{ "Synopsis": "Stops obs-powershell effects.", "Description": "Stops an effect in OBS PowerShell.\n\nA running effect is a series of messages, and the obs-websocket does not let you cancel a message.\n\nHowever, OBS effects can be bounced or running in a loop.\n\nIf these effects are stopped, they will not continue to loop or bounce.", "Parameters": [ { "Name": null, "Type": null, "Description": "", "Required": false, "Position": 0, "Aliases": null, "DefaultValue": null, "Globbing": false, "PipelineInput": null, "variableLength": false } ], "Notes": [ null ], "CommandType": "Function", "Component": [ null ], "Inputs": [ null ], "Outputs": [ null ], "Links": [ null, null ], "Examples": [] } |