function Get-OBSGroupSceneItem { <# .Synopsis Get-OBSGroupSceneItem : GetGroupSceneItemList .Description Basically GetSceneItemList, but for groups. Using groups at all in OBS is discouraged, as they are very broken under the hood. Please use nested scenes instead. Groups only Get-OBSGroupSceneItem calls the OBS WebSocket with a request of type GetGroupSceneItemList. .Link #> [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata('OBS.WebSocket.RequestType', 'GetGroupSceneItemList')] [Alias('obs.powershell.websocket.GetGroupSceneItemList')] [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata('OBS.WebSocket.ExpectingResponse', $true)] param( <# Name of the group to get the items of #> [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('sceneName')] [string] $SceneName, <# UUID of the group to get the items of #> [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty('sceneUuid')] [string] $SceneUuid, # If set, will return the information that would otherwise be sent to OBS. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('OutputRequest','OutputInput')] [switch] $PassThru, # If set, will not attempt to receive a response from OBS. # This can increase performance, and also silently ignore critical errors [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('NoReceive','IgnoreResponse','IgnoreReceive','DoNotReceiveResponse')] [switch] $NoResponse ) process { # Create a copy of the parameters (that are part of the payload) $paramCopy = [Ordered]@{} # get a reference to this command $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand # Keep track of how many requests we have done of a given type # (this makes creating RequestIDs easy) if (-not $script:ObsRequestsCounts) { $script:ObsRequestsCounts = @{} } # Set my requestType to blank $myRequestType = '' # and indicate we are not expecting a response $responseExpected = $false # Then walk over this commands' attributes, foreach ($attr in $myCmd.ScriptBlock.Attributes) { if ($attr -is [Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute]) { if ($attr.Key -eq 'OBS.WebSocket.RequestType') { $myRequestType = $attr.Value # set the requestType, } elseif ($attr.Key -eq 'OBS.WebSocket.ExpectingResponse') { # and determine if we are expecting a response. $responseExpected = if ($attr.Value -eq 'false') { $false } else { $true } } } } # Walk over each parameter :nextParam foreach ($keyValue in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { # and walk over each of it's attributes to see if it part of the payload foreach ($attr in $myCmd.Parameters[$keyValue.Key].Attributes) { # If the parameter is bound to part of the payload if ($attr -is [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) { # copy it into our payload dicitionary. $paramCopy[$attr.Name] = $keyValue.Value # (don't forget to turn switches into booleans) if ($paramCopy[$attr.Name] -is [switch]) { $paramCopy[$attr.Name] = [bool]$paramCopy[$attr.Name] } if ($attr.Name -like '*path') { $paramCopy[$attr.Name] = "$($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($paramCopy[$attr.Name]))" } continue nextParam } } } # and make a request ID from that. $myRequestId = "$myRequestType.$([Guid]::newGuid())" # Construct the payload object $requestPayload = [Ordered]@{ # It must include a request ID requestId = $myRequestId # request type requestType = $myRequestType # and optional data requestData = $paramCopy } if ($PassThru) { [PSCustomObject]$requestPayload } else { [PSCustomObject]$requestPayload | Send-OBS -NoResponse:$NoResponse } } } |