
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 1.9.9: Install-Module EZOut or https://github.com/StartAutomating/EZOut -->
    Mutes an input
    Mutes the audio of an OBS Input
# If set, returns the message used to mute

$this |
    Set-OBSInputMute -InputMuted -PassThru:$PassThru
    Nexts an input
    Sends a "Next" message to an input.
# If set, will return the message instead of sending it now.

$this | Send-OBSTriggerMediaInputAction -MediaAction "OBS_WEBSOCKET_MEDIA_INPUT_ACTION_NEXT" -PassThru:$PassThru
    Pauses an input
    Sends a "Pause" message to an input.
# If set, will return the message instead of sending it now.

$this | Send-OBSTriggerMediaInputAction -MediaAction "OBS_WEBSOCKET_MEDIA_INPUT_ACTION_PAUSE" -PassThru:$PassThru
    Plays an input
    Sends a "Play" message to an input.
# If set, will return the message instead of sending it now.

$this | Send-OBSTriggerMediaInputAction -MediaAction "OBS_WEBSOCKET_MEDIA_INPUT_ACTION_PLAY" -PassThru:$PassThru
    Previouss an input
    Sends a "Previous" message to an input.
# If set, will return the message instead of sending it now.

$this | Send-OBSTriggerMediaInputAction -MediaAction "OBS_WEBSOCKET_MEDIA_INPUT_ACTION_PREVIOUS" -PassThru:$PassThru
    Removes an input
    Removes an OBS Input
$this | Remove-OBSInput
    Restarts an input
    Sends a "Restart" message to an input.
# If set, will return the message instead of sending it now.

$this | Send-OBSTriggerMediaInputAction -MediaAction "OBS_WEBSOCKET_MEDIA_INPUT_ACTION_RESTART" -PassThru:$PassThru
    Stops an input
    Sends a "Stop" message to an input.
# If set, will return the message instead of sending it now.

$this | Send-OBSTriggerMediaInputAction -MediaAction "OBS_WEBSOCKET_MEDIA_INPUT_ACTION_STOP" -PassThru:$PassThru
    Mutes an input
    Mutes the audio of an OBS Input
# If set, returns the message used to unmute.

$this |
    Set-OBSInputMute -InputMuted:$false -PassThru:$PassThru
    Gets an input's current time
    Gets an input's current time, if applicable

$mediaCursor = ($this | Get-OBSMediaInputStatus).mediaCursor -as [double]
if (-not $mediaCursor) { $mediaCursor = [double]0}
    Sets an input's current time
    Sets an input's current time.

$mediaCursor = 0

$PassThru = $false
foreach ($arg in $args) {
    if ($arg -is [double]) {
        $mediaCursor = $arg
    elseif ($arg -as [timespan]) {
        $mediaCursor = $arg -as [timespan].TotalMilliseconds
    if ($arg -is [bool]) {
        $PassThru = $true
$this | Set-OBSMediaInputCursor -MediaCursor $mediaCursor -PassThru:$PassThru
    Gets an input's filters
    Gets the filters related to an OBS input.
     $obsPowerShellIcon = Show-OBS -Uri https://obs-powershell.start-automating.com/Assets/obs-powershell-animated-icon.svg
     $obsPowerShellIcon | Set-OBSColorFilter -Opacity .5
Get-OBSSourceFilterList -SourceName $this.InputName
                        $this | Get-OBSInputAudioMonitorType

if ($MonitorType -notin $validValues) {
    throw "Invalid Value: '$MonitorType' is not in '$($validValues -join "','")'"

$realMonitorType = if ($MonitorType -like 'obs*') {
} elseif ($MonitorType -eq 'Monitor') {
} elseif ($MonitorType -eq 'MonitorAndOutput') {
} else {

$this | Set-OBSInputAudioMonitorType -MonitorType $realMonitorType
    Gets an input's settings
    Gets the current settings for an OBS input.
     $obsPowerShellIcon = Show-OBS -Uri https://obs-powershell.start-automating.com/Assets/obs-powershell-animated-icon.svg
(Get-OBSInputSettings -InputName $this.InputName).inputSettings
    Sets an input's settings
    Changes the settings for an OBS input.
Set-OBSInputSettings -InputName $this.InputName -InputSettings $args[0]
    Gets an input's status
    Gets the media status of an OBS input.
$this | Get-OBSMediaInputStatus
    Gets an input's volume
    Gets an OBS input's volume mulitplier
($this | Get-OBSInputVolume).inputVolumeMul
    Sets an input's volume
    Sets an OBS input's volume mulitplier.

    This is normally between 0 (no sound) and 1 (normal levels).
    A source can be made up to 20 times the original volume.

# If multiple is less than zero, clamp it to avoid errors
if ($Multiple -lt 0) { $Multiple = 0}
# If multiple is greater than 20, claim it to avoid errors (and check your hearing)
if ($Multiple -gt 20) { $Multiple = 20}

$this | Set-OBSInputVolume -InputVolumeMul $Multiple
    Animates scene items
    Animates the motion of scene items within a frame.
    $stars = Add-OBSBrowserSource -URI https://pssvg.start-automating.com/Examples/Stars.svg
        scale = 0.1

filter ToPosition {


    if ($_ -is [string] -and $_ -match '%$') {
        $_ = $_ -replace '%$' -as [double]
        if (-not $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings) {
            $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings = Get-OBSVideoSettings
        $videoSettings = $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings
        if ($Width) {
            $_/100 * $videoSettings.baseWidth
        if ($Height) {
            $_/100 * $videoSettings.baseHeight
    elseif ($_ -is [double] -or $_ -is [int]) {
        if ($_ -is [double] -and $_ -ge 0 -and $_ -lt 1) {
            if (-not $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings) {
                $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings = Get-OBSVideoSettings
            $videoSettings = $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings
            if ($Width) {
                $_ * $videoSettings.baseWidth
            if ($Height) {
                $_ * $videoSettings.baseHeight
        } else {

filter ToScale {
    if ($_ -is [string] -and $_ -match '%$') {
        $_ = $_ -replace '%$' -as [double]
    elseif ($_ -is [double] -or $_ -is [int]) {
        if ($_ -is [double] -and $_ -ge 0 -and $_ -le 1) {
        } else {

$nextTimeSpan = [timespan]0

$keyNames = 'positionX', 'positionY', 'scaleX','scaleY', 'cropBottom', 'cropLeft', 'cropRight', 'cropTop', 'rotation'
$keyAliases = [Ordered]@{'Rotate'='rotation'}
$duplicatedKeyAliases = [Ordered]@{
    'position' = 'positionX', 'positionY'
    'scale' = 'scaleX', 'scaleY'
    'crop' = 'cropBottom', 'cropLeft', 'cropRight', 'cropTop'
foreach ($position in 'X','Y') {
    $keyAliases[$position] = "position$position"
foreach ($cropType in 'Bottom','Left', 'Right', 'Top') {
    $keyAliases[$cropType] = "crop$cropType"
$allSteps = @()

$originalTransform = $this | Get-OBSSceneItemTransform
$lastFrom =
    if ($originalTransform -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
        [Ordered]@{} + $from
    } else {
        $newFrom = [Ordered]@{}
        foreach ($property in $originalTransform.psobject.properties) {
            $newFrom[$property.Name] = $property.Value

$totalTimeSpan = [timespan]0

# We want to walk over every argument and turn them into a series of animations

$PassThru = $false

$AllArgs = @($args)

$allSteps = @(
:NextArgument for ($argIndex = 0 ; $argIndex -lt $allArgs.Length; $argIndex++) {
    $arg = $allArgs[$argIndex]
    # If the arg is a timespan, we want to track this
    if ($arg -as [timespan]) {
        $nextTimeSpan = $arg -as [timespan]
    } elseif ($arg -is [double] -or $arg -is [int]) {
        $nextTimeSpan = [timespan]::fromSeconds($arg)
    elseif ($arg -is [bool]) {
        if ($arg) {
            $PassThru = $true
    else {
        $currentTo =
            if ($arg -isnot [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                $newTo = [Ordered]@{}
                foreach ($property in $arg.psobject.properties) {
                    $newTo[$property.Name] = $property.Value
            } else {
                [Ordered]@{} + $arg

        $badKey =
            @(foreach ($k in @($currentTo.Keys)) {
                if ($k -notin $keyNames) {
                    if ($keyAliases[$k]) {
                        $currentTo[$keyAliases[$k]] = $currentTo[$k]
                    elseif ($duplicatedKeyAliases[$k]) {
                        foreach ($duplicateKey in $duplicatedKeyAliases[$k]) {
                            $currentTo[$duplicateKey] = $currentTo[$k]
                    else {

        foreach ($checkKeyValue in @($currentTo.GetEnumerator())) {
            $newValue =
                switch ($checkKeyValue.Key) {
                    positionX { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Width }
                    positionY { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Height }
                    cropLeft { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Width }
                    cropRight { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Width }
                    cropTop { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Height }
                    cropBottom { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToPosition -Height }
                    scaleX { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToScale }
                    scaleY { $checkKeyValue.Value | ToScale }

            if ($null -ne $newValue) {
                $currentTo[$checkKeyValue.Key] = $newValue
        if ($badKey) {
            throw "Cannot animate '$($badKey -join "','")' : Can only animate $($keyNames -join ',')"

        if (-not $nextTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds -and
            ($argIndex -lt ($AllArgs.Length - 1)) -and
            $AllArgs[$argIndex + 1] -as [timespan]
        ) {
            $nextTimeSpan = $AllArgs[$argIndex + 1] -as [timespan]

        if ($lastFrom -and $nextTimeSpan) {
            $StepCount = [Math]::Ceiling($NextTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds / ([timespan]::fromSeconds(1/30).TotalMilliseconds)) * 2
            if (-not $StepCount) {
                $this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform $currentTo -PassThru
                $newLastFrom = [Ordered]@{} + $currentTo
                foreach ($kv in $lastFrom.GetEnumerator()) {
                    if ($currentTo.Contains($kv.Key)) { continue }
                    $newLastFrom[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value
                $lastFrom = $newLastFrom # May need to join this with the remaining properties in from

                $totalTimeSpan += $nextTimeSpan
                $nextTimeSpan = [timespan]0
                continue NextArgument

            $stepMilliseconds = $nextTimeSpan.TotalMilliseconds / $StepCount

            # Compare the two sets of keys to determine the base data object
            $BaseObject = [Ordered]@{}
            foreach ($key in $currentTo.Keys) {
                if (-not $BaseObject[$key]) {
                    $BaseObject[$key] =
                        if ($null -ne $lastFrom[$key]) {
                        } else {

            # Determine the animation change per step.
            $eachStepValue = [Ordered]@{}
            foreach ($key in $baseObject.Keys) {
                $distance = try { $currentTo[$key] - $baseObject[$key] } catch { $null }
                if ($null -ne $distance) {
                    $eachStepValue[$key] = [float]$distance / $StepCount

            foreach ($stepNumber in 1..($stepCount)) {
                $stepObject = [Ordered]@{}
                foreach ($key in $BaseObject.Keys) {
                    $stepObject[$key] = $BaseObject[$key] + ($eachStepValue[$key] * $stepNumber)
                $this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform $stepObject -PassThru
                Send-OBSSleep -SleepMillis $stepMilliseconds -PassThru

        } else {
            $this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform $currentTo -PassThru
        $newLastFrom = [Ordered]@{} + $currentTo
        foreach ($kv in $lastFrom.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($currentTo.Contains($kv.Key)) { continue }
            $newLastFrom[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value
        $lastFrom = $newLastFrom # May need to join this with the remaining properties in from

        $totalTimeSpan += $nextTimeSpan
        $nextTimeSpan = [timespan]0

        if (($argIndex -lt ($AllArgs.Length - 1)) -and
            $AllArgs[$argIndex + 1] -as [timespan]
        ) {
            Send-OBSSleep -SleepMillis ($AllArgs[$argIndex + 1] -as [timespan]).TotalMilliseconds -PassThru

    $IsFirstArg = $false

if ($allSteps) {
    # If any boolean true was in the arguments, we're passing thru
    if ($PassThru) {
    } else {
        # Send all of the steps to OBS.
        $allSteps | Send-OBS


if ($blendMode -cnotmatch '^OBS_BLEND_') {
    $blendMode = "OBS_BLEND_$($blendMode.ToUpper())"
$this |
    Set-OBSSceneItemBlendMode -SceneItemBlendMode $blendMode

                        $cropTable = [Ordered]@{
    cropBottom = 0
    cropLeft = 0
    cropRight = 0
    cropTop = 0

$MatchingKey = [Regex]::new("(?&gt;$(
    @($cropTable.Keys -join '|'
    $cropTable.Keys -replace '^crop' -join '|') -join ''
))", 'IgnoreCase')

$currentKey = ''
foreach ($arg in $args) {
    if ($arg -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
        foreach ($keyValue in $arg.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($keyValue.Key -match $MatchingKey) {
                $cropTable[$matches.0 -replace '^crop' -replace '^', 'crop'] = $keyValue.Value
    if ($arg -is [string] -and $arg -match $MatchingKey) {
        $currentKey = $matches.0 -replace '^crop' -replace '^', 'crop'
    if ($arg -is [int] -and $currentKey) {
        $cropTable[$currentKey] = $arg
        $currentKey = ''

$this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform $cropTable

                        $this | Set-OBSSceneItemEnabled -sceneItemEnabled:$false


$this | Set-OBSSceneItemEnabled -sceneItemEnabled -PassThru:$PassThru

    Fits an item to the screen
    Centers an item and makes it fit to the screen.
if (-not $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings) {
    $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings = Get-OBSVideoSettings
$videoSettings = $script:CachedOBSVideoSettings

$thisTransform = $this | Get-OBSSceneItemTransform

$sceneItemTransform = ([Ordered]@{
    alignment = 0
    scaleX = ([double]$videoSettings.outputWidth / $thisTransform.sourceWidth )
    positionX = [int]($videoSettings.outputWidth / 2)
    positionY = [int]($videoSettings.outputHeight / 2)
    scaleY = ([double]$videoSettings.outputHeight / $thisTransform.sourceHeight )

$this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform $sceneItemTransform
                        $this | Set-OBSSceneItemLocked -sceneItemLocked
    Moves a scene item
    Moves a scene item throughout the screen.

    This converts it's arguments to .Animate arguments. Any single values will be assumed to be positionX/positionY
    # Load a source
    $stars = Add-OBSBrowserSource -URI https://pssvg.start-automating.com/Examples/Stars.svg
    # fit it to the screen
    # Move it diagonally across the screen
    $stars.Move("-50%","150%", "00:00:05")
$allArguments = @($args)
$animateArguments = @(
foreach ($arg in $allArguments) {
    if (
        $arg -is [double] -or
        $arg -is [int] -or
        ($arg -is [string] -and $arg -match '\%$')
    ) {
        $positionTransform = @{
            positionX = $arg
            positionY = $arg
    } elseif ($arg.X,$arg.Y -ne $null) {
        $scaleInfo = @{}
        if ($null -ne $arg.X) {
            $scaleInfo.positionX = $arg.X

        if ($null -ne $arg.Y) {
            $scaleInfo.positionY = $arg.Y
    elseif ($arg -as [timespan]) {
    } elseif ($arg -is [bool]) {
    else {


                        $this | Remove-OBSSceneItem
$allArguments = @($args)

$animateArguments = @(
    foreach ($argument in $allArguments) {
        if ($argument -is [double] -or $argument -is [int]) {
                rotation = $argument
        } elseif ($argument -as [timespan]) {
        } elseif ($argument -is [bool]) {


$allArguments = @($args)
$animateArguments = @(
foreach ($arg in $allArguments) {
    if ($arg -is [double] -or $arg -is [int] -or
        ($arg -is [string] -and $arg -match '\%$')
    ) {
        $scale = $arg
    } elseif ($null -ne $arg.X -or $null -ne $arg.Y) {
        $scaleInfo = @{}
        if ($null -ne $arg.X) {
            $scaleInfo.scaleX = $arg.X
        elseif ($null -ne $arg.scaleX) {
            $scaleInfo.scaleX = $arg.scaleX

        if ($null -ne $arg.Y) {
            $scaleInfo.scaleY = $arg.Y
        elseif ($null -ne $arg.scaleY) {
            $scaleInfo.scaleY = $arg.scaleY
    elseif ($arg -as [timespan]) {
    } elseif ($arg -is [bool]) {
    } else {


                        $this | Set-OBSSceneItemIndex -SceneItemIndex ($args[0])
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty "sceneItemIndex" $args[0] -Force
                        $this | Set-OBSSceneItemLocked -sceneItemLocked:$false

                        $this.sceneItemBlendMode -replace '^OBS_BLEND_'

                        return $this.sceneItemEnabled

    Gets a Scene Item's filters
    Gets the filters related to an OBS input.
     $obsPowerShellIcon = Show-OBS -Uri https://obs-powershell.start-automating.com/Assets/obs-powershell-animated-icon.svg
     $obsPowerShellIcon | Set-OBSColorFilter -Opacity .5
Get-OBSSourceFilterList -SourceName $this.SourceName


    Gets a Scene Item's Input
    Gets the OBS Input related to the current scene item.

    This value is cached upon first request, as it will never change as long as the source item exists.
    $stars = Show-OBS -Uri https://pssvg.start-automating.com/Examples/Stars.svg
if (-not $this.'.Input') {
    $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.Input' (
        $this | Get-OBSInput | Where-Object InputName -eq $this.SourceName
    ) -Force


                        return $this.sceneItemIndex

                        $indexInfo = $this | Get-OBSSceneItemIndex
if ($indexInfo.SceneItemIndex) {
elseif ($indexInfo -is [int]) {
    Disables a filter
    Disables an OBS filter.
# If set, will return the request that would enable a filter.
$this | Set-OBSSourceFilterEnabled -FilterEnabled:$false -PassThru $PassThru
if (-not $PassThru) {
    $this | Add-Member filterEnabled $false -Force -PassThru
    Enables a filter
    Enables an OBS filter.
# If set, will return the request that would enable a filter.

$this | Set-OBSSourceFilterEnabled -FilterEnabled:$true -PassThru:$PassThru
if (-not $PassThru) {
    $this | Add-Member filterEnabled $true -Force -PassThru
    Removes a filter
    Removes a filter from an OBS source.
$this | Remove-OBSSourceFilter
    Sets a filter
    Changes a filter's settings.
# The settings that can be changed.

# Return the message that would be sent to OBS, rather than changing the filter settings.

$this |
    Set-OBSSourceFilterSettings -FilterSettings $Settings -PassThru:$PassThru
                        return $this.filterEnabled
                        return $this.filterIndex
                        return $this.filterKind
    Disables a filter
    Disables an OBS filter.
# If set, will return the request that would enable a filter.
$this | Set-OBSSourceFilterEnabled -FilterEnabled:$false -PassThru $PassThru
if (-not $PassThru) {
    $this | Add-Member filterEnabled $false -Force -PassThru
    Enables a filter
    Enables an OBS filter.
# If set, will return the request that would enable a filter.

$this | Set-OBSSourceFilterEnabled -FilterEnabled:$true -PassThru:$PassThru
if (-not $PassThru) {
    $this | Add-Member filterEnabled $true -Force -PassThru
    Removes a filter
    Removes a filter from an OBS source.
$this | Remove-OBSSourceFilter
    Sets a filter
    Changes a filter's settings.
# The settings that can be changed.

# Return the message that would be sent to OBS, rather than changing the filter settings.

$this |
    Set-OBSSourceFilterSettings -FilterSettings $Settings -PassThru:$PassThru
                        return $this.filterEnabled
                        return $this.filterIndex
                        return $this.filterKind

$hexChar = [Regex]::new('[0-9a-f]')
$hexColors = @($hexChar.Matches($Color))

switch ($hexColors.Length) {
    8 {
        #full rgba
        $alpha = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[0..1] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $red = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[2..3] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $green = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[4..5] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $blue = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[6..7] -join '', 'HexNumber')
    6 {
        #rgb only, assume ff for alpha
        $alpha = 0xff
        $red = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[0..1] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $green = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[2..3] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $blue = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[4..5] -join '', 'HexNumber')
    4 {
        #short rgba
        $alpha = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[0],$hexColors[0] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $red = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[1],$hexColors[1] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $green = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[2],$hexColors[2] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $blue = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[3],$hexColors[3] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
    3 {
        #short rgb, assume f for alpha
        $alpha = 0xff
        $red = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[0],$hexColors[0] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $green = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[1],$hexColors[1] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $blue = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[2],$hexColors[2] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
    0 {
        # No color provided, default to transparent black
        $alpha = 0
        $red = 0
        $green = 0
        $blue = 0

$hexColor = ("{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}" -f $alpha, $blue, $green, $red)

$realColor = [uint32]::Parse($hexColor,'HexNumber')

$this | Set-OBSInputSettings -InputSettings ([Ordered]@{color=$realColor})

    Gets obs-powershell commands
    Gets the commands in obs-powershell.
if (-not $this.'.Commands') {
    $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.Commands' (Get-Command -Module obs-powershell)

    Gets the current scene
    Gets the current scene in OBS.
    Get-OBS | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CurrentScene
    Gets the loaded OBS inputs.
    Gets the currently loaded inputs in OBS.
    Gets the obs-powershell version.
    Gets the version of obs-powershell.
    Get-OBS | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OBSPowerShellVersion
Get-Module obs-powershell | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Version
    Gets the obs version.
    Gets the version of obs.
    Get-OBS | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OBSVersion
if (-not $this.'.OBSVersionInfo') {
    $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.OBSVersionInfo' (Get-OBSVersion) -Force

$this.'.OBSVersionInfo'.OBSVersion -as [version]
    Gets the obs version.
    Gets the version of obs.
    Get-OBS | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OBSVersion
if (-not $this.'.OBSVersionInfo') {
    $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.OBSVersionInfo' (Get-OBSVersion) -Force

$this.'.OBSVersionInfo'.OBSWebSocketVersion -as [version]
    Gets the loaded OBS outputs.
    Gets the currently loaded outputs in OBS.


$foundAnExample = $false
do {
    $helpObject = $this.Commands | Get-Random | Get-Help
    if (-not $helpObject.Examples) { continue }
    $foundAnExample = $helpObject.Examples[0] | Get-Random | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Example
} until ($foundAnExample)


    Gets OBS record status.
    Gets the record status of OBS.
    Gets all obs scene items.
    Gets every item in every scene in OBS.
$this.Scenes | Get-OBSSceneItem

    Gets the loaded OBS scenes.
    Gets the currently loaded scenes in OBS.

    Gets OBS stats.
    Gets OBS statistics
    Gets OBS stream status.
    Gets the stream status of OBS.
    Toggles Reversed and Starts an Effect
    Toggles an Effect's Reversed bool, and starts the effect.
$this.Reversed = -not $this.Reversed
    Stars an Effect
    Stars an Effect in obs-powershell.
# If the effect has no messages
if (-not $this.Messages -and
    # and it is a command
    $this.pstypenames -like '*Command*') {
    # then get read to run it.
    $null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier "OBS.PowerShell.Effect.Command.Started" -MessageData $this
    $thisOutput =
        # If this method had args
        if ($args) {
            $splat = [Ordered]@{}
            $argSplat = @(
                foreach ($arg in $args) {
                    # find and join all of the dictionaries into a splat
                    if ($arg -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
                        try { $splat += $arg} catch {
                            foreach ($kv in $arg.GetEnumerator()) {
                                if (-not $splat.Contains($kv.Key)) {
                                    $splat[$kv.Key] = $kv.Value
                    else {
                        # and pass everything else positionally
            # Cache these values
            $This | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty LastParameters $splat -Force
            $This | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty LastArguments $argSplat -Force
            # and run this
            &amp; $this @Splat @argSplat
        } else {
            # If we had no args, use the last parameters.
            $lastParameters =
                if ($this.LastParameters) {
                } else {
            $lastArguments =
                if ($this.LastArguments) {
                } else {
            &amp; $this @LastParameters @lastArguments
    $null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier "OBS.PowerShell.Effect.Command.Completed" -MessageData $this
    if ($thisOutput) {
        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Messages $thisOutput -Force
        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty '.Changes' $null -Force

if ($this.Messages) {
    $totalMS = [double]0
    $messages = @($This.Messages)
    if ($this.Reversed) {
    foreach ($msg in $messages) {
        if ($msg.RequestType -eq 'Sleep') {
            $totalMS += $msg.RequestData.sleepMillis
    $null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier "OBS.PowerShell.Effect.Started" -MessageData $this
    $messages | Send-OBS -NoResponse
    $this | Add-Member NoteProperty Status "Started" -Force
    if ($totalMS) {
        $Timer = [Timers.Timer]::new($totalMS)
        $Timer.AutoReset = $false
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -InputObject $this -Name Subscription -Value (
            Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $timer -EventName Elapsed -Action {
                $null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier "OBS.PowerShell.Effect.Ended" -MessageData $event.MessageData
                $effectInfo = $event.MessageData
                if ($effectInfo.LoopCount -is [int] -and $effectInfo.LoopCount -ge 1) {
                    $effectInfo.LoopCount = $effectInfo.LoopCount - 1
                $effectInfo |
                    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Status 'Ended' -Force
                if ($effectInfo.Mode -match 'Bounce' -and $effectInfo.Mode -match 'Loop') {
                    $effectInfo.Reversed = -not $effectInfo.Reversed
                } elseif ($effectInfo.Mode -match 'Loop') {
                    if ($effectInfo.LoopCount -is [int] -and $effectInfo.LoopCount -ge 1) {
                    } elseif ($effectInfo.LoopCount -isnot [int] -or $effectInfo.LoopCount -lt 0) {
                } elseif ($effectInfo.Mode -match 'Bounce') {
                    $effectInfo.Reversed = -not $effectInfo.Reversed
                    $effectInfo.Mode = 'Twice'
                } else {
                    $effectInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Mode 'Once' -Force
            } -MessageData $this -MaxTriggerCount 1
    } else {
        $this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Status "Ended" -Force
        New-Event -SourceIdentifier "OBS.PowerShell.EffectEnded" -MessageData $this

    Steps thru an effect
    Steps thru an effect.
    This will send individual messages from an effect, without sleeps.
# The step count
$StepCount = 1
if (-not $this.Messages) {

$currentIndex = $this.Index
$messages = @($this.Messages)

$stepToIndex = $currentIndex + $StepCount
if ($stepToIndex -lt 0) {
    $messages[0] | Send-OBS -NoResponse
    $this.Index = 0
} elseif ($stepToIndex -gt $messages.Length) {
    $messages[-1] | Send-OBS -NoResponse
    $this.Index = $messages.Length - 1
} else {
    while (
        $stepToIndex -ge 0 -and
        $messages[$stepToIndex] -and
        $messages[$stepToIndex].RequestType -eq 'Sleep') {
        if ($StepCount -gt 0) {
        } else {
    if ($messages[$stepToIndex]) {
        $messages[$stepToIndex] | Send-obs -NoResponse
    $this.Index = $stepToIndex

    Stops an effect
    Stops an effect, or more properly, prevents an effect from looping
$this | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty Mode "Stopped" -Force

    Gets the Effect's Changes
    Gets the changes the effect will make, without a timespan.
,@(if ($this.Messages) {
    foreach ($msg in $this.Messages) {
        if ($msg.RequestType -eq 'Sleep') {
    Gets an Effect's Duration
    Gets the total time the effect will sleep.

$totalMS = [double]0
foreach ($msg in $this.Messages) {
    if ($msg.RequestType -eq 'Sleep') {
        $totalMS += $msg.RequestData.sleepMillis
    Gets an obs-powershell effect's type
    Gets the type of an obs-powershell effect.

    Current can be either 'Command' or 'Messages'
if ($this.pstypenames -like 'OBS.PowerShell.Effect.Command*') {
} else {
    Gets the index of the effect
    Gets the current index of the effect. This is only used for to .Step thru an effect.
if (-not $this.'.Index') {
    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.Index' -Value 0 -InputObject $this -Force


    Updates the Effect's Index
    Updates an effect's index. This is only used to .Step()
Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '.Index' -Value ($args[0] -as [int]) -InputObject $this -Force

    Gets if an effect is reversed.
    Gets if an effect is currently set to Reverse.

    Whenever reverse is set, effect messages will be reversed before being sent.
if (-not $this.'.Reversed') {
    $this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.Reversed' $false -Force

    Sets if an effect should be reversed.
    Sets if an effect should be played in reverse.
$this | Add-Member NoteProperty '.Reversed' ($args[0] -as [bool]) -Force

                        $obsEffectsPattern = [Regex]::new('

$this.Name -replace $obsEffectsPattern