
function Show-OBS {
        Shows content in OBS
        Shows content in Open Broadcasting Studio
        '<svg viewBox="0 0 1 1" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="">
            <polygon points="0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0" fill="blue" />
        </svg>' | Set-Content .\BlueRect.svg
        Show-OBS -FilePath .\BlueRect.svg
        Show-OBS -FilePath *excited* -RootPath $home\Pictures\Gif

    # The path or URI to show in OBS.
    [Alias('FullName','Src', 'Uri','FileName')]

    # The name of the source in OBS.
    # If this is not provided, it will be derived from the -FilePath.

    # A root path.
    # If not provided, this will be the root of the -FilePath (if it is a filepath).
    # If the file path was a URI, the root path will be ignored.

    # The name of the scene.
    # If no scene name is provided, the current program scene will be used.

    # The opacity to use for the input.
    # If not provided, will default to 2/3rds.
    # Will only be used when showing a browser source with a -FilePath
    $Opacity = (2/3),

    # Any parameters to pass to the source command.
    $SourceParameter = [ordered]@{},

    # If set, will check if the source exists in the scene before creating it and removing any existing sources found.
    # If not set, you will get an error if a source with the same name exists.

    # If set, will make the input become the size of the screen.

    begin {
        filter FitToScreenAndOutput {
            if ($FitToScreen -and $_.FitToScreen) {

    process {
        # If we had a -RootPath
        if ($RootPath) {
            # Look in the root path
            $imageFiles = @(Get-ChildItem $RootPath -Recurse -File| 
                # For files like this keyword
                Where-Object FullName -like "*$filePath*" |
                # that are extensions we could show
                Where-Object Extension -in '.html', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.apng', '.png'
            if ($imageFiles.Count) {
                $FilePath = ($imageFiles | Get-Random).FullName

        # Determine if the thing we are showing will be a ffmpeg source.
        $IsMediaSource = 
            # If it's an http path, it's not
            if ($FilePath -like 'http*') {
            } elseif (
                # If it's an HTML-friendly path, it's not
                $FilePath -match '.(?>html?|gif|jpe?g|a?png|svg)$'
            ) {
            } else {
                # Otherwise, let's give it a try.

        if (-not $RootPath -and $filePath -notlike 'http*') {
            $RootPath = "$($FilePath | Split-Path)"

        # If we provided a scene
        if ($Scene) {
            # pass it down.
            $SourceParameter.Scene = $Scene

        # If we provided a name
        if ($Name) {
            # pass it down.
            $SourceParameter.Name = $Name

        # If we want to use -Force
        if ($Force) {
            # pass it down
            $SourceParameter.Force = $Force

        # If we do not want to create a media source,
        if (-not $IsMediaSource) {
            # we create a browser source.
            $SourceParameter.Uri = $FilePath
            # If the path was not already HTML,
            if ($RootPath -and $FilePath -notmatch '\.html{0,1}$') {
                # we make a minimal frame in a .html file
                $relativePath = $FilePath.Substring($RootPath.Length + 1)
                $htmlFrame = "<html>
                <body style='width:100%;height:100%'>
                <img src='$relativePath' style='width:100%;height:100%' />'

                $leafPath = Split-Path -Path $FilePath -Leaf
                $htmlPath = Join-Path $RootPath "$($leafPath).html"
                [IO.File]::WriteAllText($htmlPath, $htmlFrame)                
                # And set up the CSS for that frame, passing down -Opacity.
                # (this may not work for all images)
                $css = "
                body {
                    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); margin: 0px auto; overflow: hidden;
                img {
                    width: 100%
                    height: 100%;
                    opacity: $([float]$opacity);

                $SourceParameter.Uri = $htmlPath
                $SourceParameter.CSS = $css
                Add-OBSBrowserSource @SourceParameter | FitToScreenAndOutput
            } else {
                Add-OBSBrowserSource @SourceParameter | FitToScreenAndOutput

        } else {
            $SourceParameter.FilePath = $FilePath
            Add-OBSMediaSource @SourceParameter | FitToScreenAndOutput