.SYNOPSIS Test the functionality of the PowerShell module nl.nlsw.Document. .DESCRIPTION Runs functional tests of the functions and classes in the nl.nlsw.Document module. .PARAMETER Quiet No output to the host .NOTES @date 2022-04-05 @author Ernst van der Pols @language PowerShell 5 #> # __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ____ ____ ____ # | \| |=== |/\| |___ | |--- |=== ==== [__] |--- | |/\| |--| |--< |=== # # @file Test-nl.nlsw.Document.ps1 # @copyright Ernst van der Pols, Licensed under the EUPL-1.2-or-later # @note this file must be UTF8-with-BOM, otherwise WinPS does not consider it Unicode. # #requires -version 5.1 #requires -modules nl.nlsw.TestSuite using namespace nl.nlsw.Identifiers using namespace nl.nlsw.Items [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [switch]$Quiet ) begin { # log the tests $suite = New-TestSuite "Module nl.nlsw.Document" -quiet:$Quiet } process { $suite | test-case "Module manifest nl.nlsw.Document.psd1" { Test-ModuleManifest "$PSScriptRoot\..\nl.nlsw.Document.psd1" | out-null; $? } $true $module = $( $suite | test-case "Import module nl.nlsw.Document" { Import-Module "nl.nlsw.Document" -passThru } ([System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo]) -passThru).output $suite | test-case "`$module.Name == 'nl.nlsw.Document'" { $module.Name } "nl.nlsw.Document" # test of nl.nlsw.Identifiers.UrnUri $urn = $( $suite | test-case "`$urn = new UrnUri('urn:isbn:9789032300937')" { ,[nl.nlsw.Identifiers.UrnUri]::New("urn:isbn:9789032300937") } ([nl.nlsw.Identifiers.UrnUri]) -passThru ).output $suite | test-case "`$urn.NID == 'isbn'" { $urn.NID } "isbn" $suite | test-case "`$urn.NSS" { $urn.NSS } "9789032300937" $suite | test-case "`$urn == new UrnUri('urn:ISBN:9789032300937')" { $urn } (new-object nl.nlsw.Identifiers.UrnUri "urn:ISBN:9789032300937") $suite | test-case "`$urn.ToString()" { $urn.ToString() } "urn:isbn:9789032300937" # test of nl.nlsw.Identifiers.TelUri $tel = $( $suite | test-case "`$tel = new TelUri('tel:+1-23-456789')" { ,[nl.nlsw.Identifiers.TelUri]::New("tel:+1-23-456789") } ([nl.nlsw.Identifiers.TelUri]) -passThru ).output $suite | test-case "`$tel.Number == +123456789" { $tel.Number } "+123456789" $suite | test-case "`$tel.IsGlobal" { $tel.IsGlobal } $true $suite | test-case "`$tel == new TelUri('tel:+123456789')" { $tel } (new-object nl.nlsw.Identifiers.TelUri "tel:+123456789") $suite | test-case "`$tel.ToString()" { $tel.ToString() } "tel:+1-23-456789" $tel = $( $suite | test-case "`$tel = new TelUri('tel:112;phone-context=+31')" { ,[nl.nlsw.Identifiers.TelUri]::New("tel:112;phone-context=+31") } ([nl.nlsw.Identifiers.TelUri]) -passThru ).output $suite | test-case "`$tel.Number == 112" { $tel.Number } "112" $suite | test-case "`$tel.IsGlobal (no)" { $tel.IsGlobal } $false $suite | test-case "`$tel == new TelUri('tel:1-1-2;phone-context:+3-1')" { $tel } (new-object nl.nlsw.Identifiers.TelUri "tel:1-1-2;phone-context=+3-1") $suite | test-case "`$tel.ToString()" { $tel.ToString() } "tel:112;phone-context=+31" # test of nl.nlsw.Items.CompoundValue $cv = $( $suite | test-case "`$cv = new CompoundValue()" { ,[nl.nlsw.Items.CompoundValue]::New("1,2,(3,4),5") } ([nl.nlsw.Items.CompoundValue]) -passThru ).output $suite | test-case "`$cv.Count == 4" { $cv.Count } 4 $suite | test-case "`$cv[2].Count == 2" { $cv[2].Count } 2 $suite | test-case "`$cv.ToString()" { $cv.ToString() } "1,2,(3,4),5" # test nl.nlsw.Items.Property interface $prop = $( $suite | test-case "new nl.nlsw.Items.Property" { new-object nl.nlsw.Items.Property } ([nl.nlsw.Items.Property]) -passThru ).output $suite | test-case "Property initial state" { !$prop.Name -and !$prop.Value -and !$prop.HasAttributes } $true $suite | test-case "Property.GetAttribute('Undefined','DefaultValue')" { $prop.GetAttribute('Undefined','DefaultValue') } "DefaultValue" $suite | test-case "Property.Attributes.Set('Defined','DefinedValue')" { $prop.Attributes.Set('Defined','DefinedValue'); $prop.GetAttribute('Defined','DefaultValue') } "DefinedValue" $suite | test-case "Property.HasAttributes" { $prop.HasAttributes } $true $suite | test-case "Property['Defined']" { $prop['Defined'] } "DefinedValue" $suite | test-case "Property.Name" { $prop.Name = "property"; $prop.Name } "property" $suite | test-case "Property.Value = `"waarde`"" { $prop.Value ="waarde"; $prop.Value } "waarde" # test nl.nlsw.Items.CompoundProperty interface $prop = $( $suite | test-case "new nl.nlsw.Items.CompoundProperty" { new-object nl.nlsw.Items.CompoundProperty } ([nl.nlsw.Items.CompoundProperty]) -passThru ).output $suite | test-case "CompoundProperty.Value = `"waarde`"" { $prop.Value ="waarde"; $prop.Value } "waarde" $suite | test-case "CompoundProperty.GetValue([0[,0]]) == `"waarde`"" { $prop.GetValue() -eq "waarde" -and $prop.GetValue(0) -eq "waarde" -and $prop.GetValue(0,0) -eq "waarde" } $true $suite | test-case "CompoundProperty.GetValue(0,1)" { $prop.GetValue(0,1) } $null $suite | test-case "CompoundProperty.AddValue(`"waarde2`",0)" { $prop.AddValue("waarde2",0); $prop.GetValue(0,1) } "waarde2" $suite | test-case "CompoundProperty.Value[1] = `"waarde3`" (index-out-of-range)" { $prop.Value[1] = "waarde3"; $prop.GetValue(1) } ([System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException]) $suite | test-case "CompoundProperty.SetValue(`"waarde3`",1)" { $prop.SetValue("waarde3",1); $prop.GetValue(1) } "waarde3" $suite | test-case "CompoundProperty.AddValue(`"waarde4`",1)" { $prop.AddValue("waarde4",1); $prop.GetValue(1).ToString() } "(waarde3,waarde4)" $suite | test-case "CompoundProperty.GetValue(0,0)" { $prop.GetValue(0,0) } "waarde" $suite | test-case "CompoundProperty.Value.ToString() (compound value)" { $prop.Value.ToString() } "(waarde,waarde2),(waarde3,waarde4)" # create a new ItemList and test the initial state $ItemList = $( $suite | test-case "`$ItemList = new Items.ItemList" { new-object nl.nlsw.Items.ItemList } ([nl.nlsw.Items.ItemList]) -passThru ).output $suite | test-case "Items.ItemList initial state" { $ItemList.Count -eq 0 } $true # create a new ItemObject $item = $( $suite | test-case "`$item = `$ItemList.NewItem()" { $ItemList.NewItem("First Item") } ([nl.nlsw.Items.ItemObject]) -passThru ).output $suite | test-case "`$ItemList.Count == 1" { $ItemList.Count } 1 $suite | test-case "`$ItemList[0].Identifier (index and Item.Identifier test)" { $ItemList[0].Identifier } $item.Identifier $suite | test-case "`$ItemList[`$item.Identifier].Identifier == `$item.Identifier (lookup test)" { $ItemList[$item.Identifier.ToString()].Identifier } $item.Identifier # test nl.nlsw.Items.ItemObject interface $suite | test-case "ItemObject.ItemList" { $ItemList.Equals($item.ItemList) } $true $suite | test-case "ItemObject.Name" { $item.Name } "First Item" $suite | test-case "ItemObject.HasProperties" { $item.HasProperties } $false $suite | test-case "ItemObject invalid interface access (exception)" { $item.Properties[0].GetFormattedName() } ([System.Exception]) } end { # return the tests in the pipeline $suite | Write-TestResult -passThru } |