<# .SYNOPSIS Displays a menu to be able to select Priviled Role Assignments .DESCRIPTION Default option: If no parameter is specified, displays a menu so the user can select one or more RoleAssignments Option 1: If DisplayName is passed in, either through pipe or as parameter, the menu doesn't appear. A role assignment request is created for each displayname passed in. .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> function Enable-PrivilegedRoleAssignment{ [CmdletBinding()] param( # Array with DisplayNames of Role Assignments. E.g. @("Security Administrator","Cloud Device Administrator") [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $SelectedRoleAssignments ) Write-Verbose "Enable-PrivilegedRoleAssignment" <# Get the available role assignments #> if($null -eq $SelectedRoleAssignments){ $EligibleRoles = Get-PrivilegedRoleAssignments -Eligible -Detailed $RoleAssignmentMenuItems = $null $RoleAssignmentMenuItems = @() $RoleAssignmentMenuItems += $EligibleRoles | Select-Object 'DisplayName' | %{$_.'DisplayName'} Write-Debug "$(Out-String $RoleAssignmentMenuItems)" $SelectedRoleAssignments = Menu -menuItems $RoleAssignmentMenuItems -Multiselect Write-Verbose "SelectedRoleAssignments: $($SelectedRoleAssignments | %{$_ + " "})" } <# # Ask the user for # Schedule # reason #> Write-Output "Selected Role Assignments: $($SelectedRoleAssignments | %{$_ + ", "})" $Reason = Read-Host -Prompt "Write a reason for activating one or more roles: " $InputDuration = Read-Host -Prompt "Write a duration between 1 and whats allowed in your tenant(e.g. 10)" try{ $Duration = [int]$InputDuration }catch{ Throw("Duration specified is not a valid number.") } if((-not($Duration -is [int])) -or (-not ($Duration -gt 0))){ # Ikke et tall og ikke duration over 0 throw("Cannot use the duration specified.") return } $schedule = New-Object Microsoft.Open.MSGraph.Model.AzureADMSPrivilegedSchedule $schedule.Type = "Once" $schedule.Duration = "PT$($Duration)H" $schedule.StartDateTime = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ") #$schedule.endDateTime = $schedule.StartDateTime.AddHours($Duration) foreach($SelectedRoleAssignment in $SelectedRoleAssignments){ Write-Verbose "Privileged role assignment request for $($SelectedRoleAssignment)" Write-Debug "Avaialbe eligible roles: $(Out-String -InputObject $EligibleRoles )" $SelectedRoleAssignmentDefinition = $EligibleRoles | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match $SelectedRoleAssignment} Write-Debug $SelectedRoleAssignmentDefinition Write-Verbose "[Reason] $Reason" Write-verbose "[Duration] $Duration" Write-verbose "[RoleDefinitionId] $($SelectedRoleAssignmentDefinition."RoleDefinitionId")" try{ Open-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleAssignmentRequest ` -ProviderId 'aadRoles' ` -ResourceId $global:AzureConnDirectoryId ` -RoleDefinitionId $SelectedRoleAssignmentDefinition."RoleDefinitionId" ` -SubjectId $global:CurrentLoggedInUser.ObjectId ` -Type 'UserAdd' ` -AssignmentState 'Active' ` -schedule $schedule ` -reason $Reason }catch{ Write-Debug $EligibleRoles Write-Debug $SelectedRoleAssignments Write-Debug $SelectedRoleAssignmentDefinition throw "$_." } } } |