function Write-pChecksToEventLog { <# .SYNOPSIS Custom formating of Pester test results written to EventLog Application .DESCRIPTION Accepts PesterResults from Invoke-Pester -passThru as input. Will parse through results and write events to EventLog Application with provided EventSource. EventIDBase will be used to calculate Information (+1) and Error (+2) EventIDs. .PARAMETER PesterTestsResults PSCustomObject from Invoke-Pester -PassThru option .PARAMETER EventSource EventSource used to write events to EventLog .PARAMETER EventIDBase Base ID to pass to Write-pChecksToEventLog. Success tests will be written to EventLog Application with MySource as source and EventIDBase +1. Errors tests will be written to EventLog Application with MySource as source and EventIDBase +2. .EXAMPLE $tests = Invoke-Pester -Script c:\adminTools\tests.ps1 -PassThru Write-pChecksToEventLog. -PesterTestsResults $tests -EventSource MySource -EventIDBase 1000 Will parse through all results in $tests. Passed tests will be written as Information events with EventID 1001 to 'Application' Log with source $EventSource Failed tests will be written as Error events with EventID 1002 to 'Application' Log with source $EventSource .INPUTS Accepts PesterResults from Invoke-Pester -passThru #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [PSCustomObject] $PesterTestsResults, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [System.String] $EventSource, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [System.Int32] $EventIDBase = 1000 ) begin { $EventIDInfo = $EventIDBase + 1 $EventIDError = $EventIDBase + 2 } process{ try { if (-not [system.diagnostics.eventlog]::SourceExists($EventSource)) { Write-Verbose -Message "EventSource {$EventSource} does not exists. Will attempt to create!" [system.diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource($EventSource, 'Application') Write-Verbose -Message "Created EventSource {$EventSource} in {Application} log. Information messages with EventID {$EventIDInfo}. Error messages with EventID {$EventIDError}" } foreach ($testResult in $PesterTestsResults.TestResult) { if ($testResult.Result -match 'Passed'){ $writeEventLogSplat = @{ Source = $EventSource EntryType = 'Information' Category = 0 LogName = 'Application' Message = "{0} - {1}`n {2} Status: {3}" -f $testResult.Describe, $testResult.Context, $testResult.Name, $testResult.Passed EventId = $EventIDInfo } Write-EventLog @writeEventLogSplat } elseif ($testResult.Result -match 'Failed') { $writeEventLogSplat = @{ Source = $EventSource EntryType = 'Error' Category = 0 LogName = 'Application' Message = "{0} - {1}`n {2} Status: {3}`n Message: {4}" -f $testResult.Describe, $testResult.Context, $testResult.Name, $testResult.Passed, $testResult.FailureMessage EventId = $EventIDError } Write-EventLog @writeEventLogSplat } } } catch [System.Security.SecurityException],[Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteEventLogCommand]{ Write-Log -Error -Message "You don't have permissions to create eventlogs sources. Unable to create EventSource {$EventSource}" } catch { $_ } } end { } } |