
    Finds a password state entry and returns the object. If multiple matches it will return multiple entries.
    Finds a password state entry and returns the object. If multiple matches it will return multiple entries.
    PS C:\> Find-PasswordStateFolder -Name "test"
    Returns the test folder object.
    A string value which should match the passwordstate entry exactly(Not case sensitive)
    Name - The title of the entry (string)
    Returns the Object from the API as a powershell object.
    Daryl Newsholme 2018

function Get-PasswordStateFolder {
    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 1)][string]$Name
    begin {
        . "$PSScriptRoot\PasswordstateClass.ps1"
        # Initialize the array for output
        $output = @()

    process {
        # search each list for the password title (exclude the passwords so it doesn't spam audit logs with lots of read passwords)
        try {
            $output = Get-PasswordStateResource -uri "/api/folders/?FolderName=$Name" -ErrorAction stop
        Catch [System.Net.WebException] {
            throw $_.Exception

    end {
        # Use select to make sure output is returned in a sensible order.
        if ($output) {
            Return $output