
# P::::::::::::::::P l:::::l ttt:::t P::::::::::::::::P SS:::::::::::::::S
# P::::::PPPPPP:::::P l:::::l t:::::t P::::::PPPPPP:::::P S:::::SSSSSS::::::S
# PP:::::P P:::::Pl:::::l t:::::t PP:::::P P:::::PS:::::S SSSSSSS
# P::::P P:::::P l::::l aaaaaaaaaaaaa ttttttt:::::tttttttyyyyyyy yyyyyyyP::::P P:::::PS:::::S
# P::::P P:::::P l::::l a::::::::::::a t:::::::::::::::::t y:::::y y:::::y P::::P P:::::PS:::::S
# P::::PPPPPP:::::P l::::l aaaaaaaaa:::::at:::::::::::::::::t y:::::y y:::::y P::::PPPPPP:::::P S::::SSSS
# P:::::::::::::PP l::::l a::::atttttt:::::::tttttt y:::::y y:::::y P:::::::::::::PP SS::::::SSSSS
# P::::PPPPPPPPP l::::l aaaaaaa:::::a t:::::t y:::::y y:::::y P::::PPPPPPPPP SSS::::::::SS
# P::::P l::::l aa::::::::::::a t:::::t y:::::y y:::::y P::::P SSSSSS::::S
# P::::P l::::l a::::aaaa::::::a t:::::t y:::::y:::::y P::::P S:::::S
# P::::P l::::l a::::a a:::::a t:::::t tttttt y:::::::::y P::::P S:::::S
# PP::::::PP l::::::la::::a a:::::a t::::::tttt:::::t y:::::::y PP::::::PP SSSSSSS S:::::S
# P::::::::P l::::::la:::::aaaa::::::a tt::::::::::::::t y:::::y P::::::::P S::::::SSSSSS:::::S
# P::::::::P l::::::l a::::::::::aa:::a tt:::::::::::tt y:::::y P::::::::P S:::::::::::::::SS
# PPPPPPPPPP llllllll aaaaaaaaaa aaaa ttttttttttt y:::::y PPPPPPPPPP SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
# y:::::y
# y:::::y
# y:::::y
# y:::::y
# yyyyyyy

# .ExternalHelp platyPS.psm1-Help.xml
function Get-PlatyPSMarkdown



        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromMaml')
            if (Test-Path $maml)
                $maml = cat -raw $maml

            Convert-MamlToMarkdown $maml | Out-String
        elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromCommand')
            Convert-HelpToMarkdown (Get-Help $command)
        else # "FromModule"
            $commands = (get-module $module).ExportedCommands.Keys
            $commands | % {
                $command = $_
                $h = Get-Help $module\$command
                Convert-HelpToMarkdown $h
            } | Out-String

# .ExternalHelp platyPS.psm1-Help.xml
function Get-PlatyPSExternalHelp


    # normalize input
    $markdown = $markdown | Out-String
    Add-Type -Path $PSScriptRoot\Markdown.MAML.dll

    $r = new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Renderer.MamlRenderer'
    $p = new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Parser.MarkdownParser' -ArgumentList {
        param([int]$current, [int]$all) 
        Write-Progress -Activity "Parsing markdown" -status "Progress:" -percentcomplete ($current/$all*100)
    $t = new-object -TypeName 'Markdown.MAML.Transformer.ModelTransformer' -ArgumentList {
        Write-Verbose $message

    $model = $p.ParseString($markdown)
    $maml = $t.NodeModelToMamlModel($model)
    $xml = $r.MamlModelToString($maml, [bool]$skipPreambula)

    return $xml

# .ExternalHelp platyPS.psm1-Help.xml
function New-PlatyPSModuleFromMaml
        $DestinationPath = "$env:TEMP\Modules"

    if (-not (Test-Path $MamlFilePath))
        throw "'$MamlFilePath' does not exist."        

    # Get the file name
    $originalHelpFileName = (Get-Item $MamlFilePath).Name
    # Read the malm file
    $xml = [xml](Get-Content $MamlFilePath -Raw -ea SilentlyContinue)
    if (-not $xml)
        throw "Failed to read '$MamlFilePath'" 

    # This logic is for the generate a module name
    $moduleType = $null
    if ($originalHelpFileName.EndsWith(".psm1-help.xml"))
        $moduleType =  ".psm1-help.xml"
    elseif ($originalHelpFileName.EndsWith(".dll-help.xml"))
        $moduleType =  ".dll-help.xml"
        throw "invalid PowerShell module help file $originalHelpFileName"

    # The information for the module to be generated
    $currentCulture = (Get-UICulture).Name
    $moduleName = $originalHelpFileName.Replace($moduleType, "") + "_" + (Get-Random).ToString()
    $moduleFolder = "$destinationPath\$moduleName"
    $helpFileFolder = "$destinationPath\$moduleName\$currentCulture"
    $moduleFilePath = $moduleFolder + "\" + $moduleName + ".psm1"

    # The help file will be renamed to this name
    $helpFileNewName = $moduleName + $moduleType

    # The result object to be generated
    $result = @{
        Name = $null
        Cmdlets = @()
        Path = $null

    $writeFile = $false
    $moduleDefintion = ""
    $template = @'
.ExternalHelp $helpFileName
function $cmdletName

    foreach ($command in $xml.helpItems.command.details)
        $thisDefinition = $template
        $thisDefinition = $thisDefinition.Replace("`$helpFileName", $helpFileNewName)
        $thisDefinition = $thisDefinition.Replace("`$cmdletName", $        
        $moduleDefintion += "`r`n" + $thisDefinition + "`r`n"
        $writeFile = $true
        $result.Cmdlets += $

    if (-not $writeFile)
        Write-Verbose "There aren't any cmdlets definitions on '$MamlFilePath'." -Verbose

    # Create the module and help content folders.
    #New-Item -Path $moduleFolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
    New-Item -Path $helpFileFolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null

    # Copy the help file
    Copy-Item -Path $MamlFilePath -Destination $helpFileFolder -Force

    # Rename the copied help file
    $filePath = Join-Path $helpFileFolder (Split-Path $MamlFilePath -Leaf)
    Rename-Item -Path $filePath -NewName $helpFileNewName -Force

    # Create the module file
    Set-Content -Value $moduleDefintion -Path $moduleFilePath

    $result.Name = $moduleName
    $result.Path = $moduleFilePath
    return $result

# IIIIIIIIII lllllll tttt tttt iiii
# I::::::::I l:::::l ttt:::t ttt:::t i::::i
# I::::::::I l:::::l t:::::t t:::::t iiii
# II::::::II l:::::l t:::::t t:::::t
# I::::I mmmmmmm mmmmmmm ppppp ppppppppp l::::l eeeeeeeeeeee mmmmmmm mmmmmmm eeeeeeeeeeee nnnn nnnnnnnn ttttttt:::::ttttttt aaaaaaaaaaaaa ttttttt:::::ttttttt iiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnn nnnnnnnn
# I::::I mm:::::::m m:::::::mm p::::ppp:::::::::p l::::l ee::::::::::::ee mm:::::::m m:::::::mm ee::::::::::::ee n:::nn::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t a::::::::::::a t:::::::::::::::::t i:::::i oo:::::::::::oo n:::nn::::::::nn
# I::::I m::::::::::mm::::::::::mp:::::::::::::::::p l::::l e::::::eeeee:::::eem::::::::::mm::::::::::m e::::::eeeee:::::een::::::::::::::nn t:::::::::::::::::t aaaaaaaaa:::::at:::::::::::::::::t i::::i o:::::::::::::::on::::::::::::::nn
# I::::I m::::::::::::::::::::::mpp::::::ppppp::::::p l::::l e::::::e e:::::em::::::::::::::::::::::me::::::e e:::::enn:::::::::::::::ntttttt:::::::tttttt a::::atttttt:::::::tttttt i::::i o:::::ooooo:::::onn:::::::::::::::n
# I::::I m:::::mmm::::::mmm:::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::eeeee::::::em:::::mmm::::::mmm:::::me:::::::eeeee::::::e n:::::nnnn:::::n t:::::t aaaaaaa:::::a t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n:::::nnnn:::::n
# I::::I m::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e:::::::::::::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::me:::::::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n t:::::t aa::::::::::::a t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n
# I::::I m::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p:::::p l::::l e::::::eeeeeeeeeee m::::m m::::m m::::me::::::eeeeeeeeeee n::::n n::::n t:::::t a::::aaaa::::::a t:::::t i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n
# I::::I m::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::p p::::::p l::::l e:::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::me:::::::e n::::n n::::n t:::::t tttttta::::a a:::::a t:::::t tttttt i::::i o::::o o::::o n::::n n::::n
# II::::::IIm::::m m::::m m::::m p:::::ppppp:::::::pl::::::le::::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::me::::::::e n::::n n::::n t::::::tttt:::::ta::::a a:::::a t::::::tttt:::::ti::::::io:::::ooooo:::::o n::::n n::::n
# I::::::::Im::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::::p l::::::l e::::::::eeeeeeee m::::m m::::m m::::m e::::::::eeeeeeee n::::n n::::n tt::::::::::::::ta:::::aaaa::::::a tt::::::::::::::ti::::::io:::::::::::::::o n::::n n::::n
# I::::::::Im::::m m::::m m::::m p::::::::::::::pp l::::::l ee:::::::::::::e m::::m m::::m m::::m ee:::::::::::::e n::::n n::::n tt:::::::::::tt a::::::::::aa:::a tt:::::::::::tti::::::i oo:::::::::::oo n::::n n::::n
# IIIIIIIIIImmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm p::::::pppppppp llllllll eeeeeeeeeeeeee mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmmm eeeeeeeeeeeeee nnnnnn nnnnnn ttttttttttt aaaaaaaaaa aaaa ttttttttttt iiiiiiii ooooooooooo nnnnnn nnnnnn
# p:::::p
# p:::::p
# p:::::::p
# p:::::::p
# p:::::::p
# ppppppppp

function Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]


        function Convert([string]$s) 
            ($s -replace "`n", '') -replace '<maml:navigationLink(.*?)><maml:linkText>(.*?)</maml:linkText><maml:uri>(.*?)</maml:uri></maml:navigationLink>', '[$2]($3)'

        if (-not $maml) {
            return $maml
        if ($maml -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) {
            return ([xml](Convert (Convert-XmlElementToString $maml))).para.'#text'
        if ($maml -is [string]) {
            return $maml
        '' # new line for <para>

function Get-EscapedMarkdownText
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        # this is kind of a crazy replacement to handle escaping properly.
        # we need to do the reverse operation in our markdown parser.
        # the last part is to make generated markdown more readable.
        (((($text -replace '\\\\','\\\\') -replace '([<>])','\$1') -replace '\\([\[\]\(\)])', '\\$1') -replace "\.( )+(\w)", ".`r`n`$2").Trim()

function Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        $first = $true

        if (-not $text)
            return $text

        if ($first) {
            $first = $false
        } else {


function Get-NameMarkdown($command)
    if ($script:IS_HELP)
        $name = $command.Name
        $name = $
    "# {0}" -f $name

function Get-SynopsisMarkdown($command)
    '## SYNOPSIS'
    if ($script:IS_HELP)
        $text = $command.Synopsis
        $text = $command.details.description.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks

    $text | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs

function Get-DescriptionMarkdown($command)
    if ($script:IS_HELP)
        $text = $command.description
        $text = $command.description.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks

    $text | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs

    'SwitchParameter' -> [switch]
    'System.Int32' -> [int] # optional

function Convert-ParameterTypeTextToType
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

    if ($script:IS_HELP)
        $typeText = $
        $typeText = $parameter.parameterValue.'#text'

    # if type is explicitly [object], we want to capture it
    # if type is not specified, then we don't want to capture it
    if (-not $typeText)
        # return nothing
        return ''

    if ($typeText -eq 'SwitchParameter') 
        return '[switch]'

    # default
    return "[$typeText]"

function Get-ParamMetadata

    $ValidateSetGenerated = $false
    foreach ($setPair in $paramSet.GetEnumerator()) {

        $paramSetName = $setPair.Key
        $syntaxParam = $setPair.Value

        $meta = @()

        if ($syntaxParam.required -eq 'true')
            $meta += 'Mandatory = $true'

        if ($syntaxParam.position -ne 'named')
            $meta += 'Position = ' + ($syntaxParam.position)

        if ($syntaxParam.pipelineInput -eq 'True (ByValue)') {
            $meta += 'ValueFromPipeline = $true'
        } elseif ($syntaxParam.pipelineInput -eq 'True (ByPropertyName)') {
            $meta += 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true'
        } elseif ($syntaxParam.pipelineInput -eq 'True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)') {
            # mind the order
            $meta += 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true'
            $meta += 'ValueFromPipeline = $true'
        } elseif ($syntaxParam.pipelineInput -eq 'true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)') {
            # mind the order
            $meta += 'ValueFromPipeline = $true'
            $meta += 'ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true'

        if ($paramSetName -ne '*') {
            $meta += "ParameterSetName = '$paramSetName'"

        if ($meta) {
            # formatting hustle
            if ($meta.Count -eq 1) {
            } else {
                "[Parameter(`n " + ($meta -join ",`n ") + ")]"

        if (-not $ValidateSetGenerated) {
            # [ValidateSet()] is a separate attribute from [Parameter()].
            # That means, we cannot specify ValidateSet per parameterSet.
            $validateSet = $syntaxParam.parameterValueGroup.parameterValue.'#text'
            if ($validateSet) {
                "[ValidateSet(`n '" + ($validateSet -join "',`n '") + "')]"
                $ValidateSetGenerated = $true

function Get-ParameterMarkdown

    #if (@('InformationAction', 'InformationVariable') -contains $
        # ignoring common parameters
    # return

    $parameterType = Convert-ParameterTypeTextToType $parameter
    $defaultValue = '' 
    if ($parameter.defaultValue -and $parameter.defaultValue -ne 'none' -and ($parameterType -ne '[switch]' -or $parameter.defaultValue -ne 'false')) {
        $defaultValue = " = $($parameter.defaultValue)"

### $($ $parameterType$defaultValue

    $parameterMetadata = Get-ParamMetadata $parameter -paramSet ($paramSets[$]) | Out-String

    if ($parameter.globbing -eq 'true')
        $parameterMetadata += "[SupportsWildCards()]`n"

    if ($parameterMetadata) 


    $parameter.description.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs
    $parameter.parameters.parameter | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText

.SYNOPSIS Get map 'parameterName' -> ('setName' -> parameterXml) 'Parameter sets that it belongs to -> '.
    '*' for setName mean it belongs to default set.
Note: for some magical reason this logic works for both Maml xml and Help parameters object.

function Get-ParameterSetMapping($command)
    function Simplify($set) 
        foreach ($i in 1..($set.Count-1))
            if (($set[0].required -ne $set[$i].required) -or
                ($set[0].pipelineInput -ne $set[$i].pipelineInput) -or
                ($set[0].position -ne $set[$i].position) -or
                ($set[0].variableLength -ne $set[$i].variableLength))
                return $set

        return [ordered]@{'*' = $set[0]}

    $syntax = $command.syntax
    $result = @{}
    $collection = $syntax.syntaxItem
    # If syntax entries are not properly filled up,
    # we are assuming that there is only one parameterSet
    # and take all values for it from parameters section.
    if (-not $collection.parameter) 
        $collection = $command.parameters

    if (-not $collection.parameter) 
        Write-Warning ("No syntax and no parameters entries are found for command " + $
        return $result

        $i = 0
        $collection | % {
            $paramSetName = "Set $i"
            $_.parameter | % {
                $p = $_
                if ($result[$]) {
                    $result[$][$paramSetName] = $p
                } else {
                    $result[$] = [ordered]@{$paramSetName = $p}

        # at this point, if parameter belongs to all parameter sets,
        # we should try to remove any notation for parameter sets, if metadata is the same for all of them.
        @($result.Keys) | % {
            if ($i -eq ($result[$_].Count))
                $result[$_] = Simplify $result[$_]
        Write-Warning ("Error processing syntax entries for " + $
        Write-Error $_

    return $result

function Get-ParametersMarkdown($command)
    $paramSets = Get-ParameterSetMapping $command

    $command.parameters.parameter | % { 
        # can be null, if parameters are not populated
        if ($_) {
            Get-ParameterMarkdown $_ -paramSets $paramSets

function Get-InputMarkdown($command)

    '## INPUTS'

    if ($
        # there is a weired difference for some reason
        if ($script:IS_HELP)
            $ | ? {$_} | % {
                "### $($_)"
            $command.inputTypes.inputType | % { 
                "### $($"
                $_.type.description.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs
                $_.description.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs    
        "### None"
        $command.inputTypes.inputType.type.description.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs


function Get-OutputMarkdown($command)
    '## OUTPUTS'
    if ($command.returnValues.returnValue) 
        if ($script:IS_HELP)
            # didn't test it, but I guess it should be the same as Inputs
            $ | ? {$_} | % {
                "### $($_)"
            $command.returnValues.returnValue | % { 
                "### $($"    
                $_.type.description.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs
                $_.description.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs
        "### None"
        $command.returnValues.returnValue.type.description.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs   


function Get-NotesMarkdown($command)
    if ($command.alertSet.alert.para -or $script:IS_HELP)
        '## NOTES'
        $command.alertSet.alert.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs

function Get-ExampleMarkdown($example)
    if ($example.title) {
        "### $($example.title.Trim())"
    } else {
        "### EXAMPLE"

    $example.introduction.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs
    $example.remarks.para | Convert-MamlLinksToMarkDownLinks | Get-EscapedMarkdownText | Add-LineBreaksForParagraphs

function Get-ExamplesMarkdown($command)
    if ($command.examples.example -or $script:IS_HELP)
        '## EXAMPLES'
        $command.examples.example | ? {$_} | % { Get-ExampleMarkdown $_ }

function Get-RelatedLinksMarkdown($command)
    $command.relatedLinks.navigationLink | ? {$_} | % {

function Convert-CommandToMarkdown
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="Maml")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="HelpObject")]


    if ($IsHelpObject)
        $o = $helpObject
        $script:IS_HELP = $true
        $o = $command
    Get-NameMarkdown $o
    Get-SynopsisMarkdown $o
    Get-DescriptionMarkdown $o
    Get-ParametersMarkdown $o
    Get-InputMarkdown $o
    Get-OutputMarkdown $o
    Get-NotesMarkdown $o
    Get-ExamplesMarkdown $o
    Get-RelatedLinksMarkdown $o

    if ($IsHelpObject)
        $script:IS_HELP = $false

function Convert-XmlElementToString
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        $sw = New-Object System.IO.StringWriter
        $xmlSettings = New-Object System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
        $xmlSettings.ConformanceLevel = [System.Xml.ConformanceLevel]::Fragment
        $xmlSettings.Indent = $true
        $xw = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($sw, $xmlSettings)
        # return

function Get-NormalizedText([string]$text)
    # just normize some commmon typos
    $text -replace '–','-'

function Convert-MamlToMarkdown

    $xmlMaml = [xml](Get-NormalizedText $maml)
    $commands = $xmlMaml.helpItems.command

    $commands | %{ Convert-CommandToMarkdown -command $_ } | Out-String

function Convert-HelpToMarkdown

    Convert-CommandToMarkdown -helpObject $helpObject -IsHelpObject | Out-String

# E::::::::::::::::::::E ttt:::t
# E::::::::::::::::::::E t:::::t
# EE::::::EEEEEEEEE::::E t:::::t
# E:::::E EEEEEExxxxxxx xxxxxxxppppp ppppppppp ooooooooooo rrrrr rrrrrrrrr ttttttt:::::ttttttt
# E:::::E x:::::x x:::::x p::::ppp:::::::::p oo:::::::::::oo r::::rrr:::::::::r t:::::::::::::::::t
# E::::::EEEEEEEEEE x:::::x x:::::x p:::::::::::::::::p o:::::::::::::::or:::::::::::::::::r t:::::::::::::::::t
# E:::::::::::::::E x:::::xx:::::x pp::::::ppppp::::::po:::::ooooo:::::orr::::::rrrrr::::::rtttttt:::::::tttttt
# E:::::::::::::::E x::::::::::x p:::::p p:::::po::::o o::::o r:::::r r:::::r t:::::t
# E::::::EEEEEEEEEE x::::::::x p:::::p p:::::po::::o o::::o r:::::r rrrrrrr t:::::t
# E:::::E x::::::::x p:::::p p:::::po::::o o::::o r:::::r t:::::t
# E:::::E EEEEEE x::::::::::x p:::::p p::::::po::::o o::::o r:::::r t:::::t tttttt
# EE::::::EEEEEEEE:::::E x:::::xx:::::x p:::::ppppp:::::::po:::::ooooo:::::o r:::::r t::::::tttt:::::t
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    Export-ModuleMember -Function *
    Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Get-PlatyPSMarkdown', 'Get-PlatyPSExternalHelp', 'New-PlatyPSModuleFromMaml')