@{ ModuleVersion = '0.1.1' RootModule = 'obs-powershell.psm1' Description = 'Script OBS with PowerShell' Guid = '1417123e-a932-439f-9b68-a7313cf1e170' Author = 'James Brundage' CompanyName = 'Start-Automating' Copyright = '2022 Start-Automating' FormatsToProcess = 'obs-powershell.format.ps1xml' TypesToProcess = 'obs-powershell.types.ps1xml' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = 'PowerShell', 'OBS' ProjectURI = 'https://github.com/StartAutomating/obs-powershell' LicenseURI = 'https://github.com/StartAutomating/obs-powershell/blob/main/LICENSE' ReleaseNotes = @' ## obs-powershell 0.1.1 * Connect-OBS now caches connections (Fixes #18) * Adding new core commands: * Watch-OBS (Fixes #19) * Receive-OBS (Fixes #20) * Send-OBS (Fixes #21) * All commands now support -PassThru (Fixes #16) * All commands now increment requests correctly (Fixes #15) * Improved formatting: * Get-OBSScene (Fixes #14) * Get-OBSSceneItem (Fixes #17) --- ## obs-powershell 0.1 Initial Release of obs-powershell * Connect-OBS/Disconnect-OBS let you connect and disconnect. * Commands exist for every request in the websocket. * OBS Events are broadcast to the the runspace. '@ } } FunctionsToExport = '' <#{ $exportNames = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter '*-*.ps1' | Where-Object Name -notmatch '\.[^\.]+\.ps1' | Foreach-Object { $_.Name.Substring(0, $_.Name.Length - $_.Extension.Length) } "'$($exportNames -join "',$([Environment]::Newline)'")'" }#> } |