.VERSION 2.5.0 .GUID a31639e2-a8ab-4a29-9fed-66d5b5f9e1e9 .AUTHOR Aniruddha Mukherjee .COMPANYNAME .SYNOPSIS Downloads resources from the MIT OpenCourseWare repository .EXAMPLE ocwd <link to a course homepage> .COPYRIGHT (C) Aniruddha Mukherjee 2023 .TAGS PSEdition_Core Windows PSEdition_Desktop Linux MacOS .LICENSEURI https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html .PROJECTURI https://github.com/amkhrjee/ocwd .ICONURI https://i.imgur.com/1eklM2i.png .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Last edited: 15 Oct 2023 .PRIVATEDATA .DESCRIPTION 🗃️ Bulk Download MIT OCW Course Resources #> Param( [Parameter(HelpMessage = "The URL to a course homepage")] $link ) $platform = $PSVersionTable.Platform if ($platform -eq 'Unix') { $slash = '/' } else { $slash = '\' } $patterns = @{ titlePattern = '<title>(?<title>.*)</title>' instructorPattern = '<a class="course-info-instructor strip-link-offline" href=".*">(?<instructor>.*)</a>' additionalDetailsPattern = '<span class="course-number-term-detail">(?<other>.*)</span>' } function Show-Error($msg) { Write-Host "Error:" $msg -ForegroundColor Red } function Show-Instruction($msg) { Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Blue } function Show-Exception($msg) { Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor DarkRed } function Get-Details { if ($webResponse.Content -match $patterns['titlePattern']) { $titleName = ($Matches.title -split "\|")[0] #split expects a RE } else { $titleName = "Title not found" } if ($webResponse.Content -match $patterns['instructorPattern']) { $instructorName = $Matches.instructor } else { $instructorName = "Instructor not found" } return @($titleName, $instructorName) } function Show-Details ($detailsList) { Write-Host "- Title:" $detailsList[0] Write-Host "- Instructor:" $detailsList[1] } function Get-AdditionalDetails { if ($webResponse.Content -match $patterns['additionalDetailsPattern']) { return $Matches.other -split "\|" } else { return @("Course ID not found", "Course Semester not found.", "Course Level not found.") } } function Show-AdditonalDetails($additionalDetails) { Write-Host "- ID:" $additionalDetails[0] Write-Host "- Semester:" $additionalDetails[1] Write-Host "- Level:" $additionalDetails[2] } function Set-ResourceList($downloadsPagelink) { try { $downloadPage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadsPagelink $keys = 'Lecture Videos', 'Assignments', 'Exams', 'Lecture Notes' $resourceList = @() foreach ($key in $keys) { if ($downloadPage.Content -match $key) { $resourceList += $key } } return $resourceList } catch { Show-Error("Unable to load resource list") } } function Show-Resources { if ($resList.Length -ne 0) { Write-Host "::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { Write-Host "--------Resources Available--------" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "╰(*°▽°*)╯ Resources Available" -ForegroundColor Green } Write-Host "::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" $index = 0 foreach ($res in $resList) { Write-Host ($index += 1) $res } } else { Write-Host ":(" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "No resources found!" -ForegroundColor Red Show-Instruction("Please try downloading manually.") Exit } } function Get-Options { Write-Host "Enter the index of the desired resource for download" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "=>Use commas for multiple indices" -ForegroundColor Gray Write-Host "=>Enter A for downloading all resources" -ForegroundColor Gray Write-Host "=>Example: 1,2" $correctInputGiven = $false while (!$correctInputGiven) { $userInputs = Read-Host "Input" switch ($userInputs.Length) { 0 { Show-Error "Input cannot be empty" } 1 { if (($userInputs -ne 'a') -or ($userInputs -ne 'A')) { if (([System.Convert]::ToDecimal($userInputs) -lt 1) -or ([System.Convert]::ToDecimal($userInputs) -gt $resList.Length)) { Show-Error "Invalid index" } else { $correctInputGiven = $true } } elseif (($userInputs -eq 'a') -or ($userInputs -eq 'A')) { return 'all' } } 2 { Show-Error "Invalid index" } Default { if (($userInputs -eq 'All') -or ($userInputs -eq 'all')) { return 'all' } $targetIndices = @() $userInputs = $userInputs -split ',' foreach ($userInput in $userInputs) { if (([System.Convert]::ToDecimal($userInput) -lt 0) -or ([System.Convert]::ToDecimal($userInput) -gt $resList.Length)) { $correctInputGiven = $false Show-Error "One or more of the indices invalid" break } else { $correctInputGiven = $true $targetIndices += ($userInput - 1) } } if ($correctInputGiven) { return $targetIndices } else { break } } } } return $userInputs - 1 } function Get-Path { Write-Host "Enter the download path: " -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "=>Example: C:\Users\john\OneDrive\Desktop" Write-Host "=>Example: Course (💡Make folder in the current directory)" $correctInputGiven = $false while (!$correctInputGiven) { $inputPath = Read-Host "Input" if ($inputPath.Length -eq 0) { Show-Error "Path cannot be empty string" } # elseif (!(Test-Path $inputPath)) { # Show-Error "Not a valid path" # } else { $correctInputGiven = $true } } return $inputPath } function Get-Response { $userInputs = Get-Options try { $inputPath = Get-Path } catch { Show-Error($_.Exception.Message) Exit } return @{ inputPath = $inputPath userInputs = $userInputs } } function Get-Files($baseUri, $dirName, $downloadPath) { try { $basePage = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $baseUri } catch { Show-Exception($_.Exception.Message) } if ($dirName -match 'LVideos') { $downloadLinksList = $basePage.Links | Where-Object { $_.href -match '.mp4$' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty href } else { $downloadLinksList = $basePage.Links | Where-Object { $_.href -match '.pdf$' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty href } $files = @() # checks whether the directory exists and creates it if it doesn't if (!(Test-Path -Path ($downloadPath + $dirName))) { New-Item -Path ($downloadPath + $dirName) -ItemType Directory } $downloadPath = $downloadPath + $dirName $index = 1 if ($platform -eq 'Unix') { $regexForSlash = '/' } else { $regexForSlash = '//' } foreach ($downloadLink in $downloadLinksList) { if ($downloadLink -match '/courses/') { $downloadLink = 'https://ocw.mit.edu' + $downloadLink $extension = '.pdf' } else { $extension = '.mp4' } $files += @{ Uri = $downloadLink outFile = $downloadPath + $slash + ($dirName -split $regexForSlash)[0] + ' ' + ($index++) + $extension } } $jobs = @() $downloadOption = 0 if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') { Write-Host "How would you like to download the files?" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow Write-Host "1. Serially [downloads start one after another]" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "2. Paralleley [downloads start all at once]" -ForegroundColor Green $correctIputGiven = $false while (!$correctIputGiven) { $downloadOption = Read-Host "Enter option (1 or 2)" if (($downloadOption -eq 1) -or ($downloadOption -eq 2)) { $correctIputGiven = $true } else { Show-Error "Invalid input" } } } else { $downloadOption = 1 } # Poweshell Core supports threds jobs if ($downloadOption -eq 2) { $index = 1 Write-Host "🔁 Downloads in progress..." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow foreach ($file in $files) { Write-Host ("💾 Downloading " + ($dirName.Substring(1)) + ' ' + ($index++)) $jobs += Start-ThreadJob -Name $file.OutFile -ScriptBlock { $params = $using:file try { Invoke-WebRequest @params } catch { Show-Exception($_.Exception.Message) } } } # Waiting for all jobs to finish while ((Wait-Job -Job $jobs).State -ne "Completed") { # This doesn't let the log show up } $results = @() foreach ($job in $jobs) { $results += Receive-Job -Job $job Remove-Job $job } Write-Host ' ' Write-Host ($dirName -split $regexForSlash)[1] "✅ Downloads finished!" -ForegroundColor Green } # Windows PowerShell does not support Thread Jobs else { Write-Host ($dirName -split $regexForSlash)[1] "🔁 Downloads in progress..." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow $task = ($dirName -split $regexForSlash)[1] try { $index = 1 foreach ($file in $files) { $progress = [System.Convert]::ToInt16((($index++) / $files.Length) * 100) Write-Progress -Activity "$task Downloading" -Status "$progress% complete" -PercentComplete $progress Write-Host '' $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest $file['Uri'] -OutFile $file['outFile'] $ProgressPreference = 'Continue' } Write-Host ($dirName -split $regexForSlash)[1] "✅ Downloads finished!" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Show-Exception($_.Exception.Message) } } } function Get-LVideos($downloadPath) { try { Get-Files ($link + 'resources/lecture-videos/') ($slash + 'LVideos') $downloadPath } catch { Show-Error("Error in dowloading Lecture Videos") Show-Exception($_.Exception.Message) } } function Get-Assignments($downloadPath) { try { Get-Files ($link + 'resources/assignments/') ($slash + 'Assignments') $downloadPath } catch { Show-Error("Error in downloading Assignments") Show-Exception($_.Exception.Message) } } function Get-Exams($downloadPath) { try { Get-Files ($link + 'resources/exams/') ($slash + 'Exams') $downloadPath } catch { Show-Error("Error in downloading Exams") Show-Exception($_.Exception.Message) } } function Get-LNotes($downloadPath) { try { Get-Files ($link + 'resources/lecture-notes/') ($slash + 'LNotes') $downloadPath } catch { Show-Error('Error in downloading LNotes') Show-Exception($_.Exception.Message) } } function Import-Resoruces($userResponse) { $downloadPath = $userResponse['inputPath'] if ($userResponse['userInputs'] -eq 'all') { # download everything that is in the resList foreach ($res in $resList) { switch ($res) { 'Lecture Videos' { Write-Host "✨ Fetching Lecture Videos" -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-LVideos($downloadPath) } 'Assignments' { Write-Host "✨ Fetching Assignments" -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-Assignments($downloadPath) } 'Exams' { Write-Host "✨ Fetching Exams" -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-Exams($downloadPath) } 'Lecture Notes' { Write-Host "✨ Fetching Lecture Notes" -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-LNotes($downloadPath) } } } } else { foreach ($index in $userResponse['userInputs']) { switch ($resList[$index]) { 'Lecture Videos' { Write-Host "Downloading Lecture Videos..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-LVideos($downloadPath) } 'Assignments' { Write-Host "Downloading Assignments..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-Assignments($downloadPath) } 'Exams' { Write-Host "Downloading Exams..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-Exams($downloadPath) } 'Lecture Notes' { Write-Host "Downloadng Lecture Notes..." -ForegroundColor Yellow Get-LNotes($downloadPath) } } } } } # Starting point if ($link.Length -eq 0 ) { Write-Host "ocwd Copyright (C) 2023 Aniruddha Mukherjee" Write-Host "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY" Write-Host "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions" Write-Host " " $link = Read-Host "Enter the URL to course homepage" } $link = $link.Trim() if ($link -match 'https://ocw\.mit\.edu/courses') { try { $webResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $link } catch { $StatusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ if ($StatusCode.Length -eq 0) { $StatusCode = 502 } $StatusCode = [System.Convert]::ToDecimal($StatusCode) Show-Error("Exited with error code $StatusCode") if (($StatusCode -ge 300) -and ($StatusCode -lt 400)) { Show-Error("The URL provided does not exist.") } elseif (($StatusCode -ge 400) -and ($StatusCode -lt 600)) { Show-Error("Invalid URL or no internet.") } Exit } if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { Write-Host "--------Course Found--------" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen #make this more useful } else { Write-Host "╰(*°▽°*)╯ Course Found" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen #make this more useful } Write-Host ":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::" $details = Get-Details Show-Details($details) $additionalDetails = Get-AdditionalDetails Show-AdditonalDetails($additionalDetails) if ($link -match '/$') { $downloadsPagelink = $link + 'download/' } else { $downloadsPagelink = $link + '/download/' } try { $resList = Set-ResourceList($downloadsPagelink) Show-Resources } catch { Show-Error($_.Exception.InnerException.Message) Exit } $userResponse = Get-Response try { Import-Resoruces($userResponse) # This opens the file explorer of the respective OS Invoke-Item $userResponse['inputPath'] } catch { Show-Exception($_.Exception.Message) } } else { Show-Error("Invalid URL") Show-Instruction("Please enter a link that starts with `"https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/`"") } |