function Get-OBSSourceScreenshot { <# .Synopsis Get-OBSSourceScreenshot : GetSourceScreenshot .Description Gets a Base64-encoded screenshot of a source. The `imageWidth` and `imageHeight` parameters are treated as "scale to inner", meaning the smallest ratio will be used and the aspect ratio of the original resolution is kept. If `imageWidth` and `imageHeight` are not specified, the compressed image will use the full resolution of the source. **Compatible with inputs and scenes.** Get-OBSSourceScreenshot calls the OBS WebSocket with a request of type GetSourceScreenshot. .Link #> [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata('OBS.WebSocket.RequestType', 'GetSourceScreenshot')] [Alias('obs.powershell.websocket.GetSourceScreenshot')] [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata('OBS.WebSocket.ExpectingResponse', $true)] param( <# Name of the source to take a screenshot of #> [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('sourceName')] [string] $SourceName, <# UUID of the source to take a screenshot of #> [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('sourceUuid')] [string] $SourceUuid, <# Image compression format to use. Use `GetVersion` to get compatible image formats #> [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('imageFormat')] [string] $ImageFormat, <# Width to scale the screenshot to #> [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('imageWidth')] [ValidateRange(8,4096)] [double] $ImageWidth, <# Height to scale the screenshot to #> [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('imageHeight')] [ValidateRange(8,4096)] [double] $ImageHeight, <# Compression quality to use. 0 for high compression, 100 for uncompressed. -1 to use "default" (whatever that means, idk) #> [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('imageCompressionQuality')] [ValidateRange(-1,100)] [double] $ImageCompressionQuality, # If set, will return the information that would otherwise be sent to OBS. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('OutputRequest','OutputInput')] [switch] $PassThru, # If set, will not attempt to receive a response from OBS. # This can increase performance, and also silently ignore critical errors [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('NoReceive','IgnoreResponse','IgnoreReceive','DoNotReceiveResponse')] [switch] $NoResponse ) process { # Create a copy of the parameters (that are part of the payload) $paramCopy = [Ordered]@{} # get a reference to this command $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand # Keep track of how many requests we have done of a given type # (this makes creating RequestIDs easy) if (-not $script:ObsRequestsCounts) { $script:ObsRequestsCounts = @{} } # Set my requestType to blank $myRequestType = '' # and indicate we are not expecting a response $responseExpected = $false # Then walk over this commands' attributes, foreach ($attr in $myCmd.ScriptBlock.Attributes) { if ($attr -is [Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute]) { if ($attr.Key -eq 'OBS.WebSocket.RequestType') { $myRequestType = $attr.Value # set the requestType, } elseif ($attr.Key -eq 'OBS.WebSocket.ExpectingResponse') { # and determine if we are expecting a response. $responseExpected = if ($attr.Value -eq 'false') { $false } else { $true } } } } # Walk over each parameter :nextParam foreach ($keyValue in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { # and walk over each of it's attributes to see if it part of the payload foreach ($attr in $myCmd.Parameters[$keyValue.Key].Attributes) { # If the parameter is bound to part of the payload if ($attr -is [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) { # copy it into our payload dicitionary. $paramCopy[$attr.Name] = $keyValue.Value # (don't forget to turn switches into booleans) if ($paramCopy[$attr.Name] -is [switch]) { $paramCopy[$attr.Name] = [bool]$paramCopy[$attr.Name] } if ($attr.Name -like '*path') { $paramCopy[$attr.Name] = "$($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($paramCopy[$attr.Name]))" } continue nextParam } } } # and make a request ID from that. $myRequestId = "$myRequestType.$([Guid]::newGuid())" # Construct the payload object $requestPayload = [Ordered]@{ # It must include a request ID requestId = $myRequestId # request type requestType = $myRequestType # and optional data requestData = $paramCopy } if ($PassThru) { [PSCustomObject]$requestPayload } else { [PSCustomObject]$requestPayload | Send-OBS -NoResponse:$NoResponse } } } |