function Ping-AddressRange{ <# .SYNOPSIS Scan a range of addresses in a network or subnet .EXAMPLE Ping-AddressRange -NetID -interface Wi-Fi .FUNCTIONALITY Get the successfull ping results of all the machines in a network .DESCRIPTION Scan a range of Addresses and get back all alive host along side other statistics #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # NetIP can be a range or a single IP [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, Position=1 )] [string] $NetIP, # Network Interface to send ping requests [Parameter( Mandatory=$true, Position=2 )] [string] $interface, # Path to save results [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, Position=3 )] [string] $pathName ) begin { $_range = $NetIP.Split('.')[3].Replace('-', '..'); $_minRange, $_maxRange = [int]$_range.Split('..')[0], [int]$_range.Split('..')[1] $r_num = $($_maxRange - $_minRange); $all_host = @{}; $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"; } process { if($_range -match '\d..\d'){ $addressRange = $( $(Invoke-Expression $_range) | ForEach-Object { $NetIP.Replace($NetIP.Split('.')[3], $_) } | ForEach-Object { # Show Progress of ping $current_add = [int]$_.Split('.')[3] Show-Progress($_, $current_add); # Send 1 ping to IP Test-Connection $_ -Count 1 } ) $pingResults = @{ pinged_address=$( $addressRange | ForEach-Object{ $_.Address.IPAddressToString } ); Loss=$( $addressRange | # Select First No. x of the pinged addresses Select-Object -First $r_num | ForEach-Object{ $_.Status } ) } } # Populating $all_host if(@($pingResults.pinged_address).Count -ne 0){ for($i=0;$i -lt @($pingResults.pinged_address).Count; $i++){ $all_host[@($pingResults["pinged_address"])[$i]]=@($pingResults["Loss"])[$i] } } if($all_host.Count -ne 0){ # filter all the alive host $alive_h = @( $all_host.Keys | Where-Object{ $($all_host.Item($_)) -imatch "Success" } ) # Print Results Show-Stats($alive_h) } } end { } } function Show-Progress(){ param([string]$ip, [int]$pcnt) $_pcnt = [int]$ip.Split(' ')[1] $_ip = $ip.Split(' ')[0] while($_pcnt -gt 10){ $_pcnt -= 10 } $percnt = $($([int]$_ip.Split('.')[3] - $_minRange) * 100) / $($_maxRange - $_minRange) Write-Progress -Activity $("ping scan "+[int]$percnt+"%") -Status $("Pinging "+$_ip) -PercentComplete $($_pcnt * 10) } function Show-Stats(){ param([string[]] $alive_hosts) $host_IP = $(Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object{$_.AddressFamily -eq 'IPv4' -and $_.InterfaceAlias -eq $interface} | ForEach-Object{$_.IPAddress}) $stats = @{Host_alive=$alive_hosts; Localhost=$host_IP; Host_scanned=$r_num; Num_alive_host=$alive_hosts.Count} if($pathName -ne ""){ Out-File -InputObject $stats -FilePath $pathName } return $stats } |