<# .SYNOPSIS Animates scene items .DESCRIPTION Animates the motion of scene items within a frame. .EXAMPLE $stars = Add-OBSBrowserSource -URI https://pssvg.start-automating.com/Examples/Stars.svg $stars.FitToScreen() $stars.Animate(@{ scale = 0.1 },"00:00:01") #> param( ) filter ToPosition { param( [switch] $Width, [switch] $Height ) if ($_ -is [string] -and $_ -match '%$') { $_ = $_ -replace '%$' -as [double] if (-not $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings) { $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings = Get-OBSVideoSettings } $videoSettings = $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings if ($Width) { $_/100 * $videoSettings.baseWidth } if ($Height) { $_/100 * $videoSettings.baseHeight } } elseif ($_ -is [double] -or $_ -is [int]) { if ($_ -is [double] -and $_ -ge 0 -and $_ -lt 1) { if (-not $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings) { $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings = Get-OBSVideoSettings } $videoSettings = $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings if ($Width) { $_ * $videoSettings.baseWidth } if ($Height) { $_ * $videoSettings.baseHeight } } else { [int]$_ } } } filter ToScale { if ($_ -is [string] -and $_ -match '%$') { $_ = $_ -replace '%$' -as [double] $_/100 } elseif ($_ -is [double] -or $_ -is [int]) { if ($_ -is [double] -and $_ -ge 0 -and $_ -le 1) { $_ } else { [double]$_/100 } } } $nextTimeSpan = [timespan]0 $keyNames = 'boundsWidth','boundsHeight','positionX', 'positionY', 'scaleX','scaleY', 'cropBottom', 'cropLeft', 'cropRight', 'cropTop', 'rotation' $keyAliases = [Ordered]@{'Rotate'='rotation'} $duplicatedKeyAliases = [Ordered]@{ 'position' = 'positionX', 'positionY' 'scale' = 'scaleX', 'scaleY' 'crop' = 'cropBottom', 'cropLeft', 'cropRight', 'cropTop' } foreach ($position in 'X','Y') { $keyAliases[$position] = "position$position" } foreach ($cropType in 'Bottom','Left', 'Right', 'Top') { $keyAliases[$cropType] = "crop$cropType" } $allSteps = @() $originalTransform = $this | Get-OBSSceneItemTransform $lastFrom = if ($originalTransform -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { [Ordered]@{} + $from } else { $newFrom = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($property in $originalTransform.psobject.properties) { $newFrom[$property.Name] = $property.Value } $newFrom } $totalTimeSpan = [timespan]0 # We want to walk over every argument and turn them into a series of animations $PassThru = $false $AllArgs = @($args) $allSteps = @( :NextArgument for ($argIndex = 0 ; $argIndex -lt $allArgs.Length; $argIndex++) { $arg = $allArgs[$argIndex] # If the arg is a timespan, we want to track this if ($arg -as [timespan]) { $nextTimeSpan = $arg -as [timespan] } elseif ($arg -is [double] -or $arg -is [int]) { $nextTimeSpan = [timespan]::fromSeconds($arg) } elseif ($arg -is [bool]) { if ($arg) { $PassThru = $true } } else { $currentTo = if ($arg -isnot [Collections.IDictionary]) { $newTo = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($property in $arg.psobject.properties) { $newTo[$property.Name] = $property.Value } $newTo } else { [Ordered]@{} + $arg } $badKey = @(foreach ($k in @($currentTo.Keys)) { if ($k -notin $keyNames) { if ($keyAliases[$k]) { $currentTo[$keyAliases[$k]] = $currentTo[$k] $currentTo.Remove($k) } elseif ($duplicatedKeyAliases[$k]) { foreach ($duplicateKey in $duplicatedKeyAliases[$k]) { $currentTo[$duplicateKey] = $currentTo[$k] } $currentTo.Remove($k) } else { $k } } }) foreach ($checkKeyValue in @($currentTo.GetEnumerator())) { $newValue = switch ($checkKeyValue.Key) { positionX { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Width } positionY { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Height } cropLeft { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Width } cropRight { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Width } cropTop { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Height } cropBottom { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Height } scaleX { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToScale } scaleY { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToScale } } if ($null -ne $newValue) { $currentTo[$checkKeyValue.Key] = $newValue } } if ($badKey) { throw "Cannot animate '$($badKey -join "','")' : Can only animate $($keyNames -join ',')" } if (-not $nextTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds -and ($argIndex -lt ($AllArgs.Length - 1)) -and $AllArgs[$argIndex + 1] -as [timespan] ) { $nextTimeSpan = $AllArgs[$argIndex + 1] -as [timespan] $argIndex++ } if ($lastFrom -and $nextTimeSpan) { $StepCount = [Math]::Ceiling($NextTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds / ([timespan]::fromSeconds(1/30).TotalMilliseconds)) * 2 if (-not $StepCount) { $this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform $currentTo -PassThru $newLastFrom = [Ordered]@{} + $currentTo foreach ($kv in $lastFrom.GetEnumerator()) { if ($currentTo.Contains($kv.Key)) { continue } $newLastFrom[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value } $lastFrom = $newLastFrom # May need to join this with the remaining properties in from $totalTimeSpan += $nextTimeSpan $nextTimeSpan = [timespan]0 continue NextArgument } $stepMilliseconds = $nextTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds / $StepCount # Compare the two sets of keys to determine the base data object $BaseObject = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($key in $currentTo.Keys) { if (-not $BaseObject[$key]) { $BaseObject[$key] = if ($null -ne $lastFrom[$key]) { $lastFrom[$key] } else { $currentTo[$key] } } } # Determine the animation change per step. $eachStepValue = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($key in $baseObject.Keys) { $distance = try { $currentTo[$key] - $baseObject[$key] } catch { $null } if ($null -ne $distance) { $eachStepValue[$key] = [float]$distance / $StepCount } } foreach ($stepNumber in 1..($stepCount)) { $stepObject = [Ordered]@{} foreach ($key in $BaseObject.Keys) { $stepObject[$key] = $BaseObject[$key] + ($eachStepValue[$key] * $stepNumber) } $this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform $stepObject -PassThru Send-OBSSleep -SleepMillis $stepMilliseconds -PassThru } } else { $this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform $currentTo -PassThru } $newLastFrom = [Ordered]@{} + $currentTo foreach ($kv in $lastFrom.GetEnumerator()) { if ($currentTo.Contains($kv.Key)) { continue } $newLastFrom[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value } $lastFrom = $newLastFrom # May need to join this with the remaining properties in from $totalTimeSpan += $nextTimeSpan $nextTimeSpan = [timespan]0 if (($argIndex -lt ($AllArgs.Length - 1)) -and $AllArgs[$argIndex + 1] -as [timespan] ) { Send-OBSSleep -SleepMillis ($AllArgs[$argIndex + 1] -as [timespan]).TotalMilliseconds -PassThru } } $IsFirstArg = $false } ) if ($allSteps) { # If any boolean true was in the arguments, we're passing thru if ($PassThru) { $allSteps } else { # Send all of the steps to OBS. $allSteps | Send-OBS } } |