function Get-Log_Folder { $env:Log_folder } function Set-Log_Folder([string]$path, [switch]$default) { if ( $default -and -not $path ) { $rootScriptPath = Coalesce ($env:AGENT_BUILDDIRECTORY) ( Get-ScriptPath -rootScript ) $CommonScriptPath $path = Split-Path $rootScriptPath -Parent if (-not $path -or $path.StartsWith( $Env:SystemRoot ) ) { $path = $env:TEMP } $path = Join-Path $path 'Logs' } if (-not ($path)) { $path = $env:TEMP } New-Folder_EnsureExists -folder $path $env:Log_folder = $path } function Get-ScriptLine ($level = 1) { $stack = Get-PSCallStack $callerStackFrame = if ( $stack.Count -gt $level ) { $stack[$level] } else { $stack[-1] } $name = $callerStackFrame.ScriptName + ':' + $callerStackFrame.ScriptLineNumber return $name } function Write-Time { param ([switch]$reset) $msg = "`n\_ LINE " + ( Get-ScriptLine -level 2 ) $folder = $env:Log_folder $timelog = "$folder\time.log" if (-not $Global:Debug_StartTime -or $reset) { $Global:Debug_StartTime = [DateTime]::Now $Global:Debug_LastTime = $Global:Debug_StartTime $msg = "TIME: $Global:Debug_StartTime, START" + $msg Write-Host $msg Set-Content -Path $timelog -Value $msg | Out-Null return } $currentTime = [DateTime]::Now $totalDuration = $currentTime - $Global:Debug_StartTime $LastDuration = $currentTime - $Global:Debug_LastTime $msg = "TIME: $currentTime , TOTAL DURATION: $totalDuration, LAST DURATION: $LastDuration" + $msg Write-Host $msg Add-Content -Path $timelog -Value $msg | Out-Null $Global:Debug_LastTime = $currentTime } function Export-Context([string] $filenamePrefix, [switch]$append, [switch]$PassThru, [switch]$open) { $processInfo = @() $processInfo += "CommandLine " + ([System.Environment]::CommandLine) $processInfo += "Process CurrentDirectory " + ([System.Environment]::CurrentDirectory) $processInfo += "Process Args " + ([System.Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs()) $rootScriptName = ( Split-Path ( Get-ScriptPath -rootScript ) -Leaf ) | Update-Path_ReplaceFileSpecialChars $filenamePrefix = $filenamePrefix + $rootScriptName + '_' $processInfo | Export-ToFile ( $filenamePrefix + "ProcessInfo.ps1.log" ) ` ConvertFrom-EnvironmentVariables_To_Ps1 | Export-ToFile ( $filenamePrefix + "EnvironmentVariables.ps1.log" ) ` -append:$append.IsPresent -PassThru:$PassThru.IsPresent -open:$open.IsPresent Dump_CallStack | Export-ToFile ( $filenamePrefix + "CallStack.Log" ) ` -append:$append.IsPresent -PassThru:$PassThru.IsPresent -open:$open.IsPresent ConvertFrom-Variables_To_Ps1 | Export-ToFile ( $filenamePrefix + "Variables.ps1.log" ) ` -append:$append.IsPresent -PassThru:$PassThru.IsPresent -open:$open.IsPresent } function Dump_CallStack { $callStack = Get-PSCallStack $result = $callStack | Format-List -GroupBy ScriptName $result | Out-String #Required in order to force it to convert as string that renders the info } function Initialize-ExportFile([string] $filename, [switch]$append, [switch]$silent ) { $logFolder = Get-Log_Folder $path = Coalesce $logFolder $env:TEMP $dumpfile = "$path\$filename" $parentFolder = Split-Path $dumpfile -Parent New-Folder_EnsureExists $parentFolder if (-not $silent) { $uncFile = Get-UNC_FileName $dumpfile write-host "Creating Export '$uncFile'" } if ( ( Test-Path $dumpfile ) -and -not $append ) { $ignoredOutput = Remove-Item $dumpfile Write-Verbose $ignoredOutput } return $dumpfile } function Export-ToFile ([string] $filename, [switch]$append, [switch]$PassThru, [switch]$open) { begin { $dumpfile = Initialize-ExportFile -filename $filename -appemd:$append.IsPresent } process { $_ | Out-File -FilePath $dumpfile -Append if ($PassThru) { $_ } } end { if (Test-Path function:\Publish-AzPipeline_File) { Publish-AzPipeline_File -path $dumpfile } if ($open) { Show-File $dumpfile } } } |