Set-StrictMode -Version 3 $TypeMapping = @{ "System.Double" = "object" "double" = "object" "double[]" = "object[]" "OxyPlot.OxyColor" = "string" "OxyPlot.OxyPalette" = "object[]" "OxyPlot.OxyThickness" = "double[]" "System.Double[,]" = "double[]" "double[,]" = "double[]" "System.Boolean" = "object" "bool" = "object" } function Get-GeneralTypeName { param( [string]$TargetTypeName ) $newTypeName = $TypeMapping[$TargetTypeName] if ($null -eq $newTypeName) { return $TargetTypeName } $newTypeName } function Convert-Unit { param( [double]$Value, [string]$Unit ) switch ($Unit) { "px" { $result = $Value } "in" { $result = $Value * 96.0 } "cm" { $result = $Value * (96.0 / 2.54) } "pt" { $result = $Value * (96.0 / 72) } default { Write-Error "Unknown unit: '$Unit'" return } } $result } function Convert-ParameterValue { param( [string]$TargetTypeName, [object]$Value ) switch ($TargetTypeName) { { $_ -eq "System.Double" -or $_ -eq "double" } { if ($null -eq $Value) { $Value = [double]::NaN break } switch ($Value.GetType().FullName) { "System.String" { try { # Try to parse as [Double] (with an optional unit) $unit = $null if ($Value -match "^(.+)(px|in|cm|pt)\s*$") { $Value = $matches[1] $unit = $matches[2] } $Value = [Double]::Parse($Value, "Any") if ($unit -ne $null) { $Value = Convert-Unit $Value $unit } } catch [FormatException] { try { # Try to parse as [DateTime] $Value = [OxyPlot.Axes.DateTimeAxis]::ToDouble([DateTime]::Parse($Value)) } catch [FormatException] { # Try to parse as [TimeSpan] # Remove a leading plus # You can place a plus to force the value to be interpreted as a TimeSpan. $Value = $Value -replace "^\s*\+", "" $Value = [OxyPlot.Axes.TimeSpanAxis]::ToDouble([TimeSpan]::Parse($Value)) } } } "System.DateTime" { $Value = [OxyPlot.Axes.DateTimeAxis].ToDouble($Value) } "System.TimeSpan" { $Value = [OxyPlot.Axes.TimeSpanAxis].ToDouble($Value) } defalut { $value = [double]$Value } } } "OxyPlot.OxyColor" { $Value = New-OxyColor $Value } "OxyPlot.OxyPalette" { $Value = New-OxyPalette @Value } "OxyPlot.OxyThickness" { $Value = New-OxyThickness $Value } { $_ -eq "System.Double[,]" -or $_ -eq "double[,]" } { $Value = New-OxyTwoDimensionArray $Value } { $_ -eq "System.Boolean" -or $_ -eq "bool" } { if ($value -is [string]) { if ($value -eq "true" -or $value -eq "t" -or $value -eq "1") { $Value = $true } if ($value -eq "false" -or $value -eq "f" -or $value -eq "0") { $Value = $false } } $Value = [bool]$value } } ,$Value } function Get-ValueType { param( [object]$Value ) if ($Value -is [string]) { try { if ($Value -match "^(.+)(px|in|cm|pt)\s*$") { $Value = $matches[1] } $null = [Double]::Parse($Value, "Any") return "System.Double" } catch [FormatException] { try { $null = [DateTime]::Parse($Value) return "System.DateTime" } catch [FormatException] { try { $Value = $Value -replace "^\s*\+", "" $null = [TimeSpan]::Parse($Value) return "System.TimeSpan" } catch [FormatException] { } } } } return $Value.GetType().FullName } function Assign-Parameter { param( [Reflection.PropertyInfo]$Prop, [object]$Object, [object]$Value ) $targetTypeName = $Prop.PropertyType.FullName $name = $Prop.Name $collections = @( "System.Collections.Generic.IList" "OxyPlot.ElementCollection" ) foreach($c in $collections) { if ($TargetTypeName.StartsWith($c)) { $elementType = $Prop.PropertyType.GenericTypeArguments[0] $coll = $Object.$name if ($null -eq $coll) { $coll = New-Object "$c[$($elementType.FullName)]" $Object.$name = $coll } else { $coll.Clear() } foreach ($e in $Value) { [void]$coll.Add((Convert-ParameterValue $elementType.FullName $e)) } return } } $v = Convert-ParameterValue $targetTypeName $Value $Object.$name = $v } function Assign-ParametersToProperties { param( [hashtable]$Props, [Collections.Generic.IDictionary[string,object]]$BoundParameters, [hashtable]$Options, [object]$Object, [string]$Prefix = "" ) foreach ($p in $BoundParameters.Keys) { if (!$p.StartsWith($Prefix)) { continue } $q = $p -replace "^$Prefix", "" if ($Props.ContainsKey($q)) { Assign-Parameter $Props[$q] $Object $BoundParameters[$p] } } foreach ($p in $Options.Keys) { if (!$p.StartsWith($Prefix)) { continue } $q = $p -replace "^$Prefix", "" if ($Props.ContainsKey($q)) { Assign-Parameter $Props[$q] $Object $Options[$p] } } } |