function Add-GacAssembly_2 ($Path, [Switch]$Force, [Switch]$Verbose) { [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a") $publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish $publish.GacInstall($Path) ( "GAC ADD " + $Path ) >> ( $Path + ".log" ) } function Remove-GacAssembly{ param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Path, [Switch]$Force ) process { $gacutil = 'c:\code\psmodules\tools\gacutil.exe' #$path = "Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging" Invoke-Exe $gacutil /u $path ( "GAC REMOVE " + $Path ) >> ( $Path + ".log" ) } } function Add-GacAssembly ($Path, [Switch]$Force, [Switch]$Verbose) { $psFolder = Split-Path ( Get-ScriptPath -parent ) -Parent $gacutil = "$psFolder\tools\gacutil.exe" $Path = Get-Path -path $Path Apply-Item_Conditional -Path $Path -action { $previousVersionInGAC = Get-GacAssembly -Path $Path $previousVersionInGAC = $previousVersionInGAC.Name | Select-Object -Unique if ( $previousVersionInGAC ) { Write-Host "Removing previous version" Invoke-Exe $gacutil /nologo /uf $previousVersionInGAC | Out-Null } $pathQuoted = $path | Update-String_Enclose -prefix '"' $output = Invoke-Exe $gacutil /nologo /if $pathQuoted $log = ( $Path + ".log" ) ( "GAC ADD " + $Path ) > $log $output >> $log # Verify the process is correct if (-not ( Test-GacAssembly -Path $Path ) ) { throw "Failed to update GAC '$Path' " } else { "Test-GacAssembly OK" >> $log } } } function Get-GacAssembly ($Path, $name) { $files = @() if ( $Path ) { $dll = Get-PathItem $Path $files += $dll $name = $dll.Name } $gacDll = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly -Filter $name -Recurse $files += $gacDll write-host ( $files | Format-List | Out-String ) return $gacDll } function Test-GacAssembly($Path) { $dll = Get-PathItem -path $Path $gacDll = Get-GacAssembly -path $Path if (-not $gacDll ) { return $false } $files = @($dll, $gacDll) $sameLength = ( @() + ( $files.Length | Select-Object -Unique ) ).Count -eq 1 $fileList = $files.fullname -join "`n" if ( -not $sameLength ) { Write-Warning "Length does not corresponds for:`n$fileList" return $false } return $true } function Test-GacAssembly:::Example { $dllPath = 'c:\code\Deploy\CustomerControls.dll' Test-GacAssembly $dllPath } |