

# Global settings
$InformationPreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version 2

# Script variables
$semVerPattern = "^(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$"

$script:BuildDirectories = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]'


Function Use-EnvVar



        $val = $Default
        if (Test-Path "Env:\$Name")
            $val = (Get-Item "Env:\$Name").Value
        } elseif ($PSBoundParameters.keys -notcontains "Default")
            Write-Error "Missing environment variable ($Name) and no default specified"

        if ($PSBoundParameters.keys -contains "Check")
            $ret = $val | ForEach-Object -Process $Check
            if (!$ret)
                Write-Error "Source string (${Source}) failed validation"



Function Get-BuildVersionInfo

        foreach ($src in $Sources)
            if ($null -eq $src -or $src -eq "")

            Write-Verbose "Processing version candidate: ${src}"

            # Strip any refs/tags/ reference at the beginning of the version source
            $tagBranch = "refs/tags/"
            if ($src.StartsWith($tagBranch))
                Write-Verbose "Version starts with refs/tags format - Removing"
                $src = $src.Substring($tagBranch.Length)

            if ($src.StartsWith("v"))
                Write-Verbose "Version starts with 'v' - Removing"
                $src = $src.Substring(1)

            if ($src -notmatch $semVerPattern)
                Write-Verbose "Version string not in correct format. skipping"

            $Prerelease = $Matches[4]
            if ($null -eq $Prerelease) {
                $Prerelease = ""

            $Buildmetadata = $Matches[5]
            if ($null -eq $Buildmetadata) {
                $Buildmetadata = ""

            $major = [Convert]::ToInt32($Matches[1])
            $minor = [Convert]::ToInt32($Matches[2])
            $patch = [Convert]::ToInt32($Matches[3])
            $plain = "${major}.${minor}.${patch}"

            Write-Verbose "Version is valid"
                Full = $src
                Major = $major
                Minor = $minor
                Patch = $patch
                Prerelease = $Prerelease
                Buildmetadata = $Buildmetadata
                PlainVersion = $plain
                BuildVersion = ("{0}.{1}" -f $plain, (Get-BuildNumber))
                AssemblyVersion = "${major}.0.0.0"


        # throw error as we didn't find a valid version source
        Write-Error "Could not find a valid version source"


Function Assert-SuccessExitCode

        [int[]]$ValidCodes = @(0)

        if ($ValidCodes -notcontains $ExitCode)
            Write-Error "Invalid exit code: ${ExitCode}"


Function Invoke-BuildStage



        if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Filters" -and  ($Filters | ForEach-Object { $Name -eq $_ }) -notcontains $true)
            # Filters have been supplied and our build stage name doesn't match

        try {
            Write-Information ""
            Write-Information ("================ BEGIN ({0}) Stage: $Name" -f [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmm"))
            Write-Information ""

            & $Script *>&1 |
                ForEach-Object {
                    $timestamp = [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd:HHmm")

                    if ([System.Management.Automation.InformationRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                        ("{0} (INFO): {1}" -f $timestamp, $_.ToString())
                    elseif ([System.Management.Automation.VerboseRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                        ("{0} (VERBOSE): {1}" -f $timestamp, $_.ToString())
                    elseif ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                        ("{0} (ERROR): {1}" -f $timestamp, $_.ToString())
                        $_ | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
                            ("{0} (ERROR): {1}" -f $timestamp, $_.ToString())
                    elseif ([System.Management.Automation.DebugRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                        ("{0} (DEBUG): {1}" -f $timestamp, $_.ToString())
                    elseif ([System.Management.Automation.WarningRecord].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                        ("{0} (WARNING): {1}" -f $timestamp, $_.ToString())
                    elseif ([string].IsAssignableFrom($_.GetType()))
                        ("{0} (INFO): {1}" -f $timestamp, $_.ToString())
                        # Don't do ToString() here as this breaks things like Format-Table that
                        # don't convert to string properly. Out-String (below) will handle this for us.
                } | Out-String -Stream
            Write-Information ("================ END ({0}) Stage: $_" -f [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmm"))
        } catch {
            $ex = $_

            # Display as information - Some systems don't show the exception properly
            Write-Information "Invoke-BuildStages failed with exception"
            Write-Information "Exception Information: $ex"
            Write-Information ("Exception is null?: " + ($null -eq $ex).ToString())

            Write-Information "Exception Members:"
            $ex | Get-Member

            Write-Information "Exception Properties: "
            $ex | Format-List -property *

            # rethrow exception
            throw $ex


Function Format-TemplateFile



        $dirPath = ([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Target))
        if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dirPath)) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $dirPath -EA Ignore

        Get-Content $Template -Encoding UTF8 | Format-TemplateString -Content $Content | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 $Target


Function Format-TemplateString


        $working = $TemplateString

        $Content.Keys | ForEach-Object { $working = $working.Replace($_, $Content[$_]) }



Function Get-BuildNumber {

        $MinDate = New-Object DateTime -ArgumentList 1970, 1, 1
        [Int64]([DateTime]::Now - $MinDate).TotalDays


Function Use-BuildDirectories

        $Directories | ForEach-Object { Use-BuildDirectory $_ }


Function Use-BuildDirectory

        New-Item -ItemType Directory $Path -EA Ignore | Out-Null

        Write-Information "Using build directory: ${Path}"
        if (!(Test-Path $Path -PathType Container)) {
            Write-Error "Target does not exist or is not a directory"

        try {
            Get-Item $Path -Force | Out-Null
        } catch {
            Write-Error $_

        $script:BuildDirectories.Add($Path) | Out-Null


Function Clear-BuildDirectory

        Use-BuildDirectory -Path $Path | Out-Null
        Write-Information "Clearing directory: ${Path}"
        Get-ChildItem -Path $Path | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item -Path $_.FullName -Recurse -Force }


Function Clear-BuildDirectories

        Write-Information "Clearing build directories"
        Get-BuildDirectories | ForEach-Object { Clear-BuildDirectory $_ }


Function Get-BuildDirectories

        $script:BuildDirectories | ForEach-Object { $_ }