$Global:AssertEnabled = $true function Assert ( $eq = $true, $throw, $extrainfo, [switch]$PassThru ) { function GetAssertInvokeFrame { foreach ( $frame in Get-PSCallStack ) { if ( $frame.FunctionName -eq 'Assert' ) { return $frame } } } function Get-FrameDisplayMessage ($frame) { return "$($frame.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)`n" } function Fail ( $message ){ $frame = GetAssertInvokeFrame $message = $message + "`nAssert " + ( Get-FrameDisplayMessage $frame ) if ($extrainfo) { $message = $extrainfo + "`n" + $message } throw "Assert Failed: $message" } function Check($condition, $eqItem) { if (-not $AssertEnabled ) { return } if ( $condition -is [Hashtable] ){ [Hashtable]$remainder = Remove-HashTable $condition $eqItem $result = $remainder.Count -eq 0 if (-not $result) { $message = "result='$condition'`nexpected='$eqItem'`ndifference='$remainder'`nposition='$position'" Fail $message } return } if ( $condition -is [scriptblock] ) { if ($throw) { try { Disable-BreakPoint_StackTrace $returned = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $condition Enable-BreakPoint_StackTrace } catch { $throwExpression = if ($throw -is [Type]) { $throw.Fullname } else { "*$throw*" } $returned = ( $_.Exception.Message -like $throwExpression ) -or ( $_.Exception.GetType().Fullname -like $throwExpression ) } } else { $returned = if ($eqItem -is [scriptblock]) { $condition } else { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $condition } } } else { $returned = $condition } $result = $returned -eq $eqItem if (-not $result -and ( $null -ne $returned ) -and ( $null -ne $eqItem ) ) { $result = $returned.ToString() -eq $eqItem.ToString() } if (-not $result) { $message = "result='$returned' expected='$eqItem' position='$position'" Fail $message } } # Do not use the following as it wull consume the input therefore no allowing further checks # if ($eq -eq $input) { return } $eqArray = [Array]$eq if ( ( $eqArray -isnot [Array] ) -and ( $eqArray -eq $null ) ) { $eqArray = @( $null ) } [int]$position = 0; foreach ( $value in $input ) { Check $value $eqArray[$position] if ($PassThru) { $value } $position++ } if ($null -eq $eq -and $position -eq 0) { return } if ( $eqArray.Count -gt $position ) { Fail "Expected '$($eqArray.Count)' elements but just '$position' was received in the pipeline" } } function Assert:::Test { $null | assert -eq $null @() | assert -eq @() { assert -eq 2 } | assert -throw 'Assert Failed:' 1 | assert -eq 1 { 1 + 2 } | assert -eq 3 { 1 | assert -eq 2 } | assert -throw 'failed' 2 | assert -eq 2 -PassThru | assert -eq 2 1,2 | assert -eq 1,2 { 1,2 | assert -eq 1,3 } | assert -throw 'failed' { 1,2,3 | assert -eq 1,3 } | assert -throw 'failed' $null, $true, $false, $null | assert $null, $true, $false, $null { 1 + 2 } | assert { 1 + 2 } @{'K1' = 1; 'K2' = 9} | assert @{'K1' = 1; 'K2' = 9} @{} | assert @{} } |