#region Learn PowerShell Information [System.Collections.ArrayList]$script:learnPowerShellInfo = @() $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = '0' Title = 'Should you learn PowerShell?' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Time' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 1 Title = 'PowerShell Basics' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Cmdlets' 'Verb' 'Noun', 'Command' 'Help' 'Get-Help' 'Get-Command' 'Get-Member' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 2 Title = 'PowerShell Pipeline' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Pipeline' 'PSItem' 'Format' 'Select' 'Object' 'Sort' 'Parameters' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 3 Title = 'State of the Shell' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'History' 'pwsh' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 4 Title = 'PowerShell Development Setup' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Development' 'VSCode' 'Terminal' 'PSScriptAnalyzer' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 5 Title = 'Working With PowerShell Variables' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Variables' 'Variable' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 6 Title = 'Taking Control with PowerShell Logic' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Conditional' 'Switch' 'Loops' 'For' 'Foreach' 'While' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 7 Title = 'PowerShell Input & Output' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Input' 'Output' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 8 Title = 'PowerShell Errors and Exceptions Handling' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Errors' 'Exceptions' 'Terminating' 'ErrorAction' 'Try' 'Catch' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 9 Title = 'PowerShell Remoting' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Remoting' 'WinRm' 'SSH' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 10 Title = 'PowerShell Scripts' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Scripts' 'Script' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 11 Title = 'PowerShell Functions' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Functions' 'Function' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 12 Title = 'Manage Cloud with PowerShell' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Cloud' 'Azure' 'AWS' ) }) | Out-Null $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ Episode = 13 Title = 'PowerShell Modules' Blog = '' YouTube = '' GitHub = '' Tags = @( 'PowerShell' 'Learn' 'Module' 'Modules' 'psm1' 'psd1' ) }) | Out-Null # $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ # Episode = 14 # Title = '' # Blog = '' # YouTube = '' # GitHub = '' # Tags = @( # 'PowerShell' # 'Learn' # ) # }) | Out-Null # $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ # Episode = 15 # Title = '' # Blog = '' # YouTube = '' # GitHub = '' # Tags = @( # 'PowerShell' # 'Learn' # ) # }) | Out-Null # $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ # Episode = 16 # Title = '' # Blog = '' # YouTube = '' # GitHub = '' # Tags = @( # 'PowerShell' # 'Learn' # ) # }) | Out-Null # $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ # Episode = 17 # Title = '' # Blog = '' # YouTube = '' # GitHub = '' # Tags = @( # 'PowerShell' # 'Learn' # ) # }) | Out-Null # $script:learnPowerShellInfo.Add([PSCustomObject]@{ # Episode = 18 # Title = '' # Blog = '' # YouTube = '' # GitHub = '' # Tags = @( # 'PowerShell' # 'Learn' # ) # }) | Out-Null #endregion #region main <# .SYNOPSIS Returns episode information about the Learn PowerShell series .DESCRIPTION Returns episode information about the Learn PowerShell series .EXAMPLE Get-LearnPowerShellInfo Returns all episode information from the Learn PowerShell series .EXAMPLE Get-LearnPowerShellInfo -Tag 'vscode' Returns all episode(s) information that are tagged with vscode in the Learn PowerShell series .EXAMPLE Get-LearnPowerShellInfo -EpisodeNumber 5 Returns information for Episode 5 from the Learn PowerShell series .PARAMETER Tag Topic Tag .PARAMETER EpisodeNumber Episode Number .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject .NOTES Have fun learning PowerShell! .COMPONENT LearnPowerShell .LINK .LINK #> function Get-LearnPowerShellInfo { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'x' )] param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Tag', Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Topic tag')] [string] $Tag, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Episode', Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Episode Number')] [ValidateRange(1, 15)] [int] $EpisodeNumber ) Write-Verbose -Message ('ParameterSetName: {0}' -f $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)) if ($Tag) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Finding episode(s) by tag' $result = $script:learnPowerShellInfo | Where-Object { $_.Tags -like "*$Tag*" } } elseif ($EpisodeNumber) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Finding episode by episode number' $result = $script:learnPowerShellInfo | Where-Object { $_.Episode -eq $EpisodeNumber } } else { Write-Verbose -Message 'Returning all episode information' $result = $script:learnPowerShellInfo } return $result } #endregion |