
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 1.9.9: Install-Module EZOut or https://github.com/StartAutomating/EZOut -->

if ($blendMode -cnotmatch '^OBS_BLEND_') {
    $blendMode = "OBS_BLEND_$($blendMode.ToUpper())"
$this |
    Set-OBSSceneItemBlendMode -SceneItemBlendMode $blendMode

                        $cropTable = [Ordered]@{
    cropBottom = 0
    cropLeft = 0
    cropRight = 0
    cropTop = 0

$MatchingKey = [Regex]::new("(?&gt;$(
    @($cropTable.Keys -join '|'
    $cropTable.Keys -replace '^crop' -join '|') -join ''
))", 'IgnoreCase')

$currentKey = ''
foreach ($arg in $args) {
    if ($arg -is [Collections.IDictionary]) {
        foreach ($keyValue in $arg.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($keyValue.Key -match $MatchingKey) {
                $cropTable[$matches.0 -replace '^crop' -replace '^', 'crop'] = $keyValue.Value
    if ($arg -is [string] -and $arg -match $MatchingKey) {
        $currentKey = $matches.0 -replace '^crop' -replace '^', 'crop'
    if ($arg -is [int] -and $currentKey) {
        $cropTable[$currentKey] = $arg
        $currentKey = ''

$this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform $cropTable

                        $this | Set-OBSSceneItemEnabled -sceneItemEnabled:$false

                        $this | Set-OBSSceneItemEnabled -sceneItemEnabled

                        $videoSettings = Get-OBSVideoSettings

$this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform ([PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
    alignment = 0
    height = $videoSettings.outputHeight
    positionX = [int]($videoSettings.outputWidth / 2)
    positionY = [int]($videoSettings.outputHeight / 2)
    width = $videoSettings.outputWidth
                        $this | Set-OBSSceneItemLocked -sceneItemLocked
                        $this | Remove-OBSSceneItem
[Alias('Degrees', 'Rotation')]

$this | Set-OBSSceneItemTransform -SceneItemTransform @{
    rotation = $Degree
                        $this | Set-OBSSceneItemLocked -sceneItemLocked:$false

                        $this.sceneItemBlendMode -replace '^OBS_BLEND_'

                        return $this.sceneItemEnabled



                        return $this.sceneItemIndex


$hexChar = [Regex]::new('[0-9a-f]')
$hexColors = @($hexChar.Matches($Color))

switch ($hexColors.Length) {
    8 {
        #full rgba
        $alpha = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[0..1] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $red = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[2..3] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $green = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[4..5] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $blue = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[6..7] -join '', 'HexNumber')
    6 {
        #rgb only, assume ff for alpha
        $alpha = 0xff
        $red = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[0..1] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $green = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[2..3] -join '', 'HexNumber')
        $blue = [byte]::Parse($hexColors[4..5] -join '', 'HexNumber')
    4 {
        #short rgba
        $alpha = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[0],$hexColors[0] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $red = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[1],$hexColors[1] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $green = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[2],$hexColors[2] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $blue = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[3],$hexColors[3] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
    3 {
        #short rgb, assume f for alpha
        $alpha = 0xff
        $red = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[0],$hexColors[0] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $green = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[1],$hexColors[1] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
        $blue = [byte]::Parse(($hexColors[2],$hexColors[2] -join ''), 'HexNumber')
    0 {
        # No color provided, default to transparent black
        $alpha = 0
        $red = 0
        $green = 0
        $blue = 0

$hexColor = ("{0:x2}{1:x2}{2:x2}{3:x2}" -f $alpha, $blue, $green, $red)

$realColor = [uint32]::Parse($hexColor,'HexNumber')

$this | Set-OBSInputSettings -InputSettings ([Ordered]@{color=$realColor})
