$($AboutName).md" Set-Content -Value $AboutContent -Path $NewAboutTopic -Encoding UTF8 } else { throw "The output folder does not exist." } } } function New-YamlHelp { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string[]]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$OutputFolder, [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8, [switch]$Force ) begin { validateWorkingProvider $MarkdownFiles = @() if(-not (Test-Path $OutputFolder)) { mkdir $OutputFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null } if(-not (Test-Path -PathType Container $OutputFolder)) { throw "$OutputFolder is not a container" } } process { $MarkdownFiles += GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path } end { $MarkdownFiles | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "[New-YamlHelp] Input markdown file $_" } foreach($markdownFile in $MarkdownFiles) { $mamlModels = GetMamlModelImpl $markdownFile.FullName -Encoding $Encoding foreach($mamlModel in $mamlModels) { $markdownMetadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $MarkdownFile.FullName ## We set the module here in the PowerShell since the Yaml block is not read by the parser $mamlModel.ModuleName = $markdownMetadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME] $yaml = [Markdown.MAML.Renderer.YamlRenderer]::MamlModelToString($mamlModel) $outputFilePath = Join-Path $OutputFolder ($mamlModel.Name + ".yml") Write-Verbose "Writing Yaml help to $outputFilePath" MySetContent -Path $outputFilePath -Value $yaml -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force } } } } function New-ExternalHelp { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$OutputPath, [string[]]$ApplicableTag, [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8, [ValidateRange(80, [int]::MaxValue)] [int] $MaxAboutWidth = 80, [string]$ErrorLogFile, [switch]$Force ) begin { validateWorkingProvider $MarkdownFiles = @() $AboutFiles = @() $IsOutputContainer = $true if ( $OutputPath.EndsWith('.xml') -and (-not (Test-Path -PathType Container $OutputPath )) ) { $IsOutputContainer = $false Write-Verbose "[New-ExternalHelp] Use $OutputPath as path to a file" } else { mkdir $OutputPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null Write-Verbose "[New-ExternalHelp] Use $OutputPath as path to a directory" } } process { $MarkdownFiles += GetMarkdownFilesFromPath $Path if($MarkdownFiles) { $AboutFiles += GetAboutTopicsFromPath -Path $Path -MarkDownFilesAlreadyFound $MarkdownFiles.FullName } else { $AboutFiles += GetAboutTopicsFromPath -Path $Path } } end { # Tracks all warnings and errors $warningsAndErrors = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object] try { # write verbose output and filter out files based on applicable tag $MarkdownFiles | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "[New-ExternalHelp] Input markdown file $_" } if ($ApplicableTag) { Write-Verbose "[New-ExternalHelp] Filtering for ApplicableTag $ApplicableTag" $MarkdownFiles = $MarkdownFiles | ForEach-Object { $applicableList = GetApplicableList -Path $_.FullName # this Compare-Object call is getting the intersection of two string[] if ((-not $applicableList) -or (Compare-Object $applicableList $ApplicableTag -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent)) { # yeild $_ } else { Write-Verbose "[New-ExternalHelp] Skipping markdown file $_" } } } # group the files based on the output xml path metadata tag if ($IsOutputContainer) { $defaultPath = Join-Path $OutputPath $script:DEFAULT_MAML_XML_OUTPUT_NAME $groups = $MarkdownFiles | Group-Object { $h = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $_.FullName if ($h -and $h[$script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER]) { Join-Path $OutputPath $h[$script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER] } else { $msgLine1 = "cannot find '$($script:EXTERNAL_HELP_FILE_YAML_HEADER)' in metadata for file $($_.FullName)" $msgLine2 = "$defaultPath would be used" $warningsAndErrors.Add(@{ Severity = "Warning" Message = "$msgLine1 $msgLine2" FilePath = "$($_.FullName)" }) Write-Warning "[New-ExternalHelp] $msgLine1" Write-Warning "[New-ExternalHelp] $msgLine2" $defaultPath } } } else { $groups = $MarkdownFiles | Group-Object { $OutputPath } } # generate the xml content $r = new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Renderer.MamlRenderer' foreach ($group in $groups) { $maml = GetMamlModelImpl ($group.Group | % {$_.FullName}) -Encoding $Encoding -ApplicableTag $ApplicableTag $xml = $r.MamlModelToString($maml) $outPath = $group.Name # group name Write-Verbose "Writing external help to $outPath" MySetContent -Path $outPath -Value $xml -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force } # handle about topics if ($AboutFiles.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($About in $AboutFiles) { $r = New-Object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Renderer.TextRenderer' -ArgumentList($MaxAboutWidth) $Content = Get-Content -Raw $About.FullName $p = NewMarkdownParser $model = $p.ParseString($Content) $value = $r.AboutMarkDownToString($model) $outPath = Join-Path $OutputPath ([io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($About.FullName) + ".help.txt") if (!(Split-Path -Leaf $outPath).ToUpper().StartsWith("ABOUT_", $true, $null)) { $outPath = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $outPath) ("about_" + (Split-Path -Leaf $outPath)) } MySetContent -Path $outPath -Value $value -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force } } } catch { # Log error and rethrow $warningsAndErrors.Add(@{ Severity = "Error" Message = "$_.Exception.Message" FilePath = "" }) throw } finally { if ($ErrorLogFile) { ConvertTo-Json $warningsAndErrors | Out-File $ErrorLogFile } } } } function Get-HelpPreview { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType('MamlCommandHelpInfo')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, Position=1)] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]]$Path, [switch]$ConvertNotesToList, [switch]$ConvertDoubleDashLists ) process { foreach ($MamlFilePath in $Path) { if (-not (Test-path -Type Leaf $MamlFilePath)) { Write-Error "$MamlFilePath is not found, skipping" continue } # this is Resolve-Path that resolves mounted drives (i.e. good for tests) $MamlFilePath = (Get-ChildItem $MamlFilePath).FullName # Read the malm file $xml = [xml](Get-Content $MamlFilePath -Raw -ea SilentlyContinue) if (-not $xml) { # already error-out on the convertion, no need to repeat ourselves continue } # we need a copy of maml file to bypass powershell cache, # in case we reuse the same filename few times. $MamlCopyPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() try { if ($ConvertDoubleDashLists) { $p = $xml.GetElementsByTagName('maml:para') | ForEach-Object { # Convert "-- "-lists into "- "-lists # to make them markdown compatible # as described in $newInnerXml = $_.get_InnerXml() -replace "(`n|^)-- ", '$1- ' $_.set_InnerXml($newInnerXml) } } if ($ConvertNotesToList) { # Add inline bullet-list, as described in $xml.helpItems.command.alertSet.alert | ForEach-Object { # make first <para> a list item # add indentations to other <para> to make them continuation of list item $_.ChildNodes | Select -First 1 | ForEach-Object { $newInnerXml = '* ' + $_.get_InnerXml() $_.set_InnerXml($newInnerXml) } $_.ChildNodes | Select -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object { # this character is not a valid space. # We have to use some odd character here, becasue help engine strips out # all legetimate whitespaces. # Note: powershell doesn't render it properly, it will appear as a non-writable char. $newInnerXml = ([string][char]0xc2a0) * 2 + $_.get_InnerXml() $_.set_InnerXml($newInnerXml) } } } # in PS v5 help engine is not happy, when first non-empty link (== Online version link) is not a valid URI # User encounter this problem too oftern to ignore it, hence this workaround in platyPS: # always add a dummy link with a valid URI into xml and then remove the first link from the help object. # for more context see $xml.helpItems.command.relatedLinks | ForEach-Object { if ($_) { $_.InnerXml = '<maml:navigationLink xmlns:maml=""><maml:linkText>PLATYPS_DUMMY_LINK</maml:linkText><maml:uri></maml:uri></maml:navigationLink>' + $_.InnerXml } } $xml.Save($MamlCopyPath) foreach ($command in $ { #PlatyPS will have trouble parsing a command with space around the name. $command = $command.Trim() $thisDefinition = @" <# .ExternalHelp $MamlCopyPath #> filter $command { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=`$true)] [switch]`$platyPSHijack ) Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning 'PlatyPS hijacked your command $command.' Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning 'We are sorry for that. It means, there is a bug in our Get-HelpPreview logic.' Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning 'Please report this issue' Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning 'Restart PowerShell to fix the problem.' } # filter is rare enough to distinguish with other commands `$innerHelp = Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Get-Help $command -Full -Category filter Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Export-ModuleMember -Function @() "@ $m = New-Module ( [scriptblock]::Create( "$thisDefinition" )) $help = & $m { $innerHelp } # this is the second part of the workaround for # see comments above for context $help.relatedLinks | ForEach-Object { if ($_) { $_.navigationLink = $_.navigationLink | Select -Skip 1 } } $help # yeild } } finally { Remove-Item $MamlCopyPath } } } } function New-ExternalHelpCab { [Cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript( { if(Test-Path $_ -PathType Container) { $True } else { Throw "$_ content source file folder path is not a valid directory." } })] [string] $CabFilesFolder, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript( { if(Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf) { $True } else { Throw "$_ Module Landing Page path is nopt valid." } })] [string] $LandingPagePath, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $OutputFolder, [parameter()] [switch] $IncrementHelpVersion ) begin { validateWorkingProvider mkdir $OutputFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null } process { #Testing for MakeCab.exe Write-Verbose "Testing that MakeCab.exe is present on this machine." $MakeCab = Get-Command MakeCab if(-not $MakeCab) { throw "MakeCab.exe is not a registered command." } #Testing for files in source directory if((Get-ChildItem -Path $CabFilesFolder).Count -le 0) { throw "The file count in the cab files directory is zero." } ###Get Yaml Metadata here $Metadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $LandingPagePath $ModuleName = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_MODULE_NAME] $Guid = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_GUID] $Locale = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_LOCALE] $FwLink = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_FW_LINK] $OldHelpVersion = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_HELP_VERSION] $AdditionalLocale = $Metadata[$script:MODULE_PAGE_ADDITIONAL_LOCALE] if($IncrementHelpVersion) { #IncrementHelpVersion $HelpVersion = IncrementHelpVersion -HelpVersionString $OldHelpVersion $MdContent = Get-Content -raw $LandingPagePath $MdContent = $MdContent.Replace($OldHelpVersion,$HelpVersion) Set-Content -path $LandingPagePath -value $MdContent } else { $HelpVersion = $OldHelpVersion } #Create HelpInfo File #Testing the destination directories, creating if none exists. Write-Verbose "Checking the output directory" if(-not (Test-Path $OutputFolder)) { Write-Verbose "Output directory does not exist, creating a new directory." New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutputFolder } Write-Verbose ("Creating cab for {0}, with Guid {1}, in Locale {2}" -f $ModuleName,$Guid,$Locale) #Building the cabinet file name. $cabName = ("{0}_{1}_{2}" -f $ModuleName,$Guid,$Locale) $zipName = ("{0}_{1}_{2}" -f $ModuleName,$Guid,$Locale) $zipPath = (Join-Path $OutputFolder $zipName) #Setting Cab Directives, make a cab is turned on, compression is turned on Write-Verbose "Creating Cab File" $DirectiveFile = "dir.dff" New-Item -ItemType File -Name $DirectiveFile -Force |Out-Null Add-Content $DirectiveFile ".Set Cabinet=on" Add-Content $DirectiveFile ".Set Compress=on" #Creates an entry in the cab directive file for each file in the source directory (uses FullName to get fuly qualified file path and name) foreach($file in Get-ChildItem -Path $CabFilesFolder -File) { Add-Content $DirectiveFile ("'" + ($file).FullName +"'" ) Compress-Archive -DestinationPath $zipPath -Path $file.FullName -Update } #Making Cab Write-Verbose "Making the cab file" MakeCab.exe /f $DirectiveFile | Out-Null #Naming CabFile Write-Verbose "Moving the cab to the output directory" Copy-Item "disk1/" (Join-Path $OutputFolder $cabName) #Remove ExtraFiles created by the cabbing process Write-Verbose "Performing cabbing cleanup" Remove-Item "setup.inf" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item "setup.rpt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item $DirectiveFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Path "disk1" -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Create the HelpInfo Xml MakeHelpInfoXml -ModuleName $ModuleName -GUID $Guid -HelpCulture $Locale -HelpVersion $HelpVersion -URI $FwLink -OutputFolder $OutputFolder if($AdditionalLocale) { $allLocales = $AdditionalLocale -split ',' foreach($loc in $allLocales) { #Create the HelpInfo Xml for each locale $locVersion = $Metadata["$loc Version"] if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($locVersion)) { Write-Warning ("No version found for Locale: {0}" -f $loc) } else { MakeHelpInfoXml -ModuleName $ModuleName -GUID $Guid -HelpCulture $loc -HelpVersion $locVersion -URI $FwLink -OutputFolder $OutputFolder } } } } } #endregion #region Implementation # IIIIIIIIII lllllll tttt tttt iiii # I::::::::I l:::::l ttt:::t ttt:::t i::::i # I::::::::I l:::::l t:::::t t:::::t iiii # II::::::II l:::::l t:::::t t:::::t # I::::I mmmmmmm mmmmmmm ppppp ppppppppp l::::l eeeeeeeeeeee mmmmmmm mmmmmmm eeeeeeeeeeee nnnn nnnnnnnn ttttttt:::::ttttttt aaaaaaaaaaaaa ttttttt:::::ttttttt iiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnn nnnnnnnn # I::::I mm:::::::m m:::::::mm p::::ppp:::::::::p l::::l ee::::::::::::ee mm:::::::m m:::::::mm ee::::::::::::ee n:::nn::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t a::::::::::::a t:::::::::::::::::t i:::::i oo:::::::::::oo n:::nn::::::::nn # I::::I m::::::::::mm::::::::::mp:::::::::::::::::p l::::l e::::::eeeee:::::eem::::::::::mm::::::::::m e::::::eeeee:::::een::::::::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t aaaaaaaaa:::::at:::::::::::::::::t i::::i o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn # I::::I m::::::::::::::::::::::mpp::::::ppppp::::::p l::::l e::::::e e:::::em::::::::::::::::::::::me::::::e e:::::enn:::::::::::::::ntttttt:::::::tttttt a::::atttttt:::::::tttttt i::::i o:::::ooooo:::::onn:::::::::::::::n # I::::I m:::::mmm::::::mmm:::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::eeeee::::::em:::::mmm::::::mmm:::::me:::::::eeeee::::::e n:::::nnnn:::::n t:::::t aaaaaaa:::::a t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n:::::nnnn:::::n # I::::I m::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::::::::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::me:::::::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n t:::::t aa::::::::::::a t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n # I::::I m::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e::::::eeeeeeeeeee m::::m m::::m m::::me::::::eeeeeeeeeee n::::n n::::n t:::::t a::::aaaa::::::a t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n # I::::I m::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p::::::p l::::l e:::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::me:::::::e n::::n n::::n t:::::t tttttta::::a a:::::a t:::::t tttttt i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n # II::::::IIm::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::ppppp:::::::pl::::::le::::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::me::::::::e n::::n n::::n t::::::tttt:::::ta::::a a:::::a t::::::tttt:::::ti::::::io:::::ooooo:::::o n::::n n::::n # I::::::::Im::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::::p l::::::l e::::::::eeeeeeee m::::m m::::m m::::m e::::::::eeeeeeee n::::n n::::n tt::::::::::::::ta:::::aaaa::::::a tt::::::::::::::ti::::::io:::::::::::::::o n::::n n::::n # I::::::::Im::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::pp l::::::l ee:::::::::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::m ee:::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n tt:::::::::::tt a::::::::::aa:::a tt:::::::::::tti::::::i oo:::::::::::oo n::::n n::::n # IIIIIIIIIImmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm p::::::pppppppp llllllll eeeeeeeeeeeeee mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm eeeeeeeeeeeeee nnnnnn nnnnnn ttttttttttt aaaaaaaaaa aaaa ttttttttttt iiiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnnnn nnnnnn # p:::::p # p:::::p # p:::::::p # p:::::::p # p:::::::p # ppppppppp # parse out the list "applicable" tags from yaml header function GetApplicableList { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Path ) $h = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Path $Path if ($h -and $h[$script:APPLICABLE_YAML_HEADER]) { return $h[$script:APPLICABLE_YAML_HEADER].Split(',').Trim() } } function SortParamsAlphabetically { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $MamlCommandObject ) # sort parameters alphabetically with minor exceptions # $confirm = $MamlCommandObject.Parameters | ? { $_.Name -eq 'Confirm' } $whatif = $MamlCommandObject.Parameters | ? { $_.Name -eq 'WhatIf' } if ($confirm) { $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Remove($confirm) > $null } if ($whatif) { $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Remove($whatif) > $null } $sortedParams = $MamlCommandObject.Parameters | Sort-Object -Property Name $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Clear() $sortedParams | % { $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Add($_) } if ($confirm) { $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Add($confirm) } if ($whatif) { $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Add($whatif) } } # If LogPath not provided, use -Verbose output for logs function GetInfoCallback { param( [string]$LogPath, [switch]$Append ) if ($LogPath) { if (-not (Test-Path $LogPath -PathType Leaf)) { $containerFolder = Split-Path $LogPath if ($containerFolder) { # this if is for $LogPath -eq foo.log case mkdir $containerFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null } if (-not $Append) { # wipe the file, so it can be reused Set-Content -Path $LogPath -value '' -Encoding UTF8 } } $infoCallback = { param([string]$message) Add-Content -Path $LogPath -value $message -Encoding UTF8 } } else { $infoCallback = { param([string]$message) Write-Verbose $message } } return $infoCallback } function GetWarningCallback { $warningCallback = { param([string]$message) Write-Warning $message } return $warningCallback } function GetAboutTopicsFromPath { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$Path, [string[]]$MarkDownFilesAlreadyFound ) function ConfirmAboutBySecondHeaderText { param( [string]$AboutFilePath ) $MdContent = Get-Content -raw $AboutFilePath $MdParser = new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser' ` -ArgumentList { param([int]$current, [int]$all) Write-Progress -Activity "Parsing markdown" -status "Progress:" -percentcomplete ($current/$all*100)} $MdObject = $MdParser.ParseString($MdContent) if($MdObject.Children[1].text.length -gt 5) { if($MdObject.Children[1].text.substring(0,5).ToUpper() -eq "ABOUT") { return $true } } return $false } $AboutMarkDownFiles = @() if ($Path) { $Path | ForEach-Object { if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $_) { if(ConfirmAboutBySecondHeaderText($_)) { $AboutMarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_ } } elseif (Test-Path -PathType Container $_) { if($MarkDownFilesAlreadyFound) { $AboutMarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_ -Filter '*.md' | Where {($_.FullName -notin $MarkDownFilesAlreadyFound) -and (ConfirmAboutBySecondHeaderText($_.FullName))} } else { $AboutMarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_ -Filter '*.md' | Where {ConfirmAboutBySecondHeaderText($_.FullName)} } } else { Write-Error "$_ about file not found" } } } return $AboutMarkDownFiles } function GetMarkdownFilesFromPath { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [SupportsWildcards()] [string[]]$Path, [switch]$IncludeModulePage ) if ($IncludeModulePage) { $filter = '*.md' } else { $filter = '*-*.md' } $aboutFilePrefixPattern = 'about_*' $MarkdownFiles = @() if ($Path) { $Path | ForEach-Object { if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $_) { if ((Split-Path -Leaf $_) -notlike $aboutFilePrefixPattern) { $MarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_ } } elseif (Test-Path -PathType Container $_) { $MarkdownFiles += Get-ChildItem $_ -Filter $filter | WHERE {$_.BaseName -notlike $aboutFilePrefixPattern} } else { Write-Error "$_ is not found" } } } return $MarkdownFiles } function GetParserMode { param( [switch]$PreserveFormatting ) if ($PreserveFormatting) { return [Markdown.MAML.Parser.ParserMode]::FormattingPreserve } else { return [Markdown.MAML.Parser.ParserMode]::Full } } function GetMamlModelImpl { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]]$markdownFiles, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding, [switch]$ForAnotherMarkdown, [String[]]$ApplicableTag ) if ($ForAnotherMarkdown -and $ApplicableTag) { throw '[ASSERT] Incorrect usage: cannot pass both -ForAnotherMarkdown and -ApplicableTag' } # we need to pass it into .NET IEnumerable<MamlCommand> API $res = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]' $markdownFiles | ForEach-Object { $mdText = MyGetContent $_ -Encoding $Encoding $schema = GetSchemaVersion $mdText $p = NewMarkdownParser $t = NewModelTransformer -schema $schema $ApplicableTag $parseMode = GetParserMode -PreserveFormatting:$ForAnotherMarkdown $model = $p.ParseString($mdText, $parseMode, $_) Write-Progress -Activity "Parsing markdown" -Completed $maml = $t.NodeModelToMamlModel($model) # flatten $maml | ForEach-Object { if (-not $ForAnotherMarkdown) { # we are preparing model to be transformed in MAML, need to embeed online version url SetOnlineVersionUrlLink -MamlCommandObject $_ -OnlineVersionUrl (GetOnlineVersion $mdText) } $res.Add($_) } } return @(,$res) } function NewMarkdownParser { $warningCallback = GetWarningCallback $progressCallback = { param([int]$current, [int]$all) Write-Progress -Activity "Parsing markdown" -status "Progress:" -percentcomplete ($current/$all*100) } return new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser' -ArgumentList ($progressCallback, $warningCallback) } function NewModelTransformer { param( [ValidateSet('1.0.0', '2.0.0')] [string]$schema, [string[]]$ApplicableTag ) if ($schema -eq '1.0.0') { throw "PlatyPS schema version 1.0.0 is deprecated and not supported anymore. Please install platyPS 0.7.6 and migrate to the supported version." } elseif ($schema -eq '2.0.0') { $infoCallback = { param([string]$message) Write-Verbose $message } $warningCallback = GetWarningCallback return new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Transformer.ModelTransformerVersion2' -ArgumentList ($infoCallback, $warningCallback, $ApplicableTag) } } function GetSchemaVersion { param( [string]$markdown ) $metadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata -markdown $markdown if ($metadata) { $schema = $metadata[$script:SCHEMA_VERSION_YAML_HEADER] if (-not $schema) { # there is metadata, but schema version is not specified. # assume 2.0.0 $schema = '2.0.0' } } else { # if there is not metadata, then it's schema version 1.0.0 $schema = '1.0.0' } return $schema } function GetOnlineVersion { param( [string]$markdown ) $metadata = Get-MarkdownMetadata -markdown $markdown $onlineVersionUrl = $null if ($metadata) { $onlineVersionUrl = $metadata[$script:ONLINE_VERSION_YAML_HEADER] } return $onlineVersionUrl } function SetOnlineVersionUrlLink { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]$MamlCommandObject, [string]$OnlineVersionUrl = $null ) # Online Version URL $currentFirstLink = $MamlCommandObject.Links | Select -First 1 if ($OnlineVersionUrl -and ((-not $currentFirstLink) -or ($currentFirstLink.LinkUri -ne $OnlineVersionUrl))) { $mamlLink = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlLink $mamlLink.LinkName = $script:MAML_ONLINE_LINK_DEFAULT_MONIKER $mamlLink.LinkUri = $OnlineVersionUrl # Insert link at the beginning $MamlCommandObject.Links.Insert(0, $mamlLink) } } function MakeHelpInfoXml { Param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $ModuleName, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $GUID, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $HelpCulture, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $HelpVersion, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $URI, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $OutputFolder ) $HelpInfoFileNme = $ModuleName + "_" + $GUID + "_HelpInfo.xml" $OutputFullPath = Join-Path $OutputFolder $HelpInfoFileNme if(Test-Path $OutputFullPath -PathType Leaf) { [xml] $HelpInfoContent = Get-Content $OutputFullPath } #Create the base XML object for the Helpinfo.xml file. $xml = new-object xml $ns = "" $declaration = $xml.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0","utf-8",$null) $rootNode = $xml.CreateElement("HelpInfo",$ns) $xml.InsertBefore($declaration,$xml.DocumentElement) $xml.AppendChild($rootNode) $HelpContentUriNode = $xml.CreateElement("HelpContentURI",$ns) $HelpContentUriNode.InnerText = $URI $xml["HelpInfo"].AppendChild($HelpContentUriNode) $HelpSupportedCulturesNode = $xml.CreateElement("SupportedUICultures",$ns) $xml["HelpInfo"].AppendChild($HelpSupportedCulturesNode) #If no previous help file if(-not $HelpInfoContent) { $HelpUICultureNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICulture",$ns) $xml["HelpInfo"]["SupportedUICultures"].AppendChild($HelpUICultureNode) $HelpUICultureNameNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICultureName",$ns) $HelpUICultureNameNode.InnerText = $HelpCulture $xml["HelpInfo"]["SupportedUICultures"]["UICulture"].AppendChild($HelpUICultureNameNode) $HelpUICultureVersionNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICultureVersion",$ns) $HelpUICultureVersionNode.InnerText = $HelpVersion $xml["HelpInfo"]["SupportedUICultures"]["UICulture"].AppendChild($HelpUICultureVersionNode) [xml] $HelpInfoContent = $xml } else { #Get old culture info $ExistingCultures = @{} foreach($Culture in $HelpInfoContent.HelpInfo.SupportedUICultures.UICulture) { $ExistingCultures.Add($Culture.UICultureName, $Culture.UICultureVersion) } #If culture exists update version, if not, add culture and version if(-not ($HelpCulture -in $ExistingCultures.Keys)) { $ExistingCultures.Add($HelpCulture,$HelpVersion) } else { $ExistingCultures[$HelpCulture] = $HelpVersion } $cultureNames = @() $cultureNames += $ExistingCultures.GetEnumerator() #write out cultures to XML for($i=0;$i -lt $ExistingCultures.Count; $i++) { $HelpUICultureNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICulture",$ns) $HelpUICultureNameNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICultureName",$ns) $HelpUICultureNameNode.InnerText = $cultureNames[$i].Name $HelpUICultureNode.AppendChild($HelpUICultureNameNode) $HelpUICultureVersionNode = $xml.CreateElement("UICultureVersion",$ns) $HelpUICultureVersionNode.InnerText = $cultureNames[$i].Value $HelpUICultureNode.AppendChild($HelpUICultureVersionNode) $xml["HelpInfo"]["SupportedUICultures"].AppendChild($HelpUICultureNode) } [xml] $HelpInfoContent = $xml } #Commit Help if(!(Test-Path $OutputFullPath)) { New-Item -Path $OutputFolder -ItemType File -Name $HelpInfoFileNme } $HelpInfoContent.Save((Get-ChildItem $OutputFullPath).FullName) } function GetHelpFileName { param( [System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo]$CommandInfo ) if ($CommandInfo) { if ($CommandInfo.HelpFile) { if ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($CommandInfo.HelpFile)) { return (Split-Path -Leaf $CommandInfo.HelpFile) } else { return $CommandInfo.HelpFile } } # overwise, lets guess it $module = @($CommandInfo.Module) + ($CommandInfo.Module.NestedModules) | Where-Object {$_.ModuleType -ne 'Manifest'} | Where-Object {$_.ExportedCommands.Keys -contains $CommandInfo.Name} if (-not $module) { Write-Warning "[GetHelpFileName] Cannot find module for $($CommandInfo.Name)" return } if ($module.Count -gt 1) { Write-Warning "[GetHelpFileName] Found $($module.Count) modules for $($CommandInfo.Name)" $module = $module | Select-Object -First 1 } if (Test-Path $module.Path -Type Leaf) { # for regular modules, we can deduct the filename from the module path file $moduleItem = Get-Item -Path $module.Path if ($moduleItem.Extension -eq '.psm1') { $fileName = $moduleItem.BaseName } else { $fileName = $moduleItem.Name } } else { # if it's something like Dynamic module, # we guess the desired help file name based on the module name $fileName = $module.Name } return "$fileName-help.xml" } } function MySetContent { [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$value, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding, [switch]$Force ) if (Test-Path $Path) { if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) { Write-Error "Cannot write file to $Path, directory with the same name exists." return } if (-not $Force) { Write-Error "Cannot write to $Path, file exists. Use -Force to overwrite." return } } else { $dir = Split-Path $Path if ($dir) { mkdir $dir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue > $null } } Write-Verbose "Writing to $Path with encoding = $($Encoding.EncodingName)" # just to create a file Set-Content -Path $Path -Value '' $resolvedPath = (Get-ChildItem $Path).FullName [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($resolvedPath, $value, $Encoding) return (Get-ChildItem $Path) } function MyGetContent { [OutputType([System.String])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding ) if (-not(Test-Path $Path)) { throw "Cannot read from $Path, file does not exist." return } else { if (Test-Path $Path -PathType Container) { throw "Cannot read from $Path, $Path is a directory." return } } Write-Verbose "Reading from $Path with encoding = $($Encoding.EncodingName)" $resolvedPath = (Get-ChildItem $Path).FullName return [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($resolvedPath, $Encoding) } function NewModuleLandingPage { Param( [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string] $ModuleName, [Parameter(mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="NewLandingPage")] [string] $ModuleGuid, [Parameter(mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="NewLandingPage")] [string[]] $CmdletNames, [Parameter(mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="NewLandingPage")] [string] $Locale, [Parameter(mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="NewLandingPage")] [string] $Version, [Parameter(mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="NewLandingPage")] [string] $FwLink, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="UpdateLandingPage")] [switch] $RefreshModulePage, [Parameter(mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="UpdateLandingPage")] [System.Collections.Generic.List[Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]] $Module, [Parameter(mandatory=$true)] [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = $script:UTF8_NO_BOM, [switch]$Force ) begin { $LandingPageName = $ModuleName + ".md" $LandingPagePath = Join-Path $Path $LandingPageName } process { $Description = "{{Manually Enter Description Here}}" if($RefreshModulePage) { if(Test-Path $LandingPagePath) { $OldLandingPageContent = Get-Content -Raw $LandingPagePath $OldMetaData = Get-MarkdownMetadata -Markdown $OldLandingPageContent $ModuleGuid = $OldMetaData["Module Guid"] $FwLink = $OldMetaData["Download Help Link"] $Version = $OldMetaData["Help Version"] $Locale = $OldMetaData["Locale"] $p = NewMarkdownParser $model = $p.ParseString($OldLandingPageContent) $index = $model.Children.IndexOf(($model.Children | WHERE {$_.Text -eq "Description"})) $i = 1 $stillParagraph = $true $Description = "" while($stillParagraph -eq $true) { $Description += $model.Children[$index + $i].spans.text $i++ if($model.Children[$i].NodeType -eq "Heading") { $stillParagraph = $false } } } else { $ModuleGuid = "{{ Update Module Guid }}" $FwLink = "{{ Update Download Link }}" $Version = "{{ Update Help Version }}" $Locale = "{{ Update Locale }}" $Description = "{{Manually Enter Description Here}}" } } $Content = "---`r`nModule Name: $ModuleName`r`nModule Guid: $ModuleGuid`r`nDownload Help Link: $FwLink`r`n" $Content += "Help Version: $Version`r`nLocale: $Locale`r`n" $Content += "---`r`n`r`n" $Content += "# $ModuleName Module`r`n## Description`r`n" $Content += "$Description`r`n`r`n## $ModuleName Cmdlets`r`n" if($RefreshModulePage) { $Module | % { $command = $_ if(-not $command.Synopsis) { $Content += "### [" + $command.Name + "](" + $command.Name + ".md)`r`n{{Manually Enter " + $command.Name + " Description Here}}`r`n`r`n" } else { $Content += "### [" + $command.Name + "](" + $command.Name + ".md)`r`n" + $command.Synopsis + "`r`n`r`n" } } } else { $CmdletNames | ForEach-Object { $Content += "### [" + $_ + "](" + $_ + ".md)`r`n{{Manually Enter $_ Description Here}}`r`n`r`n" } } MySetContent -Path $LandingPagePath -value $Content -Encoding $Encoding -Force:$Force # yeild } } function ConvertMamlModelToMarkdown { param( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand]$mamlCommand, [hashtable]$metadata, [switch]$NoMetadata, [switch]$PreserveFormatting ) begin { $parseMode = GetParserMode -PreserveFormatting:$PreserveFormatting $r = New-Object Markdown.MAML.Renderer.MarkdownV2Renderer -ArgumentList $parseMode $count = 0 } process { if (($count++) -eq 0 -and (-not $NoMetadata)) { return $r.MamlModelToString($mamlCommand, $metadata) } else { return $r.MamlModelToString($mamlCommand, $true) # skip version header } } } function GetCommands { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Module, # return names, instead of objects [switch]$AsNames ) # Get-Module doesn't know about Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, so we don't use (Get-Module).ExportedCommands # We use: & (dummy module) {...} syntax to workaround # the case `GetMamlObject -Module platyPS` # because in this case, we are in the module context and Get-Command returns all commands, # not only exported ones. $commands = & (New-Module {}) ([scriptblock]::Create("Get-Command -Module '$Module'")) | Where-Object {$_.CommandType -ne 'Alias'} # we don't want aliases in the markdown output for a module if ($AsNames) { $commands.Name } else { $commands } } <# This function prepares help and command object (possibly do mock) and passes it to ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel, then return results #> function GetMamlObject { Param( [CmdletBinding()] [parameter(mandatory=$true, parametersetname="Cmdlet")] [string] $Cmdlet, [parameter(mandatory=$true, parametersetname="Module")] [string] $Module, [parameter(mandatory=$true, parametersetname="Maml")] [string] $MamlFile, [parameter(parametersetname="Maml")] [switch] $ConvertNotesToList, [parameter(parametersetname="Maml")] [switch] $ConvertDoubleDashLists, [switch] $UseFullTypeName ) function CommandHasAutogeneratedSynopsis { param([object]$help) return (Get-Command $help.Name -Syntax) -eq ($help.Synopsis) } if($Cmdlet) { Write-Verbose ("Processing: " + $Cmdlet) $Help = Get-Help $Cmdlet $Command = Get-Command $Cmdlet return ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel -Command $Command -Help $Help -UsePlaceholderForSynopsis:(CommandHasAutogeneratedSynopsis $Help) -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName } elseif ($Module) { Write-Verbose ("Processing: " + $Module) $commands = GetCommands $Module foreach ($Command in $commands) { Write-Verbose ("`tProcessing: " + $Command.Name) $Help = Get-Help $Command.Name # yield ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel -Command $Command -Help $Help -UsePlaceholderForSynopsis:(CommandHasAutogeneratedSynopsis $Help) -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName } } else # Maml { $HelpCollection = Get-HelpPreview -Path $MamlFile -ConvertNotesToList:$ConvertNotesToList -ConvertDoubleDashLists:$ConvertDoubleDashLists #Provides Name, CommandType, and Empty Module name from MAML generated module in the $command object. #Otherwise loads the results from Get-Command <Cmdlet> into the $command object $HelpCollection | ForEach-Object { $Help = $_ $Command = [PsObject] @{ Name = $Help.Name CommandType = $Help.Category HelpFile = (Split-Path $MamlFile -Leaf) } # yield ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel -Command $Command -Help $Help -UseHelpForParametersMetadata -UseFullTypeName:$UseFullTypeName } } } function AddLineBreaksForParagraphs { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string]$text ) begin { $paragraphs = @() } process { $text = $text.Trim() $paragraphs += $text } end { $paragraphs -join "`r`n`r`n" } } function IncrementHelpVersion { param( [string] $HelpVersionString ) process { if($HelpVersionString -eq "{{Please enter version of help manually (X.X.X.X) format}}") { return "" } $lastDigitPosition = $HelpVersionString.LastIndexOf(".") + 1 $frontDigits = $HelpVersionString.Substring(0,$lastDigitPosition) $frontDigits += ([int] $HelpVersionString.Substring($lastDigitPosition)) + 1 return $frontDigits } } <# This function converts help and command object (possibly mocked) into a Maml Model #> function ConvertPsObjectsToMamlModel { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object]$Command, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [object]$Help, [switch]$UseHelpForParametersMetadata, [switch]$UsePlaceholderForSynopsis, [switch]$UseFullTypeName ) function isCommonParameterName { param([string]$parameterName, [switch]$Workflow) if (@( 'Verbose', 'Debug', 'ErrorAction', 'WarningAction', 'InformationAction', 'ErrorVariable', 'WarningVariable', 'InformationVariable', 'OutVariable', 'OutBuffer', 'PipelineVariable' ) -contains $parameterName) { return $true } if ($Workflow) { return @( 'PSParameterCollection', 'PSComputerName', 'PSCredential', 'PSConnectionRetryCount', 'PSConnectionRetryIntervalSec', 'PSRunningTimeoutSec', 'PSElapsedTimeoutSec', 'PSPersist', 'PSAuthentication', 'PSAuthenticationLevel', 'PSApplicationName', 'PSPort', 'PSUseSSL', 'PSConfigurationName', 'PSConnectionURI', 'PSAllowRedirection', 'PSSessionOption', 'PSCertificateThumbprint', 'PSPrivateMetadata', 'AsJob', 'JobName' ) -contains $parameterName } return $false } function getPipelineValue($Parameter) { if ($Parameter.ValueFromPipeline) { if ($Parameter.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName) { return 'True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)' } else { return 'True (ByValue)' } } else { if ($Parameter.ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName) { return 'True (ByPropertyName)' } else { return 'False' } } } function getTypeString { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.Reflection.TypeInfo] $typeObject ) # special case for nullable value types if ($typeObject.Name -eq 'Nullable`1') { return $typeObject.GenericTypeArguments.Name } if ($typeObject.IsGenericType) { # keep information about generic parameters return $typeObject.ToString() } return $typeObject.Name } function normalizeFirstLatter { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string]$value ) if ($value -and $value.Length -gt 0) { return $value.Substring(0,1).ToUpperInvariant() + $value.substring(1) } return $value } #endregion $MamlCommandObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCommand #region Command Object Values Processing $IsWorkflow = $Command.CommandType -eq 'Workflow' #Get Name $MamlCommandObject.Name = $Command.Name $MamlCommandObject.ModuleName = $Command.ModuleName #region Data not provided by the command object #Get Description #Not provided by the command object. $MamlCommandObject.Description = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody ("{{Fill in the Description}}") #endregion #Get Syntax #region Get the Syntax Parameter Set objects function FillUpParameterFromHelp { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlParameter]$ParameterObject ) $HelpEntry = $Help.parameters.parameter | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $ParameterObject.Name} $ParameterObject.DefaultValue = $HelpEntry.defaultValue | normalizeFirstLatter $ParameterObject.VariableLength = $HelpEntry.variableLength -eq 'True' $ParameterObject.Globbing = $HelpEntry.globbing -eq 'True' $ParameterObject.Position = $HelpEntry.position | normalizeFirstLatter if ($HelpEntry.description) { if ($HelpEntry.description.text) { $ParameterObject.Description = $HelpEntry.description.text | AddLineBreaksForParagraphs } else { # this case happens, when there is HelpMessage in 'Parameter' attribute, # but there is no maml or comment-based help. # then help engine put string outside of 'text' property $ParameterObject.Description = $HelpEntry.description | AddLineBreaksForParagraphs } } $syntaxParam = $Help.syntax.syntaxItem.parameter | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Parameter.Name} | Select-Object -First 1 if ($syntaxParam) { # otherwise we could potentialy get it from Reflection but not doing it for now foreach ($parameterValue in $syntaxParam.parameterValueGroup.parameterValue) { $ParameterObject.parameterValueGroup.Add($parameterValue) } } } function FillUpSyntaxFromCommand { foreach($ParameterSet in $Command.ParameterSets) { $SyntaxObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlSyntax $SyntaxObject.ParameterSetName = $ParameterSet.Name $SyntaxObject.IsDefault = $ParameterSet.IsDefault foreach($Parameter in $ParameterSet.Parameters) { # ignore CommonParameters if (isCommonParameterName $Parameter.Name -Workflow:$IsWorkflow) { # but don't ignore them, if they have explicit help entries if ($Help.parameters.parameter | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Parameter.Name}) { } else { continue } } $ParameterObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlParameter $ParameterObject.Name = $Parameter.Name $ParameterObject.Required = $Parameter.IsMandatory $ParameterObject.PipelineInput = getPipelineValue $Parameter $ParameterType = $Parameter.ParameterType $ParameterObject.Type = getTypeString -typeObject $ParameterType $ParameterObject.FullType = $ParameterType.ToString() $ParameterObject.ValueRequired = -not ($Parameter.Type -eq "SwitchParameter") # thisDefinition is a heuristic foreach($Alias in $Parameter.Aliases) { $ParameterObject.Aliases += $Alias } $ParameterObject.Description = if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Parameter.HelpMessage)) { # additional new-lines are needed for Update-MarkdownHelp scenario. switch ($Parameter.Name) { # we have well-known parameters and can generate a reasonable description for them # 'Confirm' { "Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.`r`n`r`n" } 'WhatIf' { "Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.`r`n`r`n" } default { "{{Fill $($Parameter.Name) Description}}`r`n`r`n" } } } else { $Parameter.HelpMessage } FillUpParameterFromHelp $ParameterObject $SyntaxObject.Parameters.Add($ParameterObject) } $MamlCommandObject.Syntax.Add($SyntaxObject) } } function FillUpSyntaxFromHelp { function GuessTheType { param([string]$type) if (-not $type) { # weired, but that's how it works return 'SwitchParameter' } return $type } $ParamSetCount = 0 foreach($ParameterSet in $Help.syntax.syntaxItem) { $SyntaxObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlSyntax $ParamSetCount++ $SyntaxObject.ParameterSetName = $script:SET_NAME_PLACEHOLDER + "_" + $ParamSetCount foreach($Parameter in $ParameterSet.Parameter) { $ParameterObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlParameter $ParameterObject.Type = GuessTheType $Parameter.parameterValue $ParameterObject.Name = $Parameter.Name $ParameterObject.Required = $Parameter.required -eq 'true' $ParameterObject.PipelineInput = $Parameter.pipelineInput | normalizeFirstLatter $ParameterObject.ValueRequired = -not ($ParameterObject.Type -eq "SwitchParameter") # thisDefinition is a heuristic if ($parameter.Aliases -ne 'None') { $ParameterObject.Aliases = $parameter.Aliases } FillUpParameterFromHelp $ParameterObject $SyntaxObject.Parameters.Add($ParameterObject) } $MamlCommandObject.Syntax.Add($SyntaxObject) } } if ($UseHelpForParametersMetadata) { FillUpSyntaxFromHelp } else { FillUpSyntaxFromCommand } #endregion ########## #####GET THE HELP-Object Content and add it to the MAML Object##### #region Help-Object processing #Get Synopsis if ($UsePlaceholderForSynopsis) { # Help object ALWAYS contains SYNOPSIS. # If it's not available, it's auto-generated. # We don't want to include auto-generated SYNOPSIS (see $MamlCommandObject.Synopsis = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody ("{{Fill in the Synopsis}}") } else { $MamlCommandObject.Synopsis = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody ($Help.Synopsis.Trim()) } #Get Description if($Help.description -ne $null) { $MamlCommandObject.Description = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody ($Help.description.Text | AddLineBreaksForParagraphs) } #Add to Notes #From the Help AlertSet data if($help.alertSet) { $MamlCommandObject.Notes = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.Markdown.SectionBody ($help.alertSet.alert.Text | AddLineBreaksForParagraphs) } # Not provided by the command object. Using the Command Type to create a note declaring it's type. # We can add this placeholder #Add to relatedLinks if($help.relatedLinks) { foreach($link in $Help.relatedLinks.navigationLink) { $mamlLink = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlLink $mamlLink.LinkName = $link.linkText $mamlLink.LinkUri = $link.uri $MamlCommandObject.Links.Add($mamlLink) } } #Add Examples foreach($Example in $Help.examples.example) { $MamlExampleObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlExample $MamlExampleObject.Introduction = $Example.introduction $MamlExampleObject.Title = $Example.title $MamlExampleObject.Code = @( New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlCodeBlock ($Example.code, '') ) $RemarkText = $Example.remarks.text | AddLineBreaksForParagraphs $MamlExampleObject.Remarks = $RemarkText $MamlCommandObject.Examples.Add($MamlExampleObject) } #Get Inputs #Reccomend adding a Parameter Name and Parameter Set Name to each input object. #region Inputs $Inputs = @() $Help.inputTypes.inputType | ForEach-Object { $InputObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlInputOutput $InputObject.TypeName = $ $InputObject.Description = $_.description.Text | AddLineBreaksForParagraphs $Inputs += $InputObject } foreach($Input in $Inputs) {$MamlCommandObject.Inputs.Add($Input)} #endregion #Get Outputs #No Output Type description is provided from the command object. #region Outputs $Outputs = @() $Help.returnValues.returnValue | ForEach-Object { $OutputObject = New-Object -TypeName Markdown.MAML.Model.MAML.MamlInputOutput $OutputObject.TypeName = $ $OutputObject.Description = $_.description.Text | AddLineBreaksForParagraphs $Outputs += $OutputObject } foreach($Output in $Outputs) {$MamlCommandObject.Outputs.Add($Output)} #endregion ########## #####Adding Parameters Section from Syntax block##### #region Parameter Unique Selection from Parameter Sets #This will only work when the Parameters member has a public set as well as a get. function Get-ParameterByName { param( [string]$Name ) $defaultSyntax = $MamlCommandObject.Syntax | Where-Object { $Command.DefaultParameterSet -eq $_.ParameterSetName } # default syntax should have a priority $syntaxes = @($defaultSyntax) + $MamlCommandObject.Syntax foreach ($s in $syntaxes) { $param = $s.Parameters | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name } if ($param) { return $param } } } function Get-ParameterNamesOrder() { # we want to keep original order for existing help # if something changed: # - remove it from it's position # - add to the end $helpNames = $Help.parameters.parameter.Name if (-not $helpNames) { $helpNames = @() } # sort-object unique does case-insensiteve unification $realNames = $MamlCommandObject.Syntax.Parameters.Name | Sort-object -Unique if (-not $realNames) { $realNames = @() } $realNamesList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]' $realNamesList.AddRange( ( [string[]] $realNames) ) foreach ($name in $helpNames) { if ($realNamesList.Remove($name)) { # yeild $name } # Otherwise it didn't exist } foreach ($name in $realNamesList) { # yeild $name } } foreach($ParameterName in (Get-ParameterNamesOrder)) { $Parameter = Get-ParameterByName $ParameterName if ($Parameter) { if ($UseFullTypeName) { $Parameter = $Parameter.Clone() $Parameter.Type = $Parameter.FullType } $MamlCommandObject.Parameters.Add($Parameter) } else { Write-Warning "[Markdown generation] Could not find parameter object for $ParameterName in command $($Command.Name)" } } # Handle CommonParameters, default for MamlCommand is SupportCommonParameters = $true if ($Command.CmdletBinding -eq $false) { # Remove CommonParameters by exception $MamlCommandObject.SupportCommonParameters = $false } # Handle CommonWorkflowParameters $MamlCommandObject.IsWorkflow = $IsWorkflow #endregion ########## return $MamlCommandObject } function validateWorkingProvider { if((Get-Location).Drive.Provider.Name -ne 'FileSystem') { Write-Verbose 'PlatyPS Cmdlets only work in the FileSystem Provider. PlatyPS is changing the provider of this session back to filesystem.' $AvailableFileSystemDrives = Get-PSDrive | Where {$_.Provider.Name -eq "FileSystem"} | Select Root if($AvailableFileSystemDrives.Count -gt 0) { Set-Location $AvailableFileSystemDrives[0].Root } else { throw 'PlatyPS Cmdlets only work in the FileSystem Provider.' } } } #endregion #region Parameter Auto Completers # bbbbbbbb # TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT b::::::b CCCCCCCCCCCCC lllllll tttt iiii # T:::::::::::::::::::::T b::::::b CCC::::::::::::C l:::::l ttt:::t i::::i # T:::::::::::::::::::::T b::::::b CC:::::::::::::::C l:::::l t:::::t iiii # T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T b:::::b C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C l:::::l t:::::t # TTTTTT T:::::T TTTTTTaaaaaaaaaaaaa b:::::bbbbbbbbb C:::::C CCCCCC ooooooooooo mmmmmmm mmmmmmm ppppp ppppppppp l::::l eeeeeeeeeeee ttttttt:::::ttttttt iiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnn nnnnnnnn # T:::::T a::::::::::::a b::::::::::::::bb C:::::C oo:::::::::::oo mm:::::::m m:::::::mm p::::ppp:::::::::p l::::l ee::::::::::::ee t:::::::::::::::::t i:::::i oo:::::::::::oo n:::nn::::::::nn # T:::::T aaaaaaaaa:::::a b::::::::::::::::b C:::::C o:::::::::::::::om::::::::::mm::::::::::mp:::::::::::::::::p l::::l e::::::eeeee:::::eet:::::::::::::::::t i::::i o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn # T:::::T a::::a b:::::bbbbb:::::::b --------------- C:::::C o:::::ooooo:::::om::::::::::::::::::::::mpp::::::ppppp::::::p l::::l e::::::e e:::::etttttt:::::::tttttt i::::i o:::::ooooo:::::onn:::::::::::::::n # T:::::T aaaaaaa:::::a b:::::b b::::::b -:::::::::::::- C:::::C o::::o o::::om:::::mmm::::::mmm:::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::eeeee::::::e t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n:::::nnnn:::::n # T:::::T aa::::::::::::a b:::::b b:::::b --------------- C:::::C o::::o o::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::::::::::::e t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n # T:::::T a::::aaaa::::::a b:::::b b:::::b C:::::C o::::o o::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e::::::eeeeeeeeeee t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n # T:::::T a::::a a:::::a b:::::b b:::::b C:::::C CCCCCCo::::o o::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p::::::p l::::l e:::::::e t:::::t tttttt i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n # TT:::::::TT a::::a a:::::a b:::::bbbbbb::::::b C:::::CCCCCCCC::::Co:::::ooooo:::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::ppppp:::::::pl::::::le::::::::e t::::::tttt:::::ti::::::io:::::ooooo:::::o n::::n n::::n # T:::::::::T a:::::aaaa::::::a b::::::::::::::::b CC:::::::::::::::Co:::::::::::::::om::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::::p l::::::l e::::::::eeeeeeee tt::::::::::::::ti::::::io:::::::::::::::o n::::n n::::n # T:::::::::T a::::::::::aa:::ab:::::::::::::::b CCC::::::::::::C oo:::::::::::oo m::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::pp l::::::l ee:::::::::::::e tt:::::::::::tti::::::i oo:::::::::::oo n::::n n::::n # TTTTTTTTTTT aaaaaaaaaa aaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb CCCCCCCCCCCCC ooooooooooo mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm p::::::pppppppp llllllll eeeeeeeeeeeeee ttttttttttt iiiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnnnn nnnnnn # p:::::p # p:::::p # p:::::::p # p:::::::p # p:::::::p # ppppppppp # Register-ArgumentCompleter can be provided thru TabExpansionPlusPlus or with V5 inbox module. # We don't care much which one it is, but the inbox one doesn't have -Description parameter if (Get-Command -Name Register-ArgumentCompleter -Module TabExpansionPlusPlus -ErrorAction Ignore) { Function ModuleNameCompleter { Param ( $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter ) Get-Module -Name "$wordToComplete*" | ForEach-Object { New-CompletionResult -CompletionText $_.Name -ToolTip $_.Description } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-MarkdownHelp -ParameterName Module -ScriptBlock $Function:ModuleNameCompleter -Description 'This argument completer handles the -Module parameter of the New-MarkdownHelp Command.' } elseif (Get-Command -Name Register-ArgumentCompleter -ErrorAction Ignore) { Function ModuleNameCompleter { Param ( $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter ) Get-Module -Name "$wordToComplete*" | ForEach-Object { $_.Name } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-MarkdownHelp -ParameterName Module -ScriptBlock $Function:ModuleNameCompleter } #endregion Parameter Auto Completers |