<# .SYNOPSIS Zooms In and Out again .DESCRIPTION Zooms an Input In and Out. #> param( # The name of the scene. [string] $SceneName, # The name [string] $SceneItemID, # The duration (by default, one a half second) [timespan] $Duration = "00:00:00.5", # The pause between (by default, one a half second) [Timespan] $PauseBetween = '00:00:00.5' ) if (-not $SceneName -and $this -and $this.SceneName) { $SceneName = $this.SceneName } if (-not $SceneItemID -and $this -and $this.SceneItemID) { $SceneItemID = $this.SceneItemID } if (-not $SceneItemID -and $SceneName) { return } $sceneItem = if ($this.SceneName -and $this.SceneItemID) { $this } elseif ($SceneItemID) { Get-OBSSceneItem -SceneName $this.SceneName | Where-Object { $_.SceneItemID -eq $SceneItemID -or $_.SourceName -eq $SceneItemID } } # Fit it to the screen once, so we're centered correctly. $sceneItem.FitToScreen() # $sceneItem.Scale( "0%", "150%", $Duration, $PauseBetween, $Duration, "0%", $true ) |