function Get-OBSShineShader { [Alias('Set-OBSShineShader','Add-OBSShineShader')] param( # Set the l_tex of OBSShineShader [Alias('l_tex')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('l_tex')] [String] $LTex, # Set the shine_color of OBSShineShader [Alias('shine_color')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('shine_color')] [String] $ShineColor, # Set the speed_percent of OBSShineShader [Alias('speed_percent')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('speed_percent')] [Int32] $SpeedPercent, # Set the gradient_percent of OBSShineShader [Alias('gradient_percent')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('gradient_percent')] [Int32] $GradientPercent, # Set the delay_percent of OBSShineShader [Alias('delay_percent')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('delay_percent')] [Int32] $DelayPercent, # Set the Apply_To_Alpha_Layer of OBSShineShader [Alias('Apply_To_Alpha_Layer')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('Apply_To_Alpha_Layer')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $ApplyToAlphaLayer, # Set the ease of OBSShineShader [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('ease')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Ease, # Set the hide of OBSShineShader [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('hide')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Hide, # Set the reverse of OBSShineShader [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('reverse')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Reverse, # Set the One_Direction of OBSShineShader [Alias('One_Direction')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('One_Direction')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $OneDirection, # Set the glitch of OBSShineShader [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('glitch')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Glitch, # Set the notes of OBSShineShader [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('notes')] [String] $Notes, # Set the start_adjust of OBSShineShader [Alias('start_adjust')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('start_adjust')] [Single] $StartAdjust, # Set the stop_adjust of OBSShineShader [Alias('stop_adjust')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('stop_adjust')] [Single] $StopAdjust, # The name of the source. This must be provided when adding an item for the first time [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('SceneItemName')] [String] $SourceName, # The name of the filter. If this is not provided, this will default to the shader name. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [String] $FilterName, # The inline value of the shader. This will normally be provided as a default parameter, based off of the name. [Alias('ShaderContent')] [String] $ShaderText, # If set, will force the recreation of a shader that already exists [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Force, # If set, will pass thru the commands that would be sent to OBS (these can be sent at any time with Send-OBS) [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $PassThru, # If set, will not wait for a response from OBS (this will be faster, but will not return anything) [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $NoResponse, # If set, use the shader elapsed time, instead of the OBS system elapsed time [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('use_shader_elapsed_time')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $UseShaderTime ) process { $shaderName = 'shine' $ShaderNoun = 'OBSShineShader' if (-not $psBoundParameters['ShaderText']) { $psBoundParameters['ShaderText'] = $ShaderText = ' // Shine Shader By Charles Fettinger ( 3/2019 // use color to control shine amount, use transition wipes or make your own alpha texture // slerp not currently used, for circular effects //Converted to OpenGL by Exeldro February 14, 2022 uniform texture2d l_tex; uniform float4 shine_color ; uniform int speed_percent< string label = "speed percent"; string widget_type = "slider"; int minimum = 0; int maximum = 100; int step = 1; > = 25; uniform int gradient_percent< string label = "gradient percent"; string widget_type = "slider"; int minimum = 0; int maximum = 100; int step = 1; > = 20; uniform int delay_percent< string label = "delay percent"; string widget_type = "slider"; int minimum = 0; int maximum = 100; int step = 1; > = 50; uniform bool Apply_To_Alpha_Layer = false; uniform bool ease = false; uniform bool hide = false; uniform bool reverse = false; uniform bool One_Direction = true; uniform bool glitch = false; uniform string notes< string widget_type = "info"; > = "Use Luma Wipes ( data/obs-plugins/obs-transitions/luma_wipes ) ''ease'' makes the animation pause at the begin and end for a moment, ''hide'' will make the image disappear, ''glitch'' is random and amazing, ''reverse'' quickly allows you to test settings, ''One Direction'' only shows the shine as it travels in one direction, ''delay percentage'' adds a delay between shines (requires adjustment to speed: )"; uniform float start_adjust; uniform float stop_adjust; float EaseInOutCircTimer(float t,float b,float c,float d){ t /= d/2.0; if (t < 1.0) return -c/2.0 * (sqrt(1.0 - t*t) - 1.0) + b; t -= 2.0; return c/2.0 * (sqrt(1.0 - t*t) + 1.0) + b; } float Styler(float t,float b,float c,float d,bool ease) { if (ease) return EaseInOutCircTimer(t,0.0,c,d); return t; } float4 convert_pmalpha(float4 c) { float4 ret = c; if (c.a >= 0.001) /= c.a; else ret = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return ret; } float4 slerp(float4 start, float4 end, float percent) { // Dot product - the cosine of the angle between 2 vectors. float dotf = start.r*end.r+start.g*end.g+start.b*end.b+start.a*end.a; // Clamp it to be in the range of Acos() // This may be unnecessary, but floating point // precision can be a fickle mistress. dotf = clamp(dotf, -1.0f, 1.0f); // Acos(dot) returns the angle between start and end, // And multiplying that by percent returns the angle between // start and the final result. float theta = acos(dotf)*percent; float4 RelativeVec = normalize(end - start * dotf); // Orthonormal basis // The final result. return ((start*cos(theta)) + (RelativeVec*sin(theta))); } float4 mainImage(VertData v_in) : TARGET { // convert input for vector math float4 rgba = convert_pmalpha(image.Sample(textureSampler, v_in.uv)); float speed = speed_percent * 0.01; float softness = max(abs(gradient_percent * 0.01), 0.01) * sign(gradient_percent); float delay = clamp(delay_percent * 0.01, 0.0, 1.0); // circular easing variable float direction = abs(sin((elapsed_time - 0.001) * speed)); float t = abs(sin(elapsed_time * speed)); // if time is greater than direction, we are going up! direction = t - direction; // split into segments with frac or mod. // delay is the gap between starting and ending of the sine wave, use speed to compensate t = (frac(t) - delay) * (1 / (1 - delay)); t = 1 + max(t,0.0); float s = 0.0; //start value float c = 2.0; //change value float d = 2.0; //duration if (glitch) t = clamp(t + ((rand_f *2) - 1), 0.0,2.0); //if Unidirectional disable on return if (One_Direction && (direction < 0.0)) { s = 0; } else { s = Styler(t, 0, c, d, ease); } // combine luma texture and user defined shine color float luma = l_tex.Sample(textureSampler, v_in.uv).x; // - adjust for min and max if ((luma >= (start_adjust)) && (luma <= (1 - stop_adjust))) { if (reverse) { luma = 1.0 - luma; } // user color with luma float4 output_color = float4(shine_color.rgb, luma); float time = lerp(0.0f, 1.0f + abs(2*softness), s - 1.0); // use luma texture to add alpha and shine // if behind glow, consider trailing gradient shine then show underlying image if (luma <= time - softness) { float alpha_behind = clamp(1.0 - (time - softness - luma ) / softness, 0.00, 1.0); if (Apply_To_Alpha_Layer) alpha_behind *= rgba.a; return lerp(rgba, rgba + output_color, alpha_behind); } // if in front of glow, consider if the underlying image is hidden if (luma >= time) { // if hide, make the transition better if (hide) { return float4(rgba.rgb, lerp(0.0, rgba.a, (time + softness) / (1 + abs(2*softness)))); } else { return rgba; } } // else show the glow area, with luminance float alpha_ = (time - luma) / softness; if (Apply_To_Alpha_Layer) alpha_ *= rgba.a; return lerp(rgba, rgba + output_color, alpha_); } else { return rgba; } } ' } $MyVerb, $myNoun = $MyInvocation.InvocationName -split '-',2 if (-not $myNoun) { $myNoun = $myVerb $myVerb = 'Get' } switch -regex ($myVerb) { Get { $FilterNamePattern = "(?>$( if ($FilterName) { [Regex]::Escape($FilterName) } else { [Regex]::Escape($ShaderNoun -replace '^OBS' -replace 'Shader$'),[Regex]::Escape($shaderName) -join '|' } ))" if ($SourceName) { Get-OBSInput | Where-Object InputName -eq $SourceName | Get-OBSSourceFilterList | Where-Object FilterName -Match $FilterNamePattern } else { $obs.Inputs | Get-OBSSourceFilterList | Where-Object FilterName -Match $FilterNamePattern } } 'Remove' { if ($SourceName) { Get-OBSInput | Where-Object InputName -eq $SourceName | Get-OBSSourceFilterList | Where-Object FilterName -Match $FilterNamePattern | Remove-OBSSourceFilter } } '(?>Add|Set)' { $ShaderSettings = [Ordered]@{} :nextParameter foreach ($parameterMetadata in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[@($psBoundParameters.Keys)]) { foreach ($parameterAttribute in $parameterMetadata.Attributes) { if ($parameterAttribute -isnot [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) { continue } $ShaderSettings[$parameterAttribute.Name] = $PSBoundParameters[$parameterMetadata.Name] if ($ShaderSettings[$parameterAttribute.Name] -is [switch]) { $ShaderSettings[$parameterAttribute.Name] = $ShaderSettings[$parameterAttribute.Name] -as [bool] } continue nextParameter } } if (-not $PSBoundParameters['FilterName']) { $filterName = $PSBoundParameters['FilterName'] = $shaderName } $ShaderFilterSplat = [Ordered]@{ ShaderSetting = $ShaderSettings FilterName = $FilterName SourceName = $SourceName } foreach ($CarryOnParameter in "PassThru", "NoResponse","Force") { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($CarryOnParameter)) { $ShaderFilterSplat[$CarryOnParameter] = $PSBoundParameters[$CarryOnParameter] } } if (-not $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand) { $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand = @{} } if ($Home -and -not $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand[$shaderName]) { $MyObsPowerShellPath = Join-Path $home ".obs-powershell" $ThisShaderPath = Join-Path $MyObsPowerShellPath "$shaderName.shader" $shaderText | Set-Content -LiteralPath $ThisShaderPath $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand[$shaderName] = Get-Item -LiteralPath $ThisShaderPath } if ($script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand[$shaderName]) { $ShaderFilterSplat.ShaderFile = $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand[$shaderName].FullName } else { $ShaderFilterSplat.ShaderText = $shaderText } if ($myVerb -eq 'Add') { Add-OBSShaderFilter @ShaderFilterSplat } else { Set-OBSShaderFilter @ShaderFilterSplat } } } } } |