
    .VERSION 1.1
    .GUID 579b9002-4c7a-4f16-b5ab-91f434aa9854
    .AUTHOR Christoph Weste

    dealing with openfiles using openfiles.exe


#!/usr/bin/env powershell
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
function Get-OpenFiles
      This function will display open files from a given Sever / PC
      This function will use openfiles.exe to get information about open files against a given Sever / PC.
      It will return an DataTable object with all openfiles or if the -filter property is used it will return an filter Dataview object.
      You can also close open files if you use the terminate switch
       Will return all openfiles on fileserver1
       Get-OpenFiles -ComputerName fileserver1
      Will return all openfiles from fs2 where the filname contains \share\
      Get-OpenFiles -computername fs2 -Filter Open_File -query \share\
      Will return all openfiles from all servers (which are in the clipboard) which are accessed by backupadmin
      get-clippboard|Get-OpenFiles -Filter Accessed_By -query backupadmin
      You can also skip the -filter and only working with -User_q or -File_q
      Get-OpenFiles -User_q backupadmin
      You can also skip the -filter and only working with -User_q or -File_q
      Get-OpenFiles -File_q \share\
      It also possible to combine queries. This example will return all files which are opend by the user backupadmin with \share\ in the pathname
      Get-OpenFiles localhost -Filter Combo -User_q backupadmin -File_q \share\
      This will close/terminate all sessions from the user backupadmin
      Get-OpenFiles -Filter Accessed_By -query backupadmin -terminate
      .PARAMETER computername
      The computer name to query. Just one or multiple.
      .PARAMETER Filter
      Here you can select which poperty is interesting for your result.
      .PARAMETER User_q
      This is your user search query , you dont have to provide the exact search query the function will always use LIKE
      .PARAMETER File_q
      This is your File search query , you dont have to provide the exact search query the function will always use LIKE
      .PARAMETER terminate
      This parameter will trigger an close/discconect against the openfiles which are returned

  [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]

    [Parameter(Position = 0,
    HelpMessage = 'What computer name would you like to target?')]

    [Parameter(Position = 1)]

    [Parameter(Position = 2)]
    [Parameter(Position = 3)]

    [Parameter(Position = 4)]
    [switch]$Terminate = $false


  begin {
    If ([bool](([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).groups -match 'S-1-5-32-544')) 
      Write-Verbose -Message 'You are an administrator'
      Write-Verbose -Message 'You need Admin rights to execute openfiles.exe'


  process {

    Write-Verbose -Message ('Beginning query {0}' -f $computername)


    # openfile execution
    $temp = & "$env:windir\system32\openfiles.exe" /query /s $computername /fo csv /V
    #modify the header row , this makes filtering easier , lazy me
    $temp[0] = '"Hostname","ID","Accessed_By","Type","Locks","Open_Mode","Open_File"'
    $csv = $temp | ConvertFrom-Csv

    # Create Datatable
    $dtFileAccess = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataTable -ArgumentList ('FileAccess')
    $cols = @('Hostname', 'ID', 'Accessed_By', 'Locks', 'Open_Mode', 'Open_File')

    # Schema (columns)
    foreach ($col in $cols) 
      $null = $dtFileAccess.Columns.Add($col)

    # Fill the Datatable with Values (rows)
    foreach ($c in $csv) 
      $row = $dtFileAccess.NewRow()
      foreach ($col in $cols) 
        $row[$col] = $c.$col
      $null = $dtFileAccess.Rows.Add($row)

    # This will be used for filtering
    # DataView rapid filter
    $dvFileAccess    = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.DataView -ArgumentList ($dtFileAccess)

    switch ($Filter){
        $dvFileAccess.RowFilter = 'Accessed_By'+(" LIKE '%{0}%'" -f $User_q)
         return $dvFileAccess
        $dvFileAccess.RowFilter = ("Open_File LIKE '%{0}%'" -f $File_q)
         return $dvFileAccess
        $dvFileAccess.RowFilter = "Accessed_By LIKE '%{0}%'AND Open_file LIKE '%{1}%'" -f $User_q, $File_q
         return $dvFileAccess

        If ($Terminate -ne $True)
          If ($File_q -ne $null -or $User_q -ne $null)
            $dvFileAccess.RowFilter = "Accessed_By LIKE '%{0}%'AND Open_file LIKE '%{1}%'" -f $User_q, $File_q
            return $dvFileAccess
            return $dtFileAccess
    # Result

    if ( $Terminate -eq $True )
      #-and $dvFileAccess.GetEnumerator() -gt 0){
      If ($File_q -ne $null -or $User_q -ne $null)
            $dvFileAccess.RowFilter = "Accessed_By LIKE '%{0}%'AND Open_file LIKE '%{1}%'" -f $User_q, $File_q
      $result = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
      foreach ($id in $dvFileAccess.GetEnumerator().id)
        $r = & "$env:windir\system32\openfiles.exe" /disconnect /s $computername /id $id
        if ($r -ne $null)
          $null = $result.Add($r)
      return $result