<# .SYNOPSIS The localized resource strings in English (en-US) for the resource nxFile. #> ConvertFrom-StringData @' nxFileShouldBeAbsent = The item '{0}' was found but should be 'Absent'. TypeMismatch = The Type for item '{0}' was expected to be '{1} but was '{2}' instead. ContentsMismatch = The Content of '{0}' was not as expected. {2} ChecksumMismatch = The DestinationPath '{0}' with checksum, '{2}' did not match the expected checksum of '{1}'. ModeMismatch = The mode of '{0}' did not match the expected value '{1}'. The Mode is '{2}'. OwnerMismatch = The expected Owner for '{0}' is '{1}' but was '{2}' instead. GroupMismatch = The expected Group for '{0}' is '{1}' but was '{2}' instead. nxItemNotFound = The Item '{0}' was not found. nxFileInDesiredState = The item '{0}' is in the Desired State. SourcePathNotFound = Source item not found at '{0}'. CompareChecksum = Comparing file checksum '{0}' with desired checksum '{1}'. CreateFile = Creating the item '{0}' as per the desired state. SetFile = Setting the item '{0}' as per the desired state. SetTypeError = The item '{0}' of type '{2}' while we desire type '{1}'. We have no way of correcting this at the moment. SetFileContent = Setting file content for '{0}'. CopySourceToDestination = Copying Source file '{0}' to Destination '{1}'. GetFileContent = Getting the raw content of '{0}'. CompareCtime = Comparing current item '{0}' ctime of '{1}' against the source '{2}'. CompareMtime = Comparing current item '{0}' mtime of '{1}' against the source '{2}'. '@ |