{ "Synopsis": "Open-OBSVideoMixProjector : OpenVideoMixProjector", "Description": "Opens a projector for a specific output video mix.\n\nMix types:\n\n- `OBS_WEBSOCKET_VIDEO_MIX_TYPE_PREVIEW`\n- `OBS_WEBSOCKET_VIDEO_MIX_TYPE_PROGRAM`\n- `OBS_WEBSOCKET_VIDEO_MIX_TYPE_MULTIVIEW`\n\nNote: This request serves to provide feature parity with 4.x. It is very likely to be changed/deprecated in a future release.\n\n\nOpen-OBSVideoMixProjector calls the OBS WebSocket with a request of type OpenVideoMixProjector.", "Parameters": [ { "Name": null, "Type": null, "Description": "", "Required": false, "Position": 0, "Aliases": null, "DefaultValue": null, "Globbing": false, "PipelineInput": null, "variableLength": false } ], "Notes": [ null ], "CommandType": "Function", "Component": [ null ], "Inputs": [ null ], "Outputs": [ null ], "Links": [ "" ], "Examples": [] } |