function Get-OBSPagePeelTransitionShader { [Alias('Set-OBSPagePeelTransitionShader','Add-OBSPagePeelTransitionShader')] param( # Set the image_a of OBSPagePeelTransitionShader [Alias('image_a')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('image_a')] [String] $ImageA, # Set the image_b of OBSPagePeelTransitionShader [Alias('image_b')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('image_b')] [String] $ImageB, # Set the transition_time of OBSPagePeelTransitionShader [Alias('transition_time')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('transition_time')] [Single] $TransitionTime, # Set the convert_linear of OBSPagePeelTransitionShader [Alias('convert_linear')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('convert_linear')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $ConvertLinear, # Set the page_color of OBSPagePeelTransitionShader [Alias('page_color')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('page_color')] [String] $PageColor, # Set the page_transparency of OBSPagePeelTransitionShader [Alias('page_transparency')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('page_transparency')] [Single] $PageTransparency, # The name of the source. This must be provided when adding an item for the first time [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('SceneItemName')] [String] $SourceName, # The name of the filter. If this is not provided, this will default to the shader name. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [String] $FilterName, # The inline value of the shader. This will normally be provided as a default parameter, based off of the name. [Alias('ShaderContent')] [String] $ShaderText, # If set, will force the recreation of a shader that already exists [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $Force, # If set, will pass thru the commands that would be sent to OBS (these can be sent at any time with Send-OBS) [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $PassThru, # If set, will not wait for a response from OBS (this will be faster, but will not return anything) [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $NoResponse, # If set, use the shader elapsed time, instead of the OBS system elapsed time [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('use_shader_elapsed_time')] [Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $UseShaderTime ) process { $shaderName = 'page-peel-transition' $ShaderNoun = 'OBSPagePeelTransitionShader' if (-not $psBoundParameters['ShaderText']) { $psBoundParameters['ShaderText'] = $ShaderText = ' uniform texture2d image_a; uniform texture2d image_b; uniform float transition_time< string label = "Transittion Time"; string widget_type = "slider"; float minimum = 0.0; float maximum = 1.0; float step = 0.001; > = 0.5; uniform bool convert_linear = true; uniform float4 page_color = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; uniform float page_transparency< string label = "Page Transparency"; string widget_type = "slider"; float minimum = 0.0; float maximum = 1.0; float step = 0.001; > = 0.5; float4 mainImage(VertData v_in) : TARGET { // Normalized pixel coordinates (from 0 to 1) float2 aspect = float2( uv_size.x / uv_size.y, 1.0 ); float2 uv = v_in.uv; float t = transition_time * 12.0 + 11.0; // Define the fold. float2 origin = float2( 0.6 + 0.6 * sin( t * 0.2 ), 0.5 + 0.5 * cos( t * 0.13 ) ) * aspect; float2 normal = normalize( float2( 1.0, 2.0 * sin( t * 0.3 ) ) * aspect ); // Sample texture. float3 col = float3(1.0,0.0,0.0); // Check on which side the pixel lies. float2 pt = uv * aspect - origin; float side = dot( pt, normal ); if( side > 0.0 ) { // Next page col = image_b.Sample( textureSampler, uv ).rgb; float shadow = smoothstep( 0.0, 0.05, side ); col = lerp( col * 0.6, col, shadow ); } else { // Find the mirror pixel. pt = ( uv * aspect - 2.0 * side * normal ) / aspect; // Check if we''re still inside the image bounds. if( pt.x >= 0.0 && pt.x < 1.0 && pt.y >= 0.0 && pt.y < 1.0 ) { col = image_a.Sample( textureSampler, pt ).rgb; // Back color. col = lerp(page_color.rgb, col, page_transparency); float shadow = smoothstep( 0.0, 0.2, -side ); col = lerp( col * 0.2, col, shadow ); }else{ col = image_a.Sample( textureSampler, uv ).rgb; } } // Output to screen if(convert_linear) col = srgb_nonlinear_to_linear(col); return float4(col,1.0); } ' } $MyVerb, $myNoun = $MyInvocation.InvocationName -split '-',2 if (-not $myNoun) { $myNoun = $myVerb $myVerb = 'Get' } switch -regex ($myVerb) { Get { $FilterNamePattern = "(?>$( if ($FilterName) { [Regex]::Escape($FilterName) } else { [Regex]::Escape($ShaderNoun -replace '^OBS' -replace 'Shader$'),[Regex]::Escape($shaderName) -join '|' } ))" if ($SourceName) { Get-OBSInput | Where-Object InputName -eq $SourceName | Get-OBSSourceFilterList | Where-Object FilterName -Match $FilterNamePattern } else { $obs.Inputs | Get-OBSSourceFilterList | Where-Object FilterName -Match $FilterNamePattern } } 'Remove' { if ($SourceName) { Get-OBSInput | Where-Object InputName -eq $SourceName | Get-OBSSourceFilterList | Where-Object FilterName -Match $FilterNamePattern | Remove-OBSSourceFilter } } '(?>Add|Set)' { $ShaderSettings = [Ordered]@{} :nextParameter foreach ($parameterMetadata in $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters[@($psBoundParameters.Keys)]) { foreach ($parameterAttribute in $parameterMetadata.Attributes) { if ($parameterAttribute -isnot [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) { continue } $ShaderSettings[$parameterAttribute.Name] = $PSBoundParameters[$parameterMetadata.Name] if ($ShaderSettings[$parameterAttribute.Name] -is [switch]) { $ShaderSettings[$parameterAttribute.Name] = $ShaderSettings[$parameterAttribute.Name] -as [bool] } continue nextParameter } } if (-not $PSBoundParameters['FilterName']) { $filterName = $PSBoundParameters['FilterName'] = $shaderName } $ShaderFilterSplat = [Ordered]@{ ShaderSetting = $ShaderSettings FilterName = $FilterName SourceName = $SourceName } foreach ($CarryOnParameter in "PassThru", "NoResponse","Force") { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($CarryOnParameter)) { $ShaderFilterSplat[$CarryOnParameter] = $PSBoundParameters[$CarryOnParameter] } } if (-not $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand) { $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand = @{} } if ($Home -and -not $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand[$shaderName]) { $MyObsPowerShellPath = Join-Path $home ".obs-powershell" $ThisShaderPath = Join-Path $MyObsPowerShellPath "$shaderName.shader" $shaderText | Set-Content -LiteralPath $ThisShaderPath $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand[$shaderName] = Get-Item -LiteralPath $ThisShaderPath } if ($script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand[$shaderName]) { $ShaderFilterSplat.ShaderFile = $script:CachedShaderFilesFromCommand[$shaderName].FullName } else { $ShaderFilterSplat.ShaderText = $shaderText } if ($myVerb -eq 'Add') { Add-OBSShaderFilter @ShaderFilterSplat } else { Set-OBSShaderFilter @ShaderFilterSplat } } } } } |