$global:ThemeSettings = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ CurrentThemeLocation = "$PSScriptRoot\Themes\Agnoster.psm1" MyThemesLocation = '~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\PoshThemes' ErrorCount = 0 PromptSymbols = @{ StartSymbol = ' ' TruncatedFolderSymbol = '..' PromptIndicator = '>' FailedCommandSymbol = 'x' ElevatedSymbol = '!' SegmentForwardSymbol = '>' SegmentBackwardSymbol = '<' SegmentSeparatorForwardSymbol = '>' SegmentSeparatorBackwardSymbol = '<' PathSeparator = '\' HomeSymbol = '*' RootSymbol = '#' UNCSymbol = '§' } } $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".") . "$here\$sut" function New-MockPath { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $Location, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ProviderName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.String] $DriveName ) $provider = New-MockObject -Type System.Management.Automation.ProviderInfo $path = New-MockObject -Type System.Management.Automation.PathInfo $provider | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name 'Name' -Value $ProviderName -Force $path | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name 'Path' -Value $Location -Force $path | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name 'Provider' -Value $provider -Force if ($null -ne $DriveName) { $driveInfo = New-MockObject -Type System.Management.Automation.PSDriveInfo $driveInfo | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name 'Name' -Value $DriveName -Force $path | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name 'Drive' -Value $driveInfo -Force } return $path } Describe "Test-IsVanillaWindow" { BeforeEach { Remove-Item Env:\ConEmuANSI -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item Env:\PROMPT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item Env:\TERM_PROGRAM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } Context "Running in a non-vanilla window" { It "runs in ConEmu and outputs 'false'" { $env:ConEmuANSI = "ON" Mock Test-AnsiTerminal { return $false } Test-IsVanillaWindow | Should Be $false } It "runs in ConEmu and outputs 'false'" { $env:ConEmuANSI = "ON" Mock Test-AnsiTerminal { return $true } Test-IsVanillaWindow | Should Be $false } It "runs in an ANSI supported terminal and outputs 'false'" { $env:ConEmuANSI = $false Mock Test-AnsiTerminal { return $true } Test-IsVanillaWindow | Should Be $false } It "runs in ConEmu and outputs 'false'" { $env:ConEmuANSI = $true Test-IsVanillaWindow | Should Be $false } It "runs in cmder and outputs 'false'" { $env:PROMPT = $true Mock Test-AnsiTerminal { return $false } Test-IsVanillaWindow | Should Be $false } It "runs in cmder and conemu and outputs 'false'" { $env:PROMPT = $true $env:ConEmuANSI = $true Mock Test-AnsiTerminal { return $false } Test-IsVanillaWindow | Should Be $false } It "runs in Hyper.js and outputs 'false'" { $env:TERM_PROGRAM = "Hyper" Mock Test-AnsiTerminal { return $false } Test-IsVanillaWindow | Should Be $false } It "runs in vscode and outputs 'false'" { $env:TERM_PROGRAM = "vscode" Mock Test-AnsiTerminal { return $false } Test-IsVanillaWindow | Should Be $false } } Context "Running in a vanilla window" { It "runs in a vanilla window and outputs 'true'" { Mock Test-AnsiTerminal { return $false } Test-IsVanillaWindow | Should Be $true } } } Describe "Get-Home" { It "returns $($HOME.TrimEnd('/','\'))" { Get-Home | Should Be $HOME.TrimEnd('/', '\') } } Describe "Get-Provider" { It "uses the provider 'AwesomeSauce'" { $expected = 'AwesomeSauce' $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Users\Jan\Test' -ProviderName $expected Get-Provider $path | Should Be $expected } } Describe "Get-FormattedRootLocation" { Context "Running in the FileSystem" { BeforeAll { Mock Get-Home { return 'C:\Users\Jan' } Mock Test-Windows { return $true } } It "is in the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Users\Jan' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-FormattedRootLocation $path | Should Be $ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.HomeSymbol } It "is somewhere in the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Users\Jan\Git\Somewhere' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-FormattedRootLocation $path | Should Be $ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.HomeSymbol } It "is in 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Test\Hello' with Drive X:" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Test\Hello' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'X' Get-FormattedRootLocation $path | Should Be $ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.UNCSymbol } It "is in C:" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Documents' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-FormattedRootLocation $path | Should Be '' } It "is has no drive" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'J:\Test\Folder\Somewhere' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'J' Get-FormattedRootLocation $path | Should Be '' } It "is has no valid path" { if (Test-PsCore) { $true | Should Be $true } else { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'J\Test\Folder\Somewhere' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'J' Get-FormattedRootLocation $path | Should Be 'J:' } } } Context "Running outside of the FileSystem" { It "running outside of the Filesystem in L:" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'L:\Documents\Somewhere' -ProviderName 'SomewhereElse' -DriveName 'L' Get-FormattedRootLocation $path | Should Be 'L' } } } Describe "Get-FullPath" { Context "Running in the FileSystem" { BeforeAll { Mock Get-Home { return 'C:\Users\Jan' } } It "is in the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Users\Jan' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-FullPath $path | Should Be $ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.HomeSymbol } It "is somewhere in the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Users\Jan\Git\Somewhere' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-FullPath $path | Should Be "$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.HomeSymbol)\Git\Somewhere" } } } Describe "Get-ShortPath" { if (Test-Windows) { Context "Running in the FileSystem on Windows" { BeforeAll { Mock Get-Home { return 'C:\Users\Jan' } Mock Get-OSPathSeparator { return '\' } } It "is in a root folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Users\' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-ShortPath $path | Should Be "C:$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)Users" } It "is outside the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Tools\Something' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-ShortPath $path | Should Be "C:$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.TruncatedFolderSymbol)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)Something" } It "is in the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Users\Jan\' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-ShortPath $path | Should Be $ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.HomeSymbol } It "is somewhere in the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:\Users\Jan\Git\Somewhere' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-ShortPath $path | Should Be "$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.HomeSymbol)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.TruncatedFolderSymbol)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)Somewhere" } It "is in 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Test\Hello'" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::\\Test\Hello' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core' Get-ShortPath $path | Should Be "$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.UNCSymbol)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.TruncatedFolderSymbol)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)Hello" } } } if (-Not (Test-Windows)) { Context "Running on the filesystem in UNIX" { BeforeAll { Mock Get-Home { return '/Users/Jan' } Mock Get-OSPathSeparator { return '/' } } It "is outside the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location 'C:/Tools/Something' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName 'C' Get-ShortPath $path | Should Be "C:$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.TruncatedFolderSymbol)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)Something" } It "is in a root folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location '/Users/' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName '/' Get-ShortPath $path | Should Be 'Users' } It "is in the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location '/Users/Jan/' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName '/' Get-ShortPath $path | Should Be $ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.HomeSymbol } It "is somewhere in the $HOME folder" { $path = New-MockPath -Location '/Users/Jan/Git/Somewhere' -ProviderName 'FileSystem' -DriveName '/' Get-ShortPath $path | Should Be "$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.HomeSymbol)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.TruncatedFolderSymbol)$($ThemeSettings.PromptSymbols.PathSeparator)Somewhere" } } } } Describe "Test-NotDefaultUser" { Context "With default user set" { BeforeAll { $DefaultUser = 'name' } It "same username gives 'false'" { $user = 'name' Test-NotDefaultUser($user) | Should Be $false } It "different username gives 'false'" { $user = 'differentName' Test-NotDefaultUser($user) | Should Be $true } It "same username and outside VirtualEnv gives 'false'" { Mock Test-VirtualEnv { return $false } $user = 'name' Test-NotDefaultUser($user) | Should Be $false } It "same username and inside VirtualEnv same default user gives 'false'" { Mock Test-VirtualEnv { return $true } $user = 'name' Test-NotDefaultUser($user) | Should Be $false } It "different username and inside VirtualEnv same default user gives 'true'" { Mock Test-VirtualEnv { return $true } $user = 'differentName' Test-NotDefaultUser($user) | Should Be $true } } Context "With no default user set" { BeforeAll { $DefaultUser = $null } It "no username gives 'true'" { Test-NotDefaultUser | Should Be $true } It "different username gives 'true'" { $user = 'differentName' Test-NotDefaultUser($user) | Should Be $true } It "different username and outside VirtualEnv gives 'true'" { Mock Test-VirtualEnv { return $false } $user = 'differentName' Test-NotDefaultUser($user) | Should Be $true } It "no username and inside VirtualEnv gives 'true'" { Mock Test-VirtualEnv { return $true } Test-NotDefaultUser($user) | Should Be $true } } } |