function Start-OBSEffect { <# .SYNOPSIS Starts obs-powershell effects. .DESCRIPTION Starts an effect in OBS PowerShell. An effect is either a series of messages or a command that can produce a series of messages. .LINK Get-OBSEffect #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param( # The name of the effect. [ArgumentCompleter({ param ( $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters ) $effectNames = @(Get-OBSEffect| Select-Object -Unique -ExpandProperty EffectName) if ($wordToComplete) { $toComplete = $wordToComplete -replace "^'" -replace "'$" return @($effectNames -like "$toComplete*" -replace '^', "'" -replace '$',"'") } else { return @($effectNames -replace '^', "'" -replace '$',"'") } })] [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string[]] $EffectName, # The duration of the effect. # If provided, all effects should use this duration. # If not provided, each effect should use it's own duration. [Timespan] $Duration, # The parameters passed to the effect. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('EffectParameters')] [Collections.IDictionary] $EffectParameter = @{}, # The arguments passed to the effect. [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] [Alias('EffectArguments')] [PSObject[]] $EffectArgument = @(), # If provided, will step thru running [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ticks')] [int] $Step, # The SceneItemID. If this is provided, the effect will be given a target. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [int] $SceneItemID, # The SceneName. If this is provided with a -SceneItemID or -SourceName, the effect will be given a target. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $SceneName, # The Filter Name. If this is provided with a -SourceName, the effect will be given a target. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $FilterName, # The Source Name. If this is provided with a -FitlerName -or -SceneName, the effect will be given a target. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $SourceName, # If set, will loop the effect. [switch] $Loop, # If provided, will loop the effect a number of times. [int] $LoopCount, # If set, will bounce the effect (flip it / reverse it) [switch] $Bounce, # If set, will reverse an effect. [switch] $Reverse ) process { foreach ($NameOfEffect in $EffectName) { $obsEffect = Get-OBSEffect -EffectName $NameOfEffect if (-not $obsEffect) { Write-Warning "No Effect named '$NameOfEffect'" continue } if ($LoopCount) { $obsEffect | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty LoopCount $LoopCount -Force } if ($loop -or $Bounce) { $obsEffect | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Mode "$(if ($Bounce) {"Bounce"})$(if ($loop) {"Loop"})" -Force if (-not $LoopCount) { $obsEffect | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty LoopCount -1 -Force } } else { $obsEffect | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Mode "Once" -Force } if ($Reverse) { $obsEffect.Reversed = $true } if ($obsEffect -isnot [Management.Automation.CommandInfo]) { if ($step -and $obsEffect.Messages) { $obsEffect.Step($step) continue } $obsEffect.Start() } else { if ($step -and $obsEffect.Messages) { $obsEffect.Step($step) continue } if (-not $this) { if ($_.pstypenames -like '*.GetSourceFilter*') { $this = $_ } elseif ($FilterName -and $SourceName) { $this = Get-OBSSourceFilter -SourceName $SourceName -FilterName $FilterName } if ($_.pstypenames -like '*.GetSceneItem*') { $this = $_ } elseif ($SceneName -and ($SceneItemID -or $SourceName)) { $this = foreach ($sceneItem in Get-OBSSceneItem -SceneName $SceneName) { if ($SceneItemID -and $sceneItem.SceneItemID -eq $SceneItemID) { $sceneItem;break } elseif ($SceneName -and $sceneItem.SceneName -eq $SceneName) { $sceneItem;break } } } } if ($Duration -and $obsEffect.Parameters.Duration) { $EffectParameter.Duration = $Duration } $obsEffectOutput = . $obsEffect @EffectParameter @EffectArgument if ($obsEffectOutput) { $obsEffect | Add-Member NoteProperty Messages $obsEffectOutput -Force if ($step) { $obsEffect.Step($step) } else { $obsEffect.Start() } } } $obsEffect } } } |