BeforeAll { if (Test-Path "$([environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile'))\passwordstate.json") { Rename-Item "$([environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile'))\passwordstate.json" "$([environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile'))\stowaway_passwordstate.json" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Confirm:$false } Import-Module -Name "$($PSScriptRoot)\..\..\passwordstate-management.psd1" -Force } AfterAll { Remove-Module -Name 'passwordstate-management' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (Test-Path "$([environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile'))\stowaway_passwordstate.json") { Rename-Item "$([environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile'))\stowaway_passwordstate.json" "$([environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile'))\passwordstate.json" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force -Confirm:$false } } Describe "Get-PasswordstateList" { BeforeAll { $FunctionName = 'Get-PasswordStateList' $BaseURI = 'https://passwordstate.local' $APIKey = 'SuperSecretKey' $ProfilePath = 'TestDrive:' $TestCredential = [pscredential]::new('myuser', (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force -String $APIKey)) $Paramattributetype='System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute' . "$($PSScriptRoot)\json\enum-jsonFiles.ps1" } Context 'Parameter Validation' -Foreach @( @{parametername = 'PasswordListID'; mandatory = 'False'; ParameterSetName = "ID" } , @{parametername = 'PasswordList'; mandatory = 'False'; ParameterSetName = "Specific" } , @{parametername = 'Description'; mandatory = 'False'; ParameterSetName = "Specific" } , @{parametername = 'TreePath'; mandatory = 'False'; ParameterSetName = "Specific" } , @{parametername = 'SiteID'; mandatory = 'False'; ParameterSetName = "Specific" } , @{parametername = 'SiteLocation'; mandatory = 'False'; ParameterSetName = "Specific" } , @{parametername = 'PreventAuditing'; mandatory = 'False'; ParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets" } ) { It 'should verify if parameter "<parametername>" is present' { (Get-Command -Name $FunctionName).Parameters[$parametername] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } It 'should verify if mandatory for parameter "<parametername>" is set to "<mandatory>"' { "$(((Get-Command -Name $FunctionName).Parameters[$parametername].Attributes | Where-Object { $_.GetType().fullname -eq $Paramattributetype}).Mandatory)" | Should -be $mandatory } It 'should verify if parameter "<parametername>" is part of "<parametersetname>" ParameterSetName' { "$(((Get-Command -Name $FunctionName).Parameters[$parametername].Attributes | Where-Object { $_.GetType().fullname -eq $Paramattributetype}).ParameterSetName)" | Should -be $ParameterSetName } } Context 'Unit tests with API key' { BeforeAll { Set-PasswordStateEnvironment -Uri $BaseURI -Apikey $APIKey -path $ProfilePath | Out-Null Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListResponse'] } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchPasswordListResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?PasswordList=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchDescriptionResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?Description=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchTreePathResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?TreePath=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchSiteIDResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?SiteID=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchSiteLocationResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?SiteLocation=[^\&]+$' } } AfterAll { Remove-Item -Path "$([environment]::GetFolderPath("UserProfile"))\Passwordstate.json" -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It 'Should return <ListCount> for parameter <parametername>' -ForEach @( @{parametername = ''; testvalue = ""; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'PasswordList'; testvalue = "AD User Accounts"; ListCount = 1 } , @{parametername = 'Description'; testvalue = "Oracle Accounts"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'TreePath'; testvalue = "\\RootFolder\\Applications"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'SiteID'; testvalue = "0"; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'SiteLocation'; testvalue = "Work"; ListCount = 4 } ) { $Result = if ($parametername -ne '') { ((Invoke-Expression -Command "$($FunctionName) -$($Parametername) '$($testvalue)'" ) | Measure-Object).Count } else { ((Invoke-Expression -Command "$($FunctionName)" ) | Measure-Object).Count } $Result | Should -BeExactly $ListCount InModuleScope 'passwordstate-management' { Should -Invoke 'Get-PasswordstateResource' -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It } } It 'Should have <ListCount> results with "<parametername>" matching "<testvalue>"' -ForEach @( @{parametername = ''; testvalue = ""; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'PasswordList'; testvalue = "AD User Accounts"; ListCount = 1 } , @{parametername = 'Description'; testvalue = "Oracle Accounts"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'TreePath'; testvalue = "\\RootFolder\\Applications"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'SiteID'; testvalue = "0"; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'SiteLocation'; testvalue = "Work"; ListCount = 4 } ) { $TestValues = Invoke-Expression -Command "$($FunctionName) -$($Parametername) '$($testvalue)'" ($TestValues | Select-Object -First 1)."$($ParameterName)" | Should -Match $testvalue InModuleScope 'passwordstate-management' { Should -Invoke 'Get-PasswordstateResource' -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It } } } Context 'Unit tests with Windows Authentication' { BeforeAll { Set-PasswordStateEnvironment -Uri $BaseURI -WindowsAuthOnly -path $ProfilePath | Out-Null Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListResponse'] } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchPasswordListResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?PasswordList=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchDescriptionResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?Description=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchTreePathResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?TreePath=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchSiteIDResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?SiteID=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchSiteLocationResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?SiteLocation=[^\&]+$' } } AfterAll { Remove-Item -Path "$([environment]::GetFolderPath("UserProfile"))\Passwordstate.json" -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It 'Should return <ListCount> for parameter <parametername>' -ForEach @( @{parametername = ''; testvalue = ""; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'PasswordList'; testvalue = "AD User Accounts"; ListCount = 1 } , @{parametername = 'Description'; testvalue = "Oracle Accounts"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'TreePath'; testvalue = "\\RootFolder\\Applications"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'SiteID'; testvalue = "0"; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'SiteLocation'; testvalue = "Work"; ListCount = 4 } ) { $Result = if ($parametername -ne '') { ((Invoke-Expression -Command "$($FunctionName) -$($Parametername) '$($testvalue)'" ) | Measure-Object).Count } else { ((Invoke-Expression -Command "$($FunctionName)" ) | Measure-Object).Count } $Result | Should -BeExactly $ListCount InModuleScope 'passwordstate-management' { Should -Invoke 'Get-PasswordstateResource' -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It } } It 'Should have <ListCount> results with "<parametername>" matching "<testvalue>"' -ForEach @( @{parametername = ''; testvalue = ""; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'PasswordList'; testvalue = "AD User Accounts"; ListCount = 1 } , @{parametername = 'Description'; testvalue = "Oracle Accounts"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'TreePath'; testvalue = "\\RootFolder\\Applications"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'SiteID'; testvalue = "0"; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'SiteLocation'; testvalue = "Work"; ListCount = 4 } ) { $TestValues = Invoke-Expression -Command "$($FunctionName) -$($Parametername) '$($testvalue)'" ($TestValues | Select-Object -First 1)."$($ParameterName)" | Should -Match $testvalue InModuleScope 'passwordstate-management' { Should -Invoke 'Get-PasswordstateResource' -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It } } } Context 'Unit tests with Custom Credentials' { BeforeAll { Set-PasswordStateEnvironment -Uri $BaseURI -customcredentials $TestCredential -path $ProfilePath | Out-Null Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListResponse'] } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchPasswordListResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?PasswordList=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchDescriptionResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?Description=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchTreePathResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?TreePath=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchSiteIDResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?SiteID=[^\&]+$' } Mock -CommandName 'Get-PasswordStateResource' -ModuleName 'passwordstate-management' -MockWith { $Global:TestJSON['ListSearchSiteLocationResponse'] } -ParameterFilter { $uri -and $uri -match '\/searchpasswordlists\/\?SiteLocation=[^\&]+$' } } AfterAll { Remove-Item -Path "$([environment]::GetFolderPath("UserProfile"))\Passwordstate.json" -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } It 'Should return <ListCount> for parameter <parametername>' -ForEach @( @{parametername = ''; testvalue = ""; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'PasswordList'; testvalue = "AD User Accounts"; ListCount = 1 } , @{parametername = 'Description'; testvalue = "Oracle Accounts"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'TreePath'; testvalue = "\\RootFolder\\Applications"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'SiteID'; testvalue = "0"; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'SiteLocation'; testvalue = "Work"; ListCount = 4 } ) { $Result = if ($parametername -ne '') { ((Invoke-Expression -Command "$($FunctionName) -$($Parametername) '$($testvalue)'" ) | Measure-Object).Count } else { ((Invoke-Expression -Command "$($FunctionName)" ) | Measure-Object).Count } $Result | Should -BeExactly $ListCount InModuleScope 'passwordstate-management' { Should -Invoke 'Get-PasswordstateResource' -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It } } It 'Should have <ListCount> results with "<parametername>" matching "<testvalue>"' -ForEach @( @{parametername = ''; testvalue = ""; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'PasswordList'; testvalue = "AD User Accounts"; ListCount = 1 } , @{parametername = 'Description'; testvalue = "Oracle Accounts"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'TreePath'; testvalue = "\\RootFolder\\Applications"; ListCount = 2 } , @{parametername = 'SiteID'; testvalue = "0"; ListCount = 8 } , @{parametername = 'SiteLocation'; testvalue = "Work"; ListCount = 4 } ) { $TestValues = Invoke-Expression -Command "$($FunctionName) -$($Parametername) '$($testvalue)'" ($TestValues | Select-Object -First 1)."$($ParameterName)" | Should -Match $testvalue InModuleScope 'passwordstate-management' { Should -Invoke 'Get-PasswordstateResource' -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It } } } } |