
function Connect-OBS
        Connects to Open Broadcast Studio
        Connects to the obs-websocket.

        This must occur at least once to use obs-powershell.

    # The OBS websocket URL. If not provided, this will default to loopback on port 4455.
        if ($_.Scheme -ne 'ws') {
            throw "Not a websocket uri"
        return $true
    $WebSocketUri = "ws://$([ipaddress]::Loopback):4455",

    # A randomly generated password used to connect to OBS.
    # You can see the websocket password in Tools -> obs-websocket settings -> show connect info

    begin {
        if ($home) {
            $obsPowerShellRoot = Join-Path $home '.obs-powershell'

    process {        
        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'NewConnection') {
            $connectionExists = $script:ObsConnections[$WebSocketUri]
            if ($connectionExists -and 
                $connectionExists.State -eq 'Running' -and
                $connectionExists.WebSocket.State -eq 'Open'
            ) {
                Write-Verbose "Already connected"

            Watch-OBS @PSBoundParameters
        elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ExistingConnections') {
            if ($script:ObsConnections.Count) {
            } else {
                $storedSockets = Get-ChildItem -path $obsPowerShellRoot -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Filter *.obs-websocket.clixml

                if (-not $storedSockets) {
                        PSTypeName = 'obs-powershell.not.connected'
                        Message    = 'No connections to OBS. Use Connect-OBS to connect.'
                } else {
                    $storedSockets |
                        Import-Clixml |